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DOOM8088 on Real Hardware

TurboXT and PCJr. What it's like to play DOOM at 1 FPS on real 8088 hardware. The TurboXT even has a 10MB MFM HDD to run it from, and I amplified those glorious seeking sounds. #DOOM #DOOM8088 #8088 #vintagegaming #retrogaming #IBM…

Local Stable Diffusion, Solar Powered 7900XTX

My little chonky squirrel, courtesy of my solar powered 7900XTX with Stable Diffusion. 2560x1536 resolution.

#localai #stablediffusion #radeon #rocm #amd

Solar for the win

Winter is fully here in Maryland. The heat pumps have been running continuously for hours. It's 18f outside, and will get much colder with the vortex. 6-8 inches of snow tomorrow will cover the solar, so we'll be operating off our banked kWh with the utility, of which 4MWh remains. Thankful we have that much since I don't expect the solar to melt off for a week or more. If I really had to I guess I could find a teenager to broom off the ground mounts 😆 #solar #winter #renewables #Netmetering

Win98 Flower Box Saver on Win10

I just extracted the 3D Flower Box screensaver from Win98's ISO, dropped it into my Windows 10's system32 folder, and.......IT WORKS! IN 4K !! #retro #win98 #screensavers