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I think mandating alt-text on Friendica & Mastodon depend in the server? So you may not be able to force-remind yourself, but you should still use #AltText 😀

Just a reminder: pictures with Alt-Text are extra-awesome :) And in case you're sometimes forgetful like I am, pixelfed has an opt-in feature that forces you to add alt text before posting if you enable it :) (navigate to Settings then Media to turn on)
#AltText #Accessibility #NatureLove #Happymaking #Capybara
in reply to Xap Mapcase

If you don't add alt-text that's useful and accurate enough, Mastodon users won't care which server of what software you're on and what the rules are where you are. (They won't know what software you use anyway.) They will at the very least lecture you about the importance of alt-text, if not out-right attack you as ableist and/or sanction you.

It is due to this and due to the corresponding behaviour of Mastodon users that the Friendica community is slowly discovering that alt-text matters and learning what it is. It had been completely unknown and especially not part of Friendica's culture for almost a decade and a half.

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Someone just gave me a heads-up about this site… Free heirloom seeds for starting your garden? 🧐

This seems like a really cool organization

#gardening #solarpunk #resist

UK Celtic discoveries:…

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For the first time in 185 years, the world's smallest otter makes a comeback in Nepal…

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Today's #TinyJoy picture taken on this morning's walk. Also met a couple more of the neighbors, and just enjoyed some nice time outside 😊

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Xap Mapcase reshared this.

Bit of a catch-up? Have a few of the #TinyJoy or JustBecause photos I've taken the last couple of weeks that weren't previously posted....
#Happymaking #NatureLove #MyNeighbors #RightOutsideTheDoor #xapCrafts

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Xap Mapcase reshared this.

BEAUTIFUL day for a walk.....just stayed in the neighborhood due to schedules, and didn't go too far bc trying not to stress the knees (they were rather upset yesterday), but still quite enjoyed the fresh air and nature #TinyJoy #NatureLove #Happymaking

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Xap Mapcase reshared this.

Five years ago
the refrigerated cases
at the grocery store
were running low on eggs
as the pandemic approached.

Now, five years later,
the refrigerated cases
at the grocery store
are running low on eggs
as the next pandemic approaches.

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Xap Mapcase reshared this.

Just under fifteen minutes until I’m live singing #folkSongs for the Internet. Joins us!…

Gill's out of hospital, my head isn't full of mucus and I have a shiny new Ear Trumpet Labs microphone called Myrtle to show off.

So I'll be streaming #folkSongs tonight from 8pm UK time. #TOTP snark's been fun these last few weeks, but a boy's gotta sing!

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Hey friends, I'm in need of help paying for moving costs due to a series of unfortunate events. If you can donate, I'd appreciate! If you can't, boosting by sharing everywhere is also a huge help. Thank you!

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ooooo, they found a whole lot of the old canals!

Archaeologists Discover a Network of More Than 4,000 Canals and 700 Farms in Eridu, the First City in History According to Mesopotamian Sources…

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Xap Mapcase reshared this.

Fell rather behind on posting, but still trying to be mindful, and finding at least one #TinyJoy every day. I'm thankful I've had quite a few (of all sizes) recently. Def helps with all the rocky and rough patches.

Made a screw up this morning, luckily with minimal long-term damage. And even though it threw my schedule a bit off, these daffodils were still ready to brighten things up when I did get going 😊
#NatureLove #RightOutsideTheDoor

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It's Bandcamp Friday! Here's a few things to get you started 😀

Adam Griff Sanford's firstalbum is out TODAY!

If you decide to get your tickets for Sooj & Leslie's upcoming livestream today, they get a lil more 💰for the magic they do:…

Dr. Mary Crowell also has a new ablum!…

Jen Midkiff had a great FAWM, and is sharing batch 1 with everyone:…

MANY more filk-related links are stored at

Wondering how much time is left to maximize your shopping?

#Bandcamp #BandcampFriday #Filk #FilkMusic #SupportMusicians #SupportMusic

xap posts! The not-fun version.....

Given how their struggles have been increasing, especially the last few months, I should have expected it, but between the world and my own life I had enough other focuses that I rather hoped it'd be a bit longer. Unfortunately I was wrong, and last week failed to make it through Company Downsizing Round #5 😞 Laid off after 18 years, 1 month, 10 days....pretty sure résumé formats have changed just a skosh 😆
So that’s A Thing (and if you know of any opportunities for someone with a good chunk of experience in Supply Chain Admin, feel free to drop a note?)

(yes, at least at the moment doing more okay than expected given Everything. And am get a small severance so fiscally can manage for a bit. And have fantastic family & friends whom I adore).

Knitronomicon reshared this.

in reply to Xap Mapcase

Hey... just saw this post. I'm so sorry about the layoff. Having been let go after almost 28 years, I know the feeling. I don't have any leads, but if I can help w/ resume pointers or anything, please let me know!

Xap Mapcase reshared this.

Eurofilk #filk on Thursday 6 March at 18:00 Central European Time! First one to guess which occasion we will celebrate will win some sort of prize! (Well, maybe not much of a prize. Except egoboo for knowing excessive amounts of trivia.)…
Meeting ID: 844 1661 1548
Password: philker

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Xap Mapcase reshared this.

She was NOT impressed that I was insisting on photos, but happy 15th birthday to our Gracie-cat
#CatsOfPixelfed #Gracie-Grace #happymaking

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Xap Mapcase reshared this.

Tasty foods with dear ones is definitely a #TinyJoy (much prettier on the plate, served over some golden spaghetti squash, but we were too busy enjoying to record 😆)

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So that's a thing (that I did not notice until a friend checked in)…

If you have a pet that has a microchip (highly recommended for eligible critters, even indoor-only; things happen) you should make sure you know who it's by/with. Even if it's not with Save Your Pet, this is also a good reminder to verify that your data is up-to-date.…

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300 hours until Hugo nominations close!…

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Yesterday started out misty, but cleared nicely. Took a walk in the neighborhood, and made it further down than previously - far enough to see the Olympics
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

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in reply to Stone Bear

He's the last from their old 4-H project, living the life he wants according to the family (did you know Eddie down the road? His folk) 😀 He really did seem to quite enjoy going out with his 'herd'

As noted, it's at least a start!…

A good start!

(h/t Lillia)

The Met Returns Stolen Seventh-Century B.C.E. Bronze Griffin Head to Greece…

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Refilling bits that'd gotten WAY to low
(something that's actually a pretty big joy)

#NatureLove #TinyJoy #NewAdventuresForXap #happymaking

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

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Didn't make it out for walk today, but a major time-sensitive task was accomplished plus talked to my dad and my youngest. And enjoyed a lovely view.
#RightOutsideTheDoor #TinyJoy #Sunset
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Xap Mapcase reshared this.

Xap Mapcase reshared this.

This is a neat idea!

(h/t Ysabet)

Bringing picture books to life for blind and visually impaired children…

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Xap Mapcase reshared this.

An #arrowhead made of #meteorite iron: around 1,500 BC, a meteorite struck #Estonia. A fragment of it arrived - presumably in the baggage of an amber trader - at what is now Lake Biel, #Switzerland. An arrowhead was then made there from the cosmic iron.

From Mörigen, 900-800 BC.

📷 me


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Today was really really crappy, and seemed determined to remind me why February is often far from my favorite month. And to underscore that in many ways this particular February has had a lot of crap. But did get out briefly for a bit of a walk so yay? Stellar jays, fresh air, nature #TinyJoy

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Still trying to pay more attention to finding #TinyJoy every day, even if I don't always share. One of yesterday's was making a very tasty (soda) bread pudding 💙

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Phone camera was completely inadequate, but what I had. Still, got to enjoy the Gorgeous for a moment

#naturelove #TinyJoy

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Xap Mapcase reshared this.

okay this is DELIGHTFUL

(h/t Lillia)

What can theoretical physics teach us about knitting?…

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