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Should people have a choice to attempt living outside of capitalism?

## Should people have a choice to attempt living outside of capitalism?

That is for consenting adults to form a community and live outside the system of exchange, under their own rules, based on their own forms of production and consumption?
Not individual right granted, respected, and guarded by the state, as this already exists as long as land can be acquired through exchange, tax liabilities and other obligations are met, an individual can buy land and live pretty much as the individual wants. As long as neighboring properties are unaffected by their activity, air and ground/water is not polluted. Ideally, but in most states even this does not go on too well. But individual autonomy is not a real issue as such never existed and will never exist outside capitalism and wealth.

The issue of community not participating in any form of exchange and attempting to survive outside the "system", {is, should be, is not, should not be} a possibility? How dictatorial has current reality become, to blackmail people to either participate in capitalism, usually at the wrong end of the exploitation chain, to exchange labor for survival needs? Under many political systems this is a reality within what is projected as democracy, coercion, extortion, blackmail. "You can believe what you want but it is either playing inside capitalism or dying alone".
As long as a thin majority participates in elections and legitimates this political system this blackmail is forced on everyone. It doesn't matter whether you like or dislike participation in this market of exchanged, you have to subject to this slavery for survival.

The parliamentary left has no problem with this, but neither does the extra-parliamentary radical or Marxist left. The dictatorship of the majority is respected by political competitors, participating in this pseudo-democratic system. The game of who gets a chance to enforce their game on everyone, despite of what they may like or want.

For those who are committed in the idealism of not participating in violence, the option is simple. Capitalism or suicide. This is the true nature of freedom in capitalism, living slave or dying free.

It wasn't always like this, there existed public lands where a small community could congregate and occupy a territory and survive by not bothering or being bothered. Even in the US in the 1960s, there were communes, not all were built on private land.
Lately such options have been minimized. Public land under the neoliberal terminology "state property" have excluded people not just from living but even accessing, and this state ownership also justifies sale/exchange to private interests. This "green revolution" has been the primary vehicle of stripping human rights from land and water bodies and allowing land grab by mega-energy-corporations.
It is this slim majority again, the dictators, stripping human rights from "everyone" and acting as mega-corporations' best partner in crime. Lumber, mining, meat/dairy production, and off-shore oil/gas exploration are the primary aggressors here. Land/Water GRUB = late capitalism

Where industry used to occupy the little property to organize mass production, today industry is occupying the vast majority of land and water, squeezing the exploited and oppressed in small spaces and ultimate dependence to exchanging labor and resources.


Should there be a choice for people to collectively exit the system of exchange and form a collective system of sharing work and products?

#marxism #anarchism #communism #communalism #corporatism #dialectic #materialism #IWW #libertarian #libertarianism #neoliberalism #theory #wobblies #socialism ?

@yogthos @Heretical_i

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As we reflect on the past year, remember the food industry workers who make it possible to have food on our plates, and their struggle against oppression and exploitation.…

#union #wobblies #iww #restaurantworkers #labor #restaurantlife #workers

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Today in Labor History January 1, 1879: Ben Reitman was born on this day. Reitman was a comrade and one-time lover of Emma Goldman, a doctor to hobos and prostitutes, and an anarchist organizer. He wrote the novel, “Boxcar Bertha.” Scorsese later made a film based on this book. Reitman became a hobo at the age of ten, but returned to Chicago and got a job in a lab. In 1900, he started medical school. His first daughter founded the nudist Out-of-Door Club at Highland, New York. As a physician, Reitman performed many abortions when they were still illegal. In 1907 he founded the Hobo College for migrant education, political organizing and social services. The during San Diego Free Speech Fight in 1912-1913, vigilantes tarred and feathered him, burned “IWW” into his skin and raped him with a broom. In 1916, he served six-month in prison for breaking the Comstock Law by disseminating information on birth control.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #benreitman #emmagoldman #IWW #freespeech #prostitution #sexwork #abortion #immigration #birthcontrol #prison #writer #author #books #novels #fiction @bookstadon

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Today in Labor History January 1, 1804: Haitian slaves, led by Jean Jacques Desalines, declared independence from France, making Haiti the first free black republic in the world. The U.S. refused to recognize Haiti for the next 70. France extracted millions in restitution, destroying any hope of ever moving out of deep poverty. The slave revolt against the French began in 1791 with the call by Dutty Boukman, a vodou priest. Toussaint L'Ouverture led the revolution. (For a really great history of the Haitian revolution, please see the “Black Jacobins,” by C. L. R. James)

#workingclass #LaborHistory #haiti #Revolution #ToussaintLOuverture #boukman #slavery #books #author #writer #nonfiction @bookstadon

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Today in Labor History January 1, 1994: The Zapatista Army of National Liberation began twelve days of armed conflict in the Mexican state of Chiapas. The Zapatistas are a libertarian socialist political and militant group made up of mostly Indigenous People that now controls a substantial amount of territory in Chiapas. They have been nominally at war with the Mexican state since 1994. However, in recent years, they have focused more on civil than military resistance.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #zapatistas #mexico #revolution #socialism #chiapas #indigenous

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H Human Rights Watch καταγράφει τον συστηματικό τρόπο με τον οποίο το Ισραήλ έκοψε την πρόσβαση των Παλαιστίνιων σε καθαρό νερό. Άλλωστε η ηγεσία του Ισραήλ καυχιόταν σε όλους τους τόνους για αυτό το έγκλημα πολέμου από την πρώτη στιγμή…

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You are just being offensive here to avoid rational arguments and the debate in total. Communism by the way is not the private property of Marxist Leninist vanguards, nor did the proletariat ask them to be the guard dogs of communist orthodoxy.

In many ways both Leninism and Maoism are reform capitalism, exchanging one ruling class for a managerial/political party elite, while keeping the structure as capitalist as any. That would make libertarian communists the only true "communists" since they denounce exchange and propose the replacement of all forms of exchange with collective relations. The true revolution that leads to communism.

Producing Lada's and Jastava to export and exchange for French perfume, or toys for the elite of the party is not that far from what US capitalists do. And they were doing so by suppressing human rights of the workers, while keeping the potential standards of living low. Pol Pot may had been right about one thing. 99% of communist party elites, especially those of European or N.American origin, would have been shot right between the eyes. Because they truly became the blood suckers of the workers they were misleading. And look at them now!

How can those people ever read Marx & Engels and get it so wrong? How can you avert from reconstructing capitalism when you replicate bit by bit every social structure capitalism ever developed. The university, or education system in general, 100% capitalist, the health system/hospital industrial model, the centralization of administration of all "public" affairs? Even police and armies were organized as carbon copies of capitalist ones. Industry? You can replicate a Ford plant but leave Ford out and that is anti-capitalism. WRONG! You replicate the plant you created capitalism. Who ever controls and manages the plant is THE CAPITALIST!

The only reason Ford created the plant was to produce profit. Why did the Soviets produce Lada Volga and Stolichnaya? Why not have each commune district dictate what they need manufactured and organize their own manufacturing to address their own needs? Because those decisions are made and controlled centrally, at air conditioned offices like those in NY, London, Paris. I know DC is the capital officially, but the true Kapital is NY!

@Heretical_i @Yogthos

@heretical_i practising something on individual level is just being a liberal. Communism is fundamentally about collective action. Something an actual communist would understand.

in reply to yianiris

The proletariat don need no steekin' Vanguard. 😎🤣
Seen this?

imperialism defeated

what imperialism has been defeated where and when?

There are a lot of lessons to learn from what Syrians have gone through. It’s a ridiculously rich and messy and complicated experience, and anyone anywhere can learn from it. Dictators can be toppled. States can be overcome. Imperialism can be defeated.

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WTF? 😳 OpenAI whistleblower found dead in San Francisco apartment: Suchir Balaji, 26, claimed the company broke copyright law. Balaji helped gather and organize the enormous amounts of internet data used to train the startup’s ChatGPT chatbot. Information he held was expected to play a key part in lawsuits against the OpenAI…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

Snowden has lived in exile from weeks before the whistle was heard, even people closest to him have had to obtain special permit to visit him in exile and be able to return (there is a long history of Americans being denied citizenship and return to their homeland)

Julian Assange lived in exile, embassy walls, and finally prison cell for some years, before he was allowed "conditional" release.

So it is not always mortality but morbidity that should be studied as well. The leader of PKK in Turkey may never see the light of day again, or not expected to anyhow.

Both ISIS and ISIL trucks seen in pictures over the years are US spec toyotas, most of the arms and equipment surrendered when defeated in battle are marked NATO supplies.

The standard of living of Syrians was the highest in the Arabic world, after Iraq collapsed in 2002, with % of women in labor force, high managerial positions, academia, also highest.

Now CNN and other western femal reporters doing interviews with successor government officials can only expose the pupils of their eyes.

Between a dead Syrian woman and a middle class Saudi wife one can hardly say who is better off.
No US politician has dared speak out on Saudi human rights, especially female rights.

When it comes to US policy, whistleblow may not be accurate, more like whistlecry

in reply to nixCraft 🐧

"while this is a controversial topic here is a list of arguments whether whistle blowers should be alive or not. "

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When people write with their full name and professional identity, express whatever views they are willing to defend as such legal entities.

When they use a nickname they are doing so because "sharing" ideas is more important than defending their ideas as "property".

Unlike google, "f", X, etc, we expect and hope that this practice in fediverse is respected by the server owners.

So pointing fingers on who in real life is every nickname and acct. is either naive or suspect!


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ICL-CIT: **CNT strike stops production! Hundreds join the picket lines!**

"Litera Meat is one of the largest meat processing plants in Spain and possibly in Western Europe. It is located in the town of Binefar, in the Northern province of Huesca, and it is one of the main centres of economic activity in the region. The sprawling complex employs a workforce 1800 strong. CNT called […]"…

#anarchism #bot

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Today in Labor History November 15, 1919: The main headquarters of the New York City Wobblies (IWW) was ransacked and destroyed by agents acting under the US Attorney General Palmer. The Palmer raids were part of the first U.S. communist witch hunt, starting well before the more well-known McCarthy purges. It was also where J. Edgar Hoover cut his baby teeth. Between 1917 and 1919, the IWW membership had plummeted from 300,000 in the U.S. to around 30,000, due in large part to the mass arrests, murders and deportations of IWW members, anarchists, and other radicals during the Palmer raids.

We could soon see a resurgence of this by the state, or by MAGA vigilantes, with a Trump presidency. However, their targets could be mainstream organizations like Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, LGBTQ organizations, immigrants’ rights organizations, and even Democratic Party offices, all of whom have been vilified by the right as “communists.” Not to mention concentration camps to house immigrants pending deportation, and raids of workplaces and schools to round up immigrant workers and children. What are you doing to prepare?

#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #anarchism #wobblies #neworleans #redscare #palmerraids #police #union #repression #freespeech #solidarity #communism #mccarthy #JEdgarHoover #trump #concentrationcamps

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Assumptions - state reform and pseudo-revolutions

Assumptions for socialism to flourish globally

- For humans to improve their material conditions they must have access and consume mass produced industrial products. Therefore they should also be engaged in industrial mass production in the "From each according to its ability, to each according to its need" manner. And equality will just fall from the sky among producers and consumers.

- Industrial production requires mass extraction of metals and chemicals from earth, as well as fuels. There is an infinite amount of materials that can be mined and there is infinite capacity by the ecosystem to recuperate from the damage caused by mining and industrial activity, including power generation (fossil, wind, solar, hydro, nuclear energy transformation - all with a very high ecological footprint) .

- The control of mining, production, transportation, the nature and form of production, is scientifically determined, the decisions are made by experts, and are not up for discussion or debate. The overseeing of execution of those decisions requires central control and power, policing, and that fits well within a socialist society.

- The centralized control of production and consumption, the overseeing of operations, and the policing of everyone's activities according to central plan requires a state apparatus.

- Class is purely determined by economics, the amount of labor exchanged for the amount of consumption, will be regulated, but power of those making decisions and those executing them are not class determinants.

- Going from a world where 80% of the population contributing to mass industrial production and 20% benefiting from this production, we can multiply production so everyone benefits "equally". So x3 x4 current industrial production?

- There is little room for discussing all this as it will be all up in the hands of "experts"/"scientists" to decide. Where people live, how they live, how they work, how they spend their free time, can all be determined by experts.

- Experts are recognized by state institutions such as academia, whose existence is unrelated to capitalism. Universities, research institutions, health and medical organizations, would have been created due to scientific development despite of whether capitalism existed or not. So it is safe to incorporate and continue those social structures as unrelated to capitalism. And so is social control and violent forces terrorizing the masses.

And this is only a stage of transformation, true communism will spring out of this transitional period of superstate superpower control of the globe.

If assumptions are weak or outright wrong, the entire program seems fragile or even disastrous, to humanity and its environment.

But that is NOT what #Marxism is about

#labor #capitalism #neoliberalism #anarchism #fascism #theory #communism #Revolution #socialdemocracy #libertarian #marxist #critical #materialism #dialectical #iww

#capitalism created #fascism to counter #labor organization and power, and to revert the transformation of the state into a #socialdemocracy - some call this process #neoliberalism

The end of linux-kernel as free software we trust – war on FOSS revisited

Open discussion on whether linux continues to be free software or a recruited tool in the hands of Nationalists instigating war and imperialist domination

Should the user make a wise and educated choice whether to follow development of this non-Free fork linux has become?

The end of linux-kernel as free software we trust – war on FOSS revisited

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