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Where Did the Global Elite Go to School? Hierarchy, Harvard, Home and Hegemony

"We examine the educational backgrounds of the global elite, using new data on a diversity of organizational leadership roles as well as the population of the super-rich across the world. First, we find a small number of globally prestigious universities to take on super prominent roles, suggesting a strongly hierarchical distribution of credentials among the global elite. Second, we find a consistent and unique place for Harvard University within this system. ..."

Salas-Díaz, R. and Young, K.L. (2025), Where Did the Global Elite Go to School? Hierarchy, Harvard, Home and Hegemony. Global Networks, 25: e12509.…

Springer forces Zionism upon its German employees

"Unlike employees of its German newspapers, the employees of Politico do not have to sign Axel Springer's mission statement that expresses support for Israel and America's and Europe's transatlantic alliance.[9]"…

Beatles For Sale

2024 is coming to a close. The other evening I was looking back over the decades ending in the number four and realized that several of those decades were life changing for me. Another chapter in my haphazardly written autobiography.

1964 - In August my parents, my 14 y/o sister and I, a strapping youth of 17, moved from Los Alamos, NM to Kano the capital of Northern Nigeria. I was going to miss my senior year of high school and all the activities that year would bring. The following 12 months were one of the most amazing years I ever experienced.
Today is 4 December the 60th anniversary of the release the The Beatles' album Beatles for Sale on EMI's Parlophone label. Most likely my favorite Beatles album.
It was released just before the Christmas holiday. With large British population in Nigeria at the time there were many students returning home from the UK with lots of The Beatles' new album in their suitcases.
My parents and a number of other American educators were employed at the Kano Teachers Training College at the time. Most of those teachers lived in the American "compound". Soon after we moved in to our new California ranch style house I met the three young sisters living next door. One I got to know very well. Her older sister had become friends with a British boy earlier in the year who was returning home for the holidays. With him was Beatles for Sale.
The Kano County Club had a "children only evening". The music selection and dance floor was ours. The only record played was... Yup. Later in the week there was a party at someone's house while the parents were out. For Sale was all we heard in the darken house until someone turned on a light and "Turn off the bloody light" was yelled out. The light was extinguished and the snogging continued. A beautiful ending to 1964. Could not have had a better Senior year.

#Autobiography #Kano Nigeria #Beatles For Sale #Senior Year #Snogging…

A quick review on 2024

This has been a Year of Overcoming Major Challenges, Opportunities, and Exchanges
Before storing these congress badges in a box for collectibles, I am taking a few moments to reflect on 2024, an exceptional year for me, marked by significant moments and enriching encounters. I had the chance to participate in numerous prestigious conferences in Paris, Dublin, and Barcelona, which were highly beneficial in terms of networking.
Despite the significant challenges I had to overcome this year, I managed to turn these obstacles into growth opportunities. The numerous exchanges I had during these events not only enriched me personally but also opened up new professional perspectives.
I would like to thank all those I met for their time, expertise, and support. Their encouragement helped me navigate through difficulties and achieve my goals.
Let's see what 2025 has in store for us!

#Networking #Conferences #Innovation #Paris #Dublin #Barcelona #ProfessionalGrowth #2024Review

2024, un bilan anticipé

Je profite quelques moments de réflexion pour faire un bilan anticipé de l'année 2024 et ses défis majeurs à surmonter, mais également ses opportunités et échanges. Une année exceptionnelle pour moi, marquée par des moments forts et des rencontres enrichissantes. J'ai eu la chance de participer à de nombreux congrès à Paris, Dublin et Barcelone, très profitables en termes de networking. Je me demande juste où je vais mettre tous ces badges d'entrée maintenant...

Malgré des défis significatifs que j'ai dû surmonter cette année, j'ai réussi à transformer ces obstacles en opportunités de croissance. Les nombreux échanges que j'ai eus lors de ces événements m'ont non seulement enrichi personnellement mais ont également ouvert de nouvelles perspectives professionnelles.

Je tiens à remercier tous ceux que j'ai rencontrés pour leur temps, leur expertise et leur soutien. Leurs encouragements m'ont permis de naviguer à travers les récifs en direction du bon port.

Il nous reste maintenant à voir ce que 2025 nous réserve !

#Networking #Congrès #Innovation #Paris #Dublin #Barcelone #ProfessionalGrowth #2024Bilan

Passons une soirée tranquille.
Attendons le journal radio du matin pour connaitre le résultat.

Eine Bebauung des Tempelhofer Felds wurde vor zehn Jahren mit einem Volksentscheid verboten und ist derzeit nicht möglich. Die noch amtierende Bundesregierung um Kanzler Olaf Scholz hätte bei der Debatte um eine mögliche Bebauung des Tempelhofer Felds ohnehin nichts zu entscheiden.

Soll sich um seinen Scheiß kümmern.

So das war's SCHNAUZE Vertrauensfrage jetzt sofort…

Mein Spotify so:
Haken dran
True-Crime-Podcast 1
Data over Dogma
True-Crime-Podacst 2
Podcast über Kulte und High-Demand-Religionen 1
True Crime Podcast 3
Podcast über Kulte und High-Demand-Religionen 2
True Cri
in reply to Anna

die Hälfte meiner Podcast hab nicht einmal gehört sondern bewusst verschlafen 😅
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Maßnahmen umfassen u.a.: das Schließen von Impflücken, erhöhte Wachsamkeit hinsichtlich Poliomyelitis-typischer Symptome, die unverzügliche Meldepflicht bei Verdacht auf Poliomyelitis, die Nutzung der unentgeltlichen Enterovirusdiagnostik und gute Händehygiene.

Schluckimpfstoff-abgeleitete #Polio-Viren in Abwasserproben an weiteren Orten in Deutschland nachgewiesen.

Das RKI möchte daher medizinisches Personal und Mitarbeitende im #ÖGD nochmals auf die Wichtigkeit der im #EpidBull 48/2024 genannten Maßnahmen hinweisen.


reshared this

I Felt in love with this TV series.

Silicon "Fucking" Valley is a six-part guide to Silicon Valley, available until October 23, 2027, one still has time to review it. Luc Julia, co-creator of Siri, shares his insights and experiences after living in the area for over 30 years. The series is somekind of a guide exploring various locations, including Stanford University and the headquarters of major GAFAM tech companies.
Luc Julia also reveals some less glorious aspects of the tech industry in Silicon Valley.

This six parts guide focuses on different aspects of the tech world, such as AI, computer history, and the tech economy:

"La fabrique des cerveaux" (The Brain Factory)
"L'ordi qui a tout changé" (The Computer That Changed Everything)
"La loi du plus fort" (The Law of the Jungle)
"Ce que l'IA doit aux chats" (What AI Owes to Cats)
"L'avenue aux 350 milliards" (The 350 Billion Dollar Avenue)
"À la recherche du rêve américain" (In Search of the American Dream)

This series is a "must see" for all tech enthusiats, especially those who have known the golden years of the silicon valley (80's and 90's). Noticeably, the series is also very insightful on the stone age of the Silicon Valley, the 70's and the Valley's history, and intrinsic mechanisms.…

#siliconvalley #Tech #seriesdocu #seriesilove #seriesreview

Ich: *Co-authored ein Paper zu möglicher Anwendung von KI in der Risikobewertung*
Predatory Journal/ Scam Conference: "Your groundbreaking work in Artificial Intelligence has significantly impacted the field of AI and ML."

Na, sichi, Bro.

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Altman und ich sind so *macht Fingerhakelgeste*.

"The beginning and end of one’s life is to draw closer to the fire."

Man, I really am going to miss Superman and Lois. I was surprised I would enjoyed it so much to the end.

1h15 de #Taiso - un sorte d'aérobic traditionnel japonais.
Mes 120 kgs et moi sommes très satisfaits d'avoir tenu.