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AEREEnet: Creating a low-cost, light-weight, scalable, anonymous, secure social network

In the light of current political trends and challenges to freedom of speech of common citizens, I would like to present a low-cost, light-weight, scalable, anonymous, secure social network which combines classic (IRC) and modern (Tor) network technologies based on a cross-platform Docker framework.

For example, with this approach a small server with 2GB of memory is estimated to be able to handle about 15,000 simultaneously active users, which means that such a server can be run on very limited hardware, eg a smartphone, mini-computer (raspberry pi) or similar to minimize costs for civil political movements, esp in the Global South.

The framework is generic and can be also applied to other network protocols, eg XMPP.

Igl, W. (2025). AEREEnet: Creating a low-cost, light-weight, scalable, anonymous, secure social network – A Short Tutorial.…


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Tech CEOs admit they want AI monopoly: US plans to block China's competition & 'steal' engineers…

Wilmar Igl, PhD reshared this.

You can follow us in other languages. Visit our website for more information…

Wilmar Igl, PhD reshared this.

Well-maintained Friendica instance with BlueSky Bridge?

Dear all, I am looking for a well-maintained Friendica instance with a BlueSky Bridge. I am currently on, and after a great start the Bluesky bridge has not been working reliable anymore for several weeks (ie, I get Bluesky posts, but cannot post to Bluesky), presumably because of a problem with the workers. Any advice?

Kr, Wilmar

!Friendica Support

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in reply to Wilmar Igl, PhD

Have you tried to enter your password again? What is the system saying on the addon setting page?
in reply to Wilmar Igl, PhD

It seems the admin has removed the Bluesky addon on now. Therefore, I have moved to, which works very well incl. the Bluesky addon.

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Wilmar Igl, PhD reshared this.


Greetings and Happy New Year!

Teh AnKorage has a new Fediverse presence, here, on Friendica!

We will be posting anouncements of new videos and streams for, both, Teh AnKorage and for Switched To Linux, a content provider about Linux and many other tech-related topics, in general!

It is great to be here!

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MERA25 braucht Deine HIlfe für Bundestagswahl 2025!

Mera25 wird zur Bundestagswahl 2025 antreten. Für bisher noch nicht im Bundestag vertretene Parteien bedeuten die vorgezogenen Neuwahlen ein bürokratisches Fiasko. Wir brauchen binnen aller kürzester Zeit bis zu 2000 Unterstützungsunterschriften pro Bundesland. Mit den Feiertagen und der Kälte kaum zu schaffen. Bitte helft uns: druckt die Formulare aus, verteilt sie an Familie und Freunde. Hier ist der Link der euch zum jeweiligen Bundesland führt: haben nur noch wenige Tage Zeit!

The Moral Bankruptcy of the West

"One wonders what people in the West who have either supported Israel’s genocide or remained silent tell themselves to justify their behavior and sleep at night.

History will not treat them kindly."…

Global search gives false positives!?

Dear all, the search results for "@mobilizon" (looking for shows only false positives [1] in the global search (as it seems). What am I doing wrong here?

However, I was able to connect with the account using "Add new contact".

!Friendica Support

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in reply to Cătă

Thanks, your post says "Cătă friendica - Link to source Cătă 2 weeks ago (Received 13 hours ago) •", so you posted it two weeks ago, but I only received it 13 hours ago...

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Wilmar Igl, PhD

@Wilmar Igl, PhD @Mobilizon yeah, that's right. I understood that was a bit overloaded for some reason, but now it's catching up.

US-American Prof Jeffrey Sachs: "NATO Chief Admits NATO Expansion Was Key to Russian Invasion of Ukraine - The continuing U.S. obsession with NATO enlargement is profoundly irresponsible and hypocritical. And now Ukrainians are paying a terrible price."…

Prof Steurer im ORF!…

Deutsche Mitverantwortung an Israels Kriegsverbrechen in Gaza

"Denn die deutsche Mitverantwortung an Israels Kriegsverbrechen in Gaza steht außer Frage – auch wenn die Richter des IGH erst in Jahren abschließend urteilen werden, ob es sich dabei im juristischen Sinne um einen Völkermord handelt oder nicht."…

All, there is an opportunity to get funding for open-source projects via the Next Generation Internet framework by the European Commission. Send in your ideas. Deadline February 1, 2025. For example, the federated social network Mobilizon is partly funded by this program.


!Friendica Support

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in reply to Michael Vogel

Pay someone? Per hour? Per bug fix/feature?

If you are looking for volunteers, I recommend showcasing Friendica at a booth at some developer (esp PHP)/opensource conference, eg 38C3, Dec 27-31 in Hamburg or similar, BITCOM, ... to attract talent.

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in reply to Wilmar Igl, PhD

@Wilmar Igl, PhD @Michael Vogel This is very sensible, but needs a lot of work to yield any benefits. In particular, we don’t have any project management skills to handle paid work.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

I agree, a lot of work. I suggest targeting a relevant PHP/social media conference in 2025, which is located close to one of the FRIENDICA devs, team up with another ActivityPub org, which you are friendly with (MASTODON, Pleroma, Diaspora?). There is a bit of a competitive situation, but since you require a different skill set (PHP vs Ruby on Rails etc) this could work. The minimal solution would be just print a few hundreds of flyers and ask another organisation you are friendly with to put it on the table at their booth.

Another idea would be to approach IT departments at universities and ask lecturers for collaboration to hand out bug fixes/feature development to students as homework, seminar thesis, master thesis, etc. This would require some supervision, but ideally would get them "hooked" on the project.

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in reply to Michael Vogel

First step would be to create some promotion material, ie flyers, slide deck, and short video, etc.

These could also be used to post them on other social networks to target groups, ie, Tiktok, Mastodon, Facebook, ...

BTW, I would not only look for dev skills, but also management skills/tech evangelists, which a thriving organisation needs.


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Where Did the Global Elite Go to School? Hierarchy, Harvard, Home and Hegemony

"We examine the educational backgrounds of the global elite, using new data on a diversity of organizational leadership roles as well as the population of the super-rich across the world. First, we find a small number of globally prestigious universities to take on super prominent roles, suggesting a strongly hierarchical distribution of credentials among the global elite. Second, we find a consistent and unique place for Harvard University within this system. ..."

Salas-Díaz, R. and Young, K.L. (2025), Where Did the Global Elite Go to School? Hierarchy, Harvard, Home and Hegemony. Global Networks, 25: e12509.…

Springer forces Zionism upon its German employees

"Unlike employees of its German newspapers, the employees of Politico do not have to sign Axel Springer's mission statement that expresses support for Israel and America's and Europe's transatlantic alliance.[9]"…

"The western world and mainstream media have once again jumped on an opportunity to conflate anti-Zionism with antisemitism after Israeli football hooligans, protected by the Mossad, wreaked havoc on the streets of Amsterdam, deliberately provoking a harsh response."…

This is a test post from the Android App "Raccon" for Friendica installed from F-Droid.

A classification of social networks

The abundance of social networks poses questions regarding their similarities and differences to identify redundancies, but potentially also missing services in the social network landscape.…

Wilmar Igl, PhD reshared this.

Der #HabeckEffekt zeigt sich auf beeindruckende Weise bei der installierten Speicherleistung. 👏💚
Oder: Wie unfassbar groß waren die Versäumnisse der Vorgänger. 😳
#TeamRobert #Habeck2025
📷 Ludwig Hartmann 🙏💚

Wilmar Igl, PhD reshared this.

in reply to Jörg Spengler

gar nicht auszudenken wenn man den Kurs des 2000D ächer Programms der Grünen vor der Groko vortgesetzt hätte. Wir hätten keine Abhängigkeit von russischen Gas gehabt und Russland hätte eventuell keinen Krieg beginnen können.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Jörg Spengler

interessant wäre eine aufspaltung vom Batterie typ her. In den letzten Jahren gab es große fortschritte in kosten günstigeren Varianten die ohne Lithium auskommen und zum ersten mal Produktreife erreichten.

[Gaza] Sign Open Letter to German gov

Germany Must Stop Supporting the Annihilation of Palestinians

Open letter addressed to the federal government of Germany

Anybody can sign:

Use your voice.
Make a difference.

[Gaza] Nan Goldin condemns Israel and calls out Germany in speech

Nan Goldin: "I was brought up knowing about the Nazi Holocaust. What I see in Gaza
reminds me of the progrom that my grandparents escaped. Never again means never again for everyone."…

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Wilmar Igl, PhD
I do not understand, can you explain further, eg links?
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Wilmar Igl, PhD
Thank you! I will check out the links!

in reply to Jörg Spengler

Yes! Plus smaller cars.
"SUV sind wegen der guten Sicht so beliebt"
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Wilmar Igl, PhD
Wichtiger Punkt! Ich sehe in meiner Stadt (Uppsala, Schweden) auch viele (40%?) Radfahrer die im Dunkeln ohne oder ohne ausreichende Beleuchtung unterwegs sind. Das sollte gesetzlich und technisch verhindert werden.

Complicity of US and Israel in Gaza Genocide…

Dandelion Hub - Seed Action. Harvest Change.

The Dandelion Hub aspires to be a central platform for civil political action, which includes an action mapper and a federated social network.