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Be careful !

Be careful when following the masses.

Sometimes the "m" is silent.

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The EU Revolutionizes Access to Health Data: A Giant Leap Towards a Borderless Medical Europe

L'UE révolutionne l'accès aux données de santé : Un pas de géant vers une Europe médicale sans frontières

#Dotdot: a French revolution in private mesh networks and mobile data sharing

#Dotdot : une révolution française des réseaux maillés privés et du partage de données mobiles

The Hidden Profit Machine Behind Academic Publishing: A Call for Reform

In the world of academic publishing, a startling economic paradox exists that challenges the very foundations of scientific dissemination. The "big five" commercial publishers—Elsevier, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Springer Nature, and SAGE—have built billion-dollar empires with profit margins rivaling tech giants, all while relying on the unpaid labor of researchers and public funding. This system, which some critics liken to a racket, sees academics conducting research, writing articles, and managing peer review processes without compensation, only for publishers to sell these works back to the same institutions that produced them. This introductory paragraph sheds light on a pressing issue in scientific communication, raising questions about the sustainability and ethics of current academic publishing models and overall, the core of its business model.


#AcademicPublishing #OpenAccess #ResearchEthics #ScientificCommunication #PublishingReform
@The Guardian

Consultation citoyenne CNRS

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Invest your money in planet preservation

Team for the planet is today's most sustainable investment for the future.

Team fir the planet's scores 36.5 certified tons of co2 released avoided in 2023…

team for the planet needs your help now: 4622 out of 5000 new shareholders objective for 2024 can be reached easily with your help.

There is no minimal amout of money you can invest... and no maximum neither, you control the game.

Join team for the planet as an investor for the future of our planet now. Everything is explained here:

Thanks for reposting this.

#teamfortheplanet #tftp #hse #environment #sustainability #shareholding #earth

Happy Year end..

sorry for cross-posting this to some of you...

For the special coming days, I wish a pleasant year end vacation with the following words of wisdom from Marseille, a place I once lived :

"Bon Bout d'An Et à L'An Que Ven......Que Se Siam Pas Mai, que Siguem Pas Mens !"

Honestly, I don't really care if Google Translate or ChatGPT works with Provençal dialect, so, here is literally what it means :

"Happy Year End and to the Year to Come....If we are not more, let us not be less!"

indeed people in this special place at the end of the A7 motorway believe these few days between X-mas and new year's eve condition the whole next year to come.

Sincerely yours.…

#YearEnd #wish #2024

A quick review on 2024

This has been a Year of Overcoming Major Challenges, Opportunities, and Exchanges
Before storing these congress badges in a box for collectibles, I am taking a few moments to reflect on 2024, an exceptional year for me, marked by significant moments and enriching encounters. I had the chance to participate in numerous prestigious conferences in Paris, Dublin, and Barcelona, which were highly beneficial in terms of networking.
Despite the significant challenges I had to overcome this year, I managed to turn these obstacles into growth opportunities. The numerous exchanges I had during these events not only enriched me personally but also opened up new professional perspectives.
I would like to thank all those I met for their time, expertise, and support. Their encouragement helped me navigate through difficulties and achieve my goals.
Let's see what 2025 has in store for us!

#Networking #Conferences #Innovation #Paris #Dublin #Barcelona #ProfessionalGrowth #2024Review

2024, un bilan anticipé

Retrait de l'AP-HP de la plateforme X

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Journée Nationale de l'Innovation en Santé Numérique 2024

🚀 A not-to-be-missed event to celebrate innovation and network: 👀la Journée Nationale de l'Innovation en Santé Numérique 2024 will be held tomorrow, 🏥💻 December 3, 2024, at the Palais des Congrès d'Issy for an afternoon dedicated to innovation in digital healthcare. Several points on the agenda:
- The 3 years of the “Digital Health” acceleration strategy.
- The 4-year anniversary of G_NIUS, the national digital health innovation portal
- The 5th edition of the Talents de la e-santé awards.

👀 I also note 👀 that on the occasion of this event will be presented the results of the consultation for the secondary use of health data

#SantéNumérique #Innovation #eSanté #IA #France2030

Journée Nationale de l'Innovation en Santé Numérique

HDI DAY 2024

Le HDI Day, c'est demain à l'institut Imagine : "Données de santé, quelle(s)souveraineté(s) pour la France". Event organisé par MEDICEN, tic santé et tic Pharma et la revue Pharmaceutiques.
J'aurai le plaisir d'assister à cette 10ème édition.…


in reply to n816 Life

Table ronde : comment construire une souveraineté au niveau européen au niveau des données de santé.
Avec Norah Benabilles (CEA), Patrice Grilli (Line Data), Enguerrand Habran (AIS) & Caroline Henri (avocate au cabinet Phase 4)

#HDIDAY #medicen #HDIDAY2024 #AIS #CEA

We are french touch

Journée chargée demain, avec l'event "We are French Touch" (French Touch & BPI France). J'aurai également le plaisir d'assister à cette édition à la maison de la mutualité. Retrouvons nous sur l'application dédiée à l'event.

#BPIFrance #FrenchTouch #WeAreFrenchTouch

in reply to n816 Life

Crise de confiance et fake news, comment les marques peuvent elles reconquerir leur audience à l'ere de la désinformation ?

Vaste sujet mené tres professionnellement par Pierre Olivier Cazenave de Uzbek&Rica, Elsa Darquier Fournier de brut, catherine Spindler de Lacoste et Nathalie Sonnac de Pantheon Assas.
#brut #désinformation #fakenews

n816 Life reshared this.

A la COP29, mieux vaut pas d’accord qu’un « mauvais accord », disent 300 ONG…

n816 Life reshared this.

n816 Life reshared this.

The Onion acquiring Infowars with their bid backed by the actual families of Sandy Hook victims and aiming to use it to raise awareness about gun violence wasn't on my 2024 bingo card, but can't really complain about this turn of events.

"The Onion acquired the conspiracy theory platform’s website; social media accounts; studio in Austin, Texas; trademarks; and video archive. The sale price was not immediately disclosed. The Onion said its “exclusive launch advertiser” will be the gun violence prevention organization Everytown for Gun Safety. "…

#InfoWars #TheOnion #AlexJones #news

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

n816 Life reshared this.

n816 Life reshared this.

Le « Guardian » annonce qu’il ne postera plus sur le réseau social X…

n816 Life reshared this.

in reply to Le

J'espere qu'ils vont transferer leur activité vers le fediverse.
in reply to Le

et c'est une excellente nouvelle. On compte sur vous, maintenant.

n816 Life reshared this.

#MeToo islam: des lanceurs d’alerte menacés

Pour avoir relayé des témoignages de #ViolencesSexistesEtSexuelles qui auraient été commises par des #imams connus sur les réseaux sociaux, Amin et Loubna ont été la cible d’une cabale numérique. Nous vous racontons leur histoire.…

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Harris contre Trump : où est la science ?…

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n816 Life reshared this.

EU considers calculating X fines by including revenue from Musk’s other firms

Musk could face DSA fines of up to 6% of global revenue—including SpaceX sales.…

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in reply to Ars Technica

EU should be pushing citizens to join the Fediverse.

n816 Life reshared this.

En Éthiopie, cela fait six mois que l'importation des voitures thermiques est interdite.…
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

n816 Life reshared this.

Ai on drug discovery conference in Barcelona

📢Registrations are open for the #BarcelonaBiomed Conference "#AI in #DrugDiscovery & Biomedicine"!

👉31 Mar-2 Apr, 2025
📍Casa Convalescència #Barcelona

✅Organized by @ptck72 (#IRBBarcelona) & @treyideker (@UCSanDiego)


Register now➡️

n816 Life reshared this.

Jerome colombain monde numérique sur le fediverse


Savez vous si il y a un moyen de suivre Jerome Colombain sur le fediverse, les blogs, le profil , les podcasts ?

En effet, dans ses productions, il est souvent fait mention du fediverse par certaines de ses pointures et références (David Chavalarias, Jean Cattan). A mon avis, notre ami Jerôme aurait t à gagner d'ouvrir un canal de communication vers le fediverse.

#blog #podcast #mondenumérique #fediverse

n816 Life reshared this.

in reply to ElChorten

Pas encore sur le fediverse, mais on relaye facilement son compte twitter grâce à Bird. Makeup: @Jerome Colombain | Monde Numérique
Pareil pour François Sorel de QJMM: @François Sorel
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Chat GPT with accents

Comment faire parler CharGPT comme une cagole marseillaise…
#AI #chatGPT #acctent

n816 Life reshared this.

Pour les réseaux sociaux, la fin d’un règne ?…

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