Guerre en Ukraine : "Il faut qu'on accélère notre mutation en tant qu'Européens", affirme l'ancien ambassadeur de France aux États-Unis
Guerre en Ukraine : "Il faut qu'on accélère notre mutation en tant qu'Européens", affirme l'ancien ambassadeur
Une quinzaine de dirigeants alliés de l'Ukraine se sont réunis à Londres, dimanche, pour échanger sur la sécurité en Europe et le soutien à l'Ukraine face à la Russie.franceinfo (Franceinfo)
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Power Word: Shaddap, Tofm2, Doug Nix, tivasyk and 🇨🇦A Wolf in Cheap Clothing🇨🇦 like this.
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Sir Osis of Liver 🇨🇦 🇲🇽, Parade du Grotesque 💀, Fried Fish, Kevin Russell, Tofm2, No Gods , no Masters! RESIST, OtownKim, Bruce Mirken, RinostarGames, Jordi (Angry Pronking), Trending Bot, Russell 🏴🇺🇦🇵🇸, Projektionsyta, platypusparent, Cainmark Does Not Comply 🚲, Truth Or Consequences ✅, DeterioratedStucco, Ruth O’Day, Marcelo 🇵🇸 🕊️ 🇮🇱, Kotaro, GunChleoc, Ham on Wry, Clifford Oliver, Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈, Lisa Melton, Shannon Persists, ItsDoctorNotMrs, selje 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 🇮🇪, LM Little, Gurre Vildskägg, peachfront, Frank, The Other Doug Jones 🇨🇦😎🖖, Richard Nairn, EtherAndRhum, Douglas McMillan, 🇨🇦A Wolf in Cheap Clothing🇨🇦, mcSlibinas, jules / cowbell as fuck, Ω 🌍 Gus Posey, Charlie Stross, Gerrit Venema 🇪🇺🌍🍉, Manna N, rhodriplewiskc, @ NovaNaturalist🇨🇦🇩🇰🇬🇱🇵🇦🇲🇽 FBPE, Bob Thomson, Atomic Orbitals, hambonehead, -0--1- and Zechy reshared this.
Si maintenant on laisse n'importe qui rentrer
.... dans le bureau ovale avant les conférences de presse qui, elles même arrivent avant les négociations d'etat à état.... où va t'on ?…
Un journaliste des médias d'État russes obtient l'accès à la réunion Trump-Zelenskiy, mais en est exclu par la suite
Un journaliste de l'agence de presse publique russe a eu accès à une réunion vendredi dans le bureau ovale entre le président américain Donald Trump et le président ukrainien Volodymyr...Zonebourse
📷 by Artist: #BogdanSusol #Bodya in City: #Kyiv #Ukraine 🇺🇦 - Title: "Національний прапор" - #Art #Artist #StandWithUkraine #Photo #Drone #Photography #Fotografie #APhotoLove #SlavaUkraini
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Photography Feed, Creative Arts Feed, Cainmark Does Not Comply 🚲, Frechrotz, Jules 🍺, Alex, Tofm2, Madelief en Leed 🏳️🌈, Le Gnou and Marina, hat ne Tasse übrig reshared this.
Shame on America
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Etnmarchand and Eltotof14 like this.
Vidéo. Vidéo. Une scène d’une tension inouïe entre Donald Trump et Volodymyr Zelensky
Vidéo - « Concluez un accord ou nous vous laissons tomber », a lancé le président américain à son homologue ukrainien.Le
Tofm2 reshared this.
Dans les faits, l'agent Orange avait déjà laisser tomber l'Ukraine dès son arrivée au pouvoir en Janvier.
En plus, il veut tout rafler, et ruiner ce pays.
mirja likes this.
#StandwithUkraine 🇺🇦 ❤️
Tofm2 likes this.
Quelle violence cette scene a la maison blanche. Une honte pour l'amerique.
mirja likes this.
Gaza, how to survive a warzone
I cannot realize the work done by these kids. Incredible.
An original documentary found on the bbc i player.…
Gaza: How to Survive a Warzone
Removed from BBC's iPlayer. Uploaded here for distributed longevity.“The BBC has announced that it has ‘no plans’ to restore to its iPlayer platform the documentary on the struggle faced by Gaza’s children under Israel’s genocide that it deleted last week under pressure from the Israeli embassy and UK Israel lobby.” – Skwawkbox
Originally downloaded from:
Support Black flag medical :…
Black Flag Medical - Open Collective
Medical aid for medics and medical field stations operating in conflict zones and other austere
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Journalism & Comment Feed and Luigi reshared this.
Après cinq mois de négociations, l'Autriche se dote enfin d'un nouveau gouvernement, sans l'extrême droite
Après cinq mois de négociations, l'Autriche se dote enfin d'un nouveau gouvernement, sans l'extrême droite
Les conservateurs avaient tentés de négocier avec le parti d'extrême droite FPO, arrivé en tête aux dernières législatives, mais sans succès.franceinfo avec AFP (Franceinfo)
Retirer à Elon Musk la nationalité canadienne ? Ce ne sera pas si facile…
Retirer à Elon Musk la nationalité canadienne ? Ce ne sera pas si facile
En une semaine, près de 320 000 Canadiens ont signé une pétition parlementaire pressant Ottawa de retirer au milliardaire la citoyenneté canadienne, en raison de son implication dans l’administration Trump, qui, selon le texte, “cherche à anéantir la…Martin Gauthier (Courrier International)
Autoroute A69 : la justice administrative annule l’arrêté préfectoral autorisant le chantier
La décision du tribunal administratif de Toulouse était attendue ; la rapporteure publique avait demandé plusieurs fois l’annulation du projet, jugeant les gains espérés de la future autoroute insuffisants par rapport aux atteintes à l’environnement.Le Monde avec AFP (Le Monde)
In echo to the following article :… I am happy to bring the link for the petition for Canadians citizens, a call upon the Prime Minister to revoke Elon Musk's dual citizenship status, and revoke his Canadian passport effective immediately.
This petition was initiated by Charlie Angus from New Democratic Party Caucus ifrom
Timmins—James Bay in Ontario…
At the moment of the writing, this Petition, reached 167403 signatures since it opened on February 20, 2025.
[share author='n816 Media' profile='' avatar='' link='' posted='2025-02-24 11:59:18' guid='84b6ef2b-2167-bc5f-1632-7c7876206732' message_id='']
More than 150,000 Canadians sign petition to revoke Musk’s citizenship
The USA-Canada hockey rivalry, a cornerstone of North American sports culture, has recently intensified due to political tensions. This historic competition, spanning over a century, has seen both nations clash in various international tournaments, with Canada historically dominating but the USA achieving significant victories. The rivalry extends to both men's and women's hockey, consistently drawing global attention.
The recent 2025 4 Nations Face-Off tournament has added a new chapter to this rivalry, with the USA winning the initial match 3-1 and securing a spot in the final. The game was marked by intense physicality, including three fights in the first nine seconds. Canadian fans booed the US national anthem, reflecting current political strains. This heightened tension has spilled over into other areas, as evidenced by a recent Canadian parliamentary petition to revoke Elon Musk's Canadian citizenship. The final match, scheduled for February 20, 2025, in Boston, is expected to draw significant interest amidst this charged atmosphere.
#USAvsCanada #Icehockey #HockeyRivalry #4NationsFaceOff #HockeyInternational #IceHockeyTournaments
Destruction de l'état fédéral étatsunien par Donald Trump
La destruction de l'état fédéral américain par Donald Trump suite à son accession au pouvoir en Janvier 2025 va t'elle aller jusqu'à son extrémité logique, à savoir la destitution de Donald Trump par Donald Trump lui même, ou, plus vraisemblablement par Elon Musk ?
#Donald J. Trump #ElonMusk #usa2025 #federalagencies
Quitter Facebook, quitter Meta
Je pose ça là, je dis ça, je dis rien.…
Quitter Facebook, quitter Meta, 1ère partie : c'est parti...
L'auteur annonce qu'il quitte Facebook et Instagram en raison de désaccords avec la politique de Meta et des grandes entreprises technologiques, ainsi qu'avec la politique des États-Unis depuis l'élection de Donald Trump. Il encourage à soutenir des plateformes éthiques respectant la vie privée et les convictions personnelles.
Icons8.comIntro Rock guitar groovy intro:… Taiga sound prod…
Outro Rock-intro:… par Sunny music…Royalty-Free Music by
A composer offers his or her music for free for personal and commercial
Sunshine likes this.
Los Angeles.
#BrownMastodon #latinomastodon #asianmastodon #blackmastodon…
Leaked document says 'large scale' immigration action coming to L.A.
Federal law enforcement agents are planning to carry out a “large scale” immigration enforcement action in the Los Angeles area before the end of February, according to an internal government document reviewed by The Times.James Queally (Los Angeles Times)
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D☆☆n, M.S. Bellows, Jr., Tofm2 and GhostOnTheHalfShell reshared this.
@shannonpersists I was born and raised in LA. Lived in three of the toughest areas of town: Boyle Heights,South Central and Inglewood.
My family moved to Boyle Heights in the late 20's from Alabama. LAPD was racist then. Ditto city government.
I moved to Albuquerque in 2004. My brother joined me in 2019.
LAPD is still racist in 2023.
@shannonpersists I saw it firsthand.
We lived down the street from the infamous LAPD Hollenbeck Division on 1st St when I was an infant. They routinely roughed up or killed Black and Brown folks all the time.
Circa 1962 and 1963.
We won't even discuss the infamous LAPD 77th St Division in South Central. Saw them really intimidate and kill folks.
Syndrome de Stockolm et etazuni Trumpiens
Point de vue de Marc Botenga…
Marc Botenga : L'UE doit être plus réactive face aux Etats Unis de Donald Trump
Dans cette vidéo d'une de ses interventions, le député du groupe de la gauche au Parlement européen - GUE/NGLMarc Botenga s'insurge contre la volonté de Trump de s'en prendre à l'Europe. En effet, qu'a fait Ursula von der Leyen en réponse à cette annonce du président Etats-Unien ? Elle annonce vouloir "intensifier" les relations avec les USA 🙄L'Europe se doit d'être plus réactive face à ce nouveau président, à commencer par se débarrasser de son syndrome de Stockholm qui l'a fait plier devant toutes les demandes américaines.… | Marc BOTENGA | Députés | Parlement européen
Page profil - Marc BOTENGA -
Global Switch Day. February 1st 2025.
Spread the word.
Switch to Public Social Media
X to Mastodon, Instagram to Pixelfed, WhatsApp to Signal, Facebook to Friendica, YouTube to PeerTube, TikTok to Loops
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Oriol Piera, Jose Luis Bueno🔻, Tofm2, El Duvelle, JonChevreau, Action Jay 🐾, DC Deejay, gentlegardener, Sarah W, Ralf Stockmann, Sweet Home Alaberta 🇨🇦 🇺🇦 🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️ 🇲🇽,, Cainmark Does Not Comply 🚲, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, Jordi (Angry Pronking), Megan, Bernice Hillier, Zen Heathen 🇨🇦🇲🇽🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️, Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷, *|FNAME|* 🇨🇦🇪🇺, Brad Rosenheim, Francis Rubio, .PawV., Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦, Parker Morse, Rubber Side Down 🇨🇦, John Wilker 👨🏽💻, joncamfield, ┐( ˘_˘)┌ Alwin-J Müller, LM Little, Tadeusz Sikora, hex, Kancept, Jøn Ghùll, Ryan, Simon Brooke, Deborah Hartmann Preuss, pcc, Chappell Joan 🎉✨ Mask up, Ivar Espås Vangen, Jakub Klawiter, Mastodon Migration, Natsura, BadWoof, Solarbird, elCelio 🇪🇺 🇺🇦, User name cannot be blank 🇪🇺, Human 3500, Matt Hodgkinson, rushSteady, Cassie, Kelly's Shenanigans 🇨🇦, Daniel Brotherston, and Douglas McMillan reshared this.…
Andres Jalinton (
Adjunto: 1 imagen Here, this is better: #GlobalSwitchDay cc: @dansup@mastodon.socialHardcoredevs
Don't know enough about the Signal vs. Matrix subject to have an opinion, but Signal Foundation is a non-profit:
Matrix = Protocol = decentralized.
Got it. Thanks. Again, no specific expertise. Will add the Matrix graphic to the thread.
Is there such thing as a #globalswitchday ‘official’ website where one can get the images and/or possibly translate them?
Thanks in advance 😀
Mach mit beim globalen Wechseltag
Wechsel zu echten sozialen MedienDu kämpfst täglich für Klimagerechtigkeit? Und bist noch auf Plattformen, bei dem Klimaleugnung, Frauenverachtung und die Verfolgung von queeren Menschen offen zum Geschäftsmodel gehört? Das muss nicht sein!
Komm dahin, wo Menschen soziale Medien aktiv und dezentral gestalten. Komm ins Fediverse, hier ist die bessere Party. Mach mit beim global switch day am 1. Februar 2025 und bring Deine Freund*innen mit. Empfohlen u.a. von @janboehm
So einfach geht das – probiere mal eins davon aus:
Finde ein Pendant zum jeweiligen antisozialen Medium
Kurznachrichtendienste mit Zeichenlimit und bis zu vier BildernTwitter (heute: niX mehr) –> Mastodon
Besuche, das ist eine Mastodon-Plattform und erstelle Deinen Account. Eine detaillierte bebilderte Anleitung und Deine ersten Schritte haben wir Anfang des Jahres vorbereitet.
Teile ein bis 10 Bilder pro Beitrag und schreib dazu einen Begleittext. Instagram –> Pixelfed
Plane und teile Beiträge, pflege Termine, finde EventsFacebook –> Friendica
Teile VideosYouTube –> PeerTube
Die Liste ist unvollständig, um Dir den Einstieg zu erleichtern haben wir pro Dienst nur eine von vielen dezentralen Servern angegeben. Weiteres findest Du z.B. im Beitrag Das Fediverse : Unendliche Weiten.
Es reicht, wenn Du Dich auf einen Fediverse […]…
#52WochenFotoChallenge #BTW25 #Caturday #Fediverse #Friedica #Klimagerechtigkeit #Mastodon #PeerTube #Pixelfed #SilentSunday #SocialMedia
Kundgebung zur Bundestagswahl – Deine Stimme für Demokratie und Klimaschutz!
Am 23. Februar 2025 ist Bundestagswahl Klimaschutz ist Menschenschutz Gehe wählen! Wähle demokratisch! Wähle Klimaschutz! Die Termine unserer Kundgebungen (jeweils 11-14 Uhr (*)) 18.01.2025 Breite Straße/Richmodstraße, Altstadt-Nord 25.01.Koelle ForFuture (Kölle For Future)
Some feel like Matrix is a better alternative to WhatsApp due to its being decentralized.
X to Mastodon, Instagram to Pixelfed, WhatsApp to Matrix, Facebook to Friendica, YouTube to PeerTube, TikTok to Loops
Here is a revised graphic:
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Chris Alemany, efscher, Daniel Supernault, Captain Jack Sparrow, nwrocla, Ben Royce 🇺🇦, Karel Brits 🇺🇦 and Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC reshared this.
Signal is super easy to use for anyone. Matrix, while decentralised, takes some work and prior knowledge to get going.
Don't have enough knowledge to have a horse in this race. Just presenting both options.
Signal compared to Matrix is like Bluesky compared to Mastodon. better than WhatsApp but not good enough.
@jens , because :…
Signal has the most carefully designed cryptographic protocols that you can run on a central platform, thanks to Trevor and Moxie. They have truly inspired many end-to-end encryption advances everywhere in the last decade. Great stuff.However, Signal depends on Amazon/ DynamoDB, Intel/SGX , on Cloudflare, on Google Cloud ... and operations are expensive, with financing dependent on US jurisdiction and non-profit status there.
Dear @Mer__edith , isn't it time to revisit operational choices?
#riffreporter could drop in Here
To Draw people from
#BildDasDrecksblatt / #SpringerPresseHaltDieFresse
Ethical , social journalism
Also important for politicians_interviews and journalism #oerr
regarding News Sharing ..
Pictures with - >
Bild /Welt Logo (populist /neoLib_propaganda )
I imagine most people who want the easy path, and don't care about centralized silos, will probably stick with WhatsApp.
These days, thanks to @snikket_im , there's a pretty simple app for both Android and iOS, with end-to-end encryption on by default. And they've put a lot of work into making it easy to host your own Snikket server, and give easy invitations to your friends to download the app and get an account on your server. There's a paid hosting option, as well as a docker container. Not everyone will be able to self-host a Snikket server, but I don't think you need to be an ultra geek any more.
@TMakarios @snikket_im @ghouston @sbb "Not everyone will be able to self-host a Snikket server, but I don't think you need to be an ultra geek any more." Okay, but even if you only need to be a little bit of a geek, WHY would anyone WANT to self-host a #Skikket server? It's still some effort and it still requires you have a domain and it probably still requires you to deal with certificates (which is a real headache if you don't have and don't want a web server). Why not just use #Signal, which is totally FREE and already set up and where they have done all the work for you?
If you go to the Snikket quick-start guide one of the first things it says is:
To follow this guide you will need:
A server running Linux that you have SSH or terminal access to
A domain name that you can create subdomains on
Most non-techie types will not have either of those, and even if they have a Linux server they may not want to expose it to the Internet. Or, of course, Snikket provides Snikket Hosting at "$6 USD or less, per month" for up to 10 active users. WHY would I want to spend that when Signal is completely free, and a much larger percentage of people have actually heard of Signal?
And I again want to mention that certificate business. Most #XMPP clients these days either completely refuse to talk to a server that has only a self-signed certificate, or will not allow anything other that the most basic text messaging (no sharing of files or photos - #Gajim is an example of such a client). So unless you want to settle for text messaging only, you have to go through the hassle of obtaining, and then periodically renewing a certificate, probably from Let's Encrypt. And as part of that process they want you to have a web server running that they can access. Yes, there is an alternate method that involves monkeying with DNS records but now you are REALLY getting into the weeds. Most people are either not running a web server, or if they are they are they may not want to make it publicly accessible. This is as much a fault of Let's Encrypt as it is of XMPP clients but it is still a HUGE complication that most people have no desire to deal with
And where is the instructional video that walks you through setting up a Skikket server, for those that might be willing to try but that are visual learners? Is there even a demo video that gives some idea what a running Skikket instance looks like?
I get it, running your own Skikket server is very appealing to certain techie types; to them it's a fun project to set up. But will they still want to be running it five or ten years from now? Signal will probably still be around (though nothing is guaranteed) but a lot of the people who think setting up their own server is fun now will have moved on. And for the 99% of the population that has absolutely zero interest in running their own server, Signal is a much better and totally free alternative that requires very little effort to set up. If they did not require a phone number they'd be perfect (and while they do require a phone number to get started, it doesn't necessarily have to be YOUR cell phone's number, not that that makes it much better).
@joshim @TMakarios @snikket_im @ghouston @sbb Well "not all that hard" is not exactly a ringing endorsement, but again it fails to answer the WHY question. Far more people have heard of and use Signal, and it is much easier than #xmpp . It does have one big drawback in that it asks for a phone number, but sadly most people don't seem to mind giving that up. So WHY would someone choose xmpp over Signal?
I wish the xmpp proponents would answer the one big question I keep asking in various ways. If you want people to use xmpp so badly, why don't you come up with an easy to install (preferably cross-platform) GUI-based xmpp server that requires minimal configuration and that anyone can install and run? And also why don't the clients give people the option to not require a fucking certificate (or at least accept a self-signed certificate), or else the server needs to totally automate the process of getting and renewing the certificate? Oh, the Docker container does that? What the hell is Docker and why do I want to mess with that, is what normal users will say.
Techie types need to get it through their apparently very thick skulls that if they think something is "not all that hard", the typical user will look at that and say "that's ridiculous, I can just install Signal (or their favorite app) and get on with my life." Nerds are going to nerd, but if they really think normal users are going to follow that path they must be using some pretty strong drugs. If you don't want to take the effort to make things super easy for users, you are just yelling at clouds when you promote xmpp.
(Also, please stop assuming that everyone who uses a messaging app is doing so on a phone. Many older people can barely use a phone to make phone calls. Yeah, I know, you have a 95 year old uncle who gets around on his phone just fine, but many other older folks grew up in the days of rotary dials - or no dial at all, just an operator that came on the line and said "Number, please" - and modern phones totally flummox them. So they use a desktop computer for such activities).
Features - PieFed
Nice things about PieFed: There are two other options for reddit-style federated forums, Lemmy and Kbin (recently forked to Mbin, which shows some promise). Having used them both extensively I came away unsatisfied, for a variety of reasons.PieFed
Mastodon Migration reshared this.
Just a thought on fascism
People who hid Anne Frank were breaking the law.
Those who killed her were following it.
Edgar Yves et le 'statut' de victime
Attention, ce qui suit n'est pas un sktetch du comique Edgar Yves.
Edgar Yves est toujours tres pertinent dans son analyse. Et son point de vue sur les personnes en victimisation permanente est vraiment tres fin. Le probleme n'est pas d'être ou d'avoir été la victime de quelque chose ou de quelqu'un.
Le probleme vient des oreilles complaisantes tendues aux victimes, phénomène amplifié par les réseaux sociaux qui maintiennent la 'victime' dans son statut permanent..…
#edgaryves #stand-up #comique #victime #socialnetwork
Le point de vue d'Edgar-Yves. … sur la victimisation permanente et le 'statut' de victime
Il s’appelle Edgar-Yves. Ses sketches sont très drôles. Mais il est surtout très pertinent dans sa critique de notre société. Cette réflexion et l’analyse qu’il offre ici sur notre époque sont remarquables.
Mais qui a posé la question aux Groënlandais
Je pose ça là, je dis ça, j'dis ça j'dis rien.
A ce niveau là, c'est plus un vent, c'est un prout !…
Libre à vous de partager cette information, et les résultats de ce sondage.
#USA #groenland #sondage #poll #danemark
Groenland : Une écrasante majorité des habitants ne veut pas appartenir aux Etats-Unis
Selon un sondage réalisé 22 au 26 janvier 2025, 85 % des habitants du Groenland ne veulent pas intégrer les Etats-Unis, malgré les velléités de Donald TrumpRomarik Le Dourneuf (20 Minutes)
Enjomineur D3 likes this.
Enjomineur D3 reshared this.
Be a sucker thou shall not !…
#1940 #propaganda #fascism #education #antifascism
Don't Be A Sucker (1947) (short film warning about fascism and the tricks it uses to gain power)
Don't Be a Sucker is an anti-fascist propaganda film produced by the United States Army Signal Corps. It follows a Freemason, Mike, who buys into the prejudiced beliefs of a demagogic street speaker until the speaker denounces Masons. A European refugee then speaks to Mike about how the same prejudiced beliefs led to the rise of fascism in Germany. The film argues that both majority and minority groups are harmed by fascism, and that Americans must unify against fascism regardless of race, religion, or national origin.More info:'t_Be…
HelloquitX: the case of Stephen King
Although it is not very clear wether King left the platform or was banned by 'the man', one thing is clear, the horror writer and modern historian specialist of the 60's in USA, very close to his X's followers has left the platform.…
#helloquitex #x
Stephen King Quits X: Elon Musk 'Kicks' Him From Platform, Sparking Global Controversy - Amazing
In an unexpected turn of events, iconic horror writer Stephen King has decided to leave X, formerly known as Twitter, after accusing Elon Musk, the currentnvvp (chainityai amazing3)
The greatest country in the world ?
Does someone know from which film this comes from ?…
The greatest country in the world ?
One of the greatest monologues ever delivered on a TV Show 🔥
Have you seen The Newsroom yet?
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Sunshine, Joseph C and SocialSpirit like this.
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pataphysician, Mike Höhn, Golden Girl and Cătă like this.
Meggan Watterson on Instagram: "Love is a power that knows only mercy. Mercy is what we need most- for ourselves and each other. We may never receive it from people in positions of power- but love is a power that knows only mercy. And this is what makes i
265K likes, 10K comments - megganwatterson on January 21, 2025: "Love is a power that knows only mercy. Mercy is what we need most- for ourselves and each other.Instagram
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Len Kotarski and Analogika like this.
Marches John reshared this.
HelloQuitX on Instagram: "📣 « Ne quittez pas X tout de suite, on vous explique » Après avoir conquis les Etats Unis, Elon Musk part à la conquête du reste du monde. Il est encore temps de protéger nos démocraties en France et dans le reste du monde. Re
674 likes, 57 comments - helloquitx on January 20, 2025: "📣 « Ne quittez pas X tout de suite, on vous explique » Après avoir conquis les Etats Unis, Elon Musk part à la conquête du reste du monde.Instagram
Ne quittez pas X Tout de suite
On Est Prêt on Instagram: "📣 Ne quittez pas X tout de suite 📣 🤔 Avant ca, sauvegardez votre communauté via la plateforme @cnrs @helloquitx, et répliquez la sur Blue Sky et Mastodon. Sinon vous détruisez une valeur que certains d’entre vous ont mis des a
558 likes, 14 comments - onestpret on January 17, 2025: "📣 Ne quittez pas X tout de suite 📣 🤔 Avant ca, sauvegardez votre communauté via la plateforme @cnrs @helloquitx, et répliquez la sur Blue Sky et Mastodon.Instagram
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Tofm2, Dan Neuman 🇨🇦, Abie and Meg 🏴☠️ reshared this.…
Le forcené qui mettait de la compote de pommes dans les Galettes des rois abattu par le RAID
Toute l'information selon des sources contradictoires.La Rédaction (Le Gorafi News Network)
We've got your back on this one. You can follow all your favorite people on Pixelfed on Surf (and add them to custom feeds with other people, hashtags, RSS, etc).…
Meta Is Blocking Links to Decentralized Instagram Competitor Pixelfed
Pixelfed said it is "seeing unprecedented levels of traffic."Jason Koebler (404 Media)
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Tofm2, Jeff Sikes and Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖ reshared this.
Commentaire de Anne Hidalgo sur son départ de la plateforme X…
Anne Hidalgo explique son départ de X
Le 27 novembre 2023, j'ai été l'une des premières responsables politiques à quitter Twitter et je ne l'ai jamais regretté. Ce réseau est devenu un vaste égout mondial et une arme de déconstruction massive de nos démocraties.Les femmes de gauche, écologistes, humanistes, féministes y sont partout traitées de la même manière : par le harcèlement, le dénigrement, avec une volonté délibérée de détruire.
Face à la toxicité de ce réseau, il n’y a que des avantages à le quitter.
Je me réjouis de voir de plus en plus de personnes quitter Twitter et je vous encourage toutes et tous à sauter le pas avec @[url=]HelloQuitX[/url], une plateforme qui permet de reconstituer facilement son réseau ailleurs.
Rassurez-vous, on vit très bien sans Twitter et c’est très bon pour notre santé mentale !
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Job description Mastodon is searching for a developper
Mastodon foundation is looking for a talented Front-end Developer (m/f/d) to join their small core Mastodon team. In this role, you’ll work closely with our designer and core engineering team to elevate the web UI/UX experience for Mastodon users.…
#job #jobdescription #jobboard #mastodon
Front-end Developer (m/f/d)
We're looking for a Front-end Developer to work with us remotely on our free and open-source Mastodon
Today Mastodon is taking another step towards its founding ideals: independence and non-profit ownership. We're transferring ownership of key assets to a new, European not-for-profit entity, ensuring our mission remains true to a decentralised social web, not corporate control. #MastodonNonProfit…
The people should own the town square
It is more important than ever that the social web is not controlled by corporations. Today, Mastodon is taking another step towards its founding ideals: independence and non-profit ownership.Mastodon Blog
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Tofm2, Tomas Ekeli, ruedi, clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛, 𝔻𝕚𝕖𝕘𝕠 🦝🧑🏻💻🍕, Ramin Honary and Anachronology like this.
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Marcel Bootsman, Poliverso - notizie dal Fediverso ⁂, Kilian Evang, Chad 🇨🇦, Chris Packham, Fedi.Tips, Jiří Eischmann, Tofm2, FlippoFlip 🏴☠️, James 🦉 #FBPE 🇪🇺, Chris Hessert 🐧 🇺🇦, chef 😎, Fediverse Report, scy, Andrew, Tusky, David, Shannon Prickett, Tomas Ekeli, Pedro Cambra, clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛, Bread and Circuses, nixCraft 🐧, Ben Royce 🇺🇦, Marcel, Yours Truly! Unruly, Tim Chambers, Jeff Sikes, AJ Sadauskas, Papawj, Gabriele Svelto, Vivaldi, Evan Prodromou, Cainmark Does Not Comply 🚲, Fezzi Fezzino, Nico, 𝔻𝕚𝕖𝕘𝕠 🦝🧑🏻💻🍕, AJ Sadauskas, Marguerite Efdé, skribe 🇺🇦, Ramin Honary, Gavin Anderegg, Ame, Cory Doctorow, Chirayu, arbocenc 🇯🇴, JonChevreau, Santiago, Jill •-□🎶, rob, Jennifer Slack, Kotaro, CaveDave, K2, BohwaZ, Kierunkowy74, The Nexus of Privacy, Gerry McGovern, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖, Henri Verymetaldev, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, petersuber, Lizzie Crowdagger, Thomas Barrio, Max, Jason Lefkowitz, Punk on Bus Lives!🇨🇦🇬🇱🇵🇦, Heidi Li Feldman, your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦, Mastodon Migration, Kevin Russell, Linux Is Awesome, Nicolas Fressengeas, Solarbird and 25 other people reshared this.
Eugen's vision for Mastodon was centered on user choice, community, and freedom. Now, we're formalizing that commitment with the formation of a new European non-profit entity. Eugen will transition to an alternative role in the team, with a new CEO to be announced very soon. Stay tuned for updates on these changes.
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Nicolas Fressengeas, the indefatigable rhys, bituur esztreym, FlippoFlip 🏴☠️, Shannon Prickett and Tim Chambers reshared this.
Our core mission remains the same: create tools and spaces for authentic online communities. No changes to your user experience, just a stronger commitment to transparency and community-driven governance. Join us on this journey!
Tim Chambers reshared this.
We're not just building a social network, we're building a community. Communities thrive when everyone contributes. We're growing our operating budget to invest in our contribution to the Fediverse as a whole, including our commitment to trust and safety, and user experience. Donate to support this vision!…
Donate to Mastodon
Donate or become a sponsor and help us build the social web for everyone!
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Hylke 🍵, mekka okereke and Shannon Prickett reshared this.
Transparency is a key part of our transition to non-profit ownership. Follow us to stay informed about our progress, priorities, and the move to community-driven governance. Together, we're building a safer, more open Fediverse. Join us 🙂…
The people should own the town square
It is more important than ever that the social web is not controlled by corporations. Today, Mastodon is taking another step towards its founding ideals: independence and non-profit ownership.Mastodon Blog
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Bass #AlleBurgers #EcoHumanist, marzuq märzenbecher, mekka okereke, JdeB, fanf42 and APC reshared this.
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your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 reshared this.
*unless you happen to condemn the genocide of Gaza or the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
(to be clear, I agree that the situation in Gaza being a genocide)
But that's what Mastodon is trying to say here: You can own your town square. It's up to the instance you're on to decide or you can make your own instance. There is no limit to having your voice be approved by the big corporate overlords of Facebook/Twitter etc....
That's exactly what they're saying here ..
EDIT: Didn't see blogpost also mentions the big two servers. my bad
This post they made is about the software.
There is nothing in the software that limits this speech
"There is nothing in the software that limits this speech."
Let go of the deceptive idea of "the tech itself." The truth is that there is nothing "in" the software at all. Its only animating force is the people using it. Trying to separate technology from people is a fool's errand at best; it actively covers up bad deeds done by people using technology to do them at worst.
@SallyStrange @ombremad @Captain_Jack_Sparrow as I mentioned in a previous reply. I had skipped over the blogpost also talking about the two main servers they have. (I knew the existed obv, just read over the section of the blogpost where they talked about them).
So I understand the reason for the original reply better now.
I don't want else to reply honestly
Thanks for the additional context. Really I was just ranting a bit about a framework I see as flawed and also way too common.
@ombremad @Mastodon @Captain_Jack_Sparrow
Thomas Barrio reshared this.
let me guess:
FSB disinfo isn't showing up as much as you would like?
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
Wouldn't happen to be the Nazi ones would it
Is this something you would/could consider? Resp. what you were looking for?
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Yours Truly! Unruly and Thomas Barrio reshared this.
Thomas Barrio reshared this.
Why not connect with #bsky ? They write: "Why not use ActivityPub? ActivityPub is a federated social networking technology popularized by Mastodon. Account portability is a major reason why we chose to build a separate protocol."
Anybody thinking of building bridges between those two protocols?
people on this thread are throwing around ideas to inspire more people to join:…
Do you have any initiatives planned to stir up new active users?
These posts feel important, who exactly is posting them?
They are very corporate sounding, let's be people here.
your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 reshared this.
your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 reshared this.
Honestly, I'd love to see Mastodon as a viable Twitter alternative, but by now I think it never will be. It's a completely different experience. When I open Mastodon, I see a maze of text, 3rd degree replies to I don't know what, and a star button that essentially nobody but me uses, because it does (almost) nothing.
I understand that some people like this type of experience, but me (and a lot of other ex twitter users who went to bluesky instead) would've preferred something else.
Yours Truly! Unruly reshared this.
That's nice if you liked it here, but me and all the other people ending up on bluesky wanted exactly the same but didn't get it here.
I use the star button like that too, but somehow almost nobody else does. When I check my feed, I see usually 0 stars, even for posts that have hundreds of reposts. For me this is just a gasping unused space.
@David @DirkGutlin I use the star feature the same way, to express a "like" without everyone of my followers getting into my business... I boost if it's something I want to see get more engagement (discussion), usually bc I agree with it, sometimes just because it's a relevant point on a nuanced topic.
I might be a minority, but sort of enjoy the random hanging third-degree responses. There are some real gems out there 😆 perhaps it's the Mastodon mystique
Yeah, that's probably just the favourites not reaching your server. Favourites are mainly intended to just let the author know someone liked their post, and they do all reach the author.
Great to see the continued commitment to open, decentralised technologies in the EU specifically.
We have known for a long time, but it feels more prevalent than ever, that social media can not be controlled by the US. Looking forward to it!
your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 reshared this.
And yes come to me with "communist" jokes here but that is how it should be.
your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 reshared this.
Under what comes next, you are still promoting the "Fediscovery" project.
Despite it being described as supporting multiple "discovery providers", the text says »This will specify how an instance will “feed” content to a discovery provider to index. And how a discovery provider can be queried to actually search and discover content.«
Nothing is being said about why there would ever be a need for a more than a few big providers, once it is established that the big ones "work". As usual, centralization is looming here, by a few corps "generously" offering high-speed "discovery" for "free".
Also, nothing is said about providers sharing results of the indexing, to enable true fediverse-wide search - instead, the proposal almost inevitably points to a set of a few providers that everybody needs to feed if they want posts to be found.
"Hope" will not change that hence just saying »We want to specify how a discovery provider works and interfaces with a Fediverse server instance. We hope to inspire several competing implementations of the specification.« does not make much sense.
Nothing is said about who outside of the Fediverse gets to query a provider, or to process the data that has been extracted from a fediverse server feed - and for which purposes. It's even expressly mentioned that »These “providers” might serve other purposes than just search and discovery«
»The protocols and implementations will respect user privacy«, but the text only offers "shoulds":
- »Our reference implementation will respect this setting and only ingest content from creators who opted in to discovery in the first place.« (note the telling words "respect" and "ingest" here, it does not even seem consensus that providers are "fed" by Fediverse servers).
- »All other information a discovery provider gathers should be anonymous.« Should?
- »Fediverse Discovery Providers should only ever index content clearly marked as “public”.« Should?
- »Fediverse Discovery Providers should honor these settings and only index user data and content from users who have opted-into that.« Should?
Another red flag: »This means we might not always be able to incorporate all the feedback we get into the very first draft of everything we publish. But rest assured that we are committed to continue working on this even after this first project has ended, so we will be able to make adjustments later on.«
More privacy after the first implementation is out? And no: With Mastodon being the driver of this, and with the current wording, we can not "rest assured".
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your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 and Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖ reshared this.
Please explain new Euro not-for-profit organization. Is this a trust that controls the mission?
"We will continue day-to-day operations through the Mastodon GmbH for-profit entity, which will become wholly owned by the new European not-for-profit entity. The Mastodon GmbH entity automatically became a for-profit as a result of its charitable status being stripped away in Germany. The existing US-based non-profit entity, the 501(c)(3), will continue to function as a fundraising hub."
This doesn’t distract us from the problematic relationship with Meta - that issue needs to be addressed upfront.
Placing IPR in a non-profit trust is a model that should be used more extensively.
Such a trust's constitution can enshrine their future use, including licensing within specified constraints, ensuring all future use of the copyright, patents or brands contribute to social and community benefit.
"The people should own the town square"
Who could say it any better? Social media has to be a part of our public infrastructure or else it is just a tool of public manipulation and oppression.
It is antithetical for social media to be owned by a corporation.
You should also consider changing hosting providers, outside the United States.
Linux Is Awesome reshared this.
This is great.
What I find amazing and very frustrating is that even when opinion journalists address these issues seriously and thoughtfully they almost always fail to mention Mastodon -- as here:
"We need to support the creation of other platforms that are designed not to amplify lies and hate, or to just suck our personal data and sell us things, but to promote a better conversation."…
Elon Musk and the new world order: the hijacking of the global conversation
How can we publicly debate policy in the face of the rising – and polarising – influence of the X owner and others whose only aim is to serve themselvesPeter Pomerantsev (The Guardian)
whew! this is good. this is really, really good. had no idea Germany stripped y’all of the non-profit status and that’s why you had to incorporate in the US.
so this will ensure the USA has no jurisdiction over Mastodon the software company, the software, correct?
the only quibble would be the TLDs: .social and .online are controlled by USA providers. there’s still vulnerability to abuse of power with the TLDs being under USA jurisdiction.
We try to use EU-based companies where we can, unfortunately it is very hard to do it for everything, domain names being a good example, and we consider this very low-risk (especially compared to other things like legal jurisdictions, or shareholder structure)
your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 reshared this.
it's difficult to take these steps right, with all the legal and organizational implications they carry.
I wish you good luck.
Mastodon is the platform that deserves our presence and attention (to followers over the skies).
Mastodon will "transfer ownership of key Mastodon ecosystem and platform components [ ] to a new non-profit organization, affirming the intent that Mastodon should not be owned or controlled by a single individual."
"where people can build [] online communities free from ads, data exploitation, manipulative algorithms or corporate monopolies."
David Chavalarias on LinkedIn: Then one day, HelloQuitX came along and offered X users the chance to…
Then one day, HelloQuitX came along and offered X users the chance to leave X with all their followers in less than five minutes without losing connections…David Chavalarias (
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Sunshine and Anachronology like this.
Dans la famille "le Pen" je voudrais le père...
....pioche.... !
in reply to Missing The Point • • •Nick 🇨🇦 V13.9XXA Candidate
in reply to Missing The Point • • •He got in just under the wire.
Graham C
in reply to Missing The Point • • •Viral Obscurity
in reply to Missing The Point • • •not after he messed up the mineral deal
I doybt that Putin was happy after Mr 'Art of the Deal' couldn't close and get an agreement
in reply to Missing The Point • • •