HelloQuitteX, une plateforme d'outils pour quitter X
David Chavalarias, Directeur de recherche au CNRS et au Centre d'analyse et de mathématique sociales (CAMS) de l'EHESS et Directeur de l'Institut des systèmes complexes de Paris Île-de-France, explique que X (ex-Twitter) est devenu toxique depuis son rachat par Elon Musk. Son laboratoire au CNRS a constaté, documenté et quantifié de façon extremement detaillée une augmentation de l'hostilité des échanges, amplifiée par l'algorithme. Musk a abandonné la modération et utilisé X pour promouvoir des opinions d'extrême droite.
Le collectif HelloQuitteX propose d'accompagner les utilisateurs vers des plateformes décentralisées comme Mastodon ou BlueSky, offrant plus de liberté. Une date clé, le 20 janvier, a été fixée pour organiser cette transition.
David Chavalarias souligne que HelloQuitteX est une initiative apolitique et transpartisane. L'objectif est de dénoncer l'instrumentalisation politique des données des utilisateurs et d'offrir des alternatives plus saines. Le projet vise à donner aux utilisateurs les outils pour reprendre le contrôle de leurs données.
NDLR cet interressant article sur Synthmedia presente toutefois le leger inconvénient de ne pas pouvoir être partagé sur le fediverse. Néanmoins la plateforme de publication permet un partage sur X directement. Un comble..
#X #HelloQuitteX #elonmusk #chavalarias
HelloQuitteX vous aide à quitter X avec David Chavalarias
Rencontre avec David Chavalarias, chercheur au CNRS, auteur du livre Toxic Data et fondateur du collectif HelloQuitteX.Gerald Holubowicz (Synth)
les deux invités ( et surtout #HélèneTordjman ) dénoncent les dérives de l’ #économieécologique, qui tend à se rapprocher de plus en plus de l’ #économie environnementale dont elle avait pour ambition de se différencier au départ. Ainsi, les outils de la “ #croissanceverte”, du “capitalisme vert”, du “ #développementdurable ” ou du “ #GreenNewDeal”, qui ont désormais acquis une place de choix dans les discours #politiques, ne sont selon eux qu’un réemploi des outils marchands à l’origine de la destruction initiale de nos #écosystèmes.
#franceculture #podcast #baladodiffusion #EntendezVousLÉco
2000 - 2025 : les économistes se préoccupent-ils d’écologie ?
"Développement durable", "croissance verte", "Green New Deal"... l'économie tend, depuis plus de 25 ans, à s'emparer progressivement des questions écologiques pour tenter d'apporter des solutions au changement climatique.Aliette Hovine (France Culture)
Guerre à Gaza
Cet établissement était le dernier grand hôpital opérationnel dans le nord de la bande côtière palestinienne. Il est désormais "hors service" après un raid israélien à proximité, a déclaré l’OMS. "De premières informations font état de services clés incendiés et détruits pendant le raid. 60 membres du personnel soignant et 25 patients sont dans un état critique", a pointé l’organisation internationale. "L’occupation (israélienne) a complètement détruit l’ossature médicale, humanitaire et de secours dans le nord de Gaza", a dénoncé le porte-parole de la Défense civile gazaouie, Mahmoud Bassal, précisant que le responsable local des secouristes était également détenu.
Contactée, l’armée israélienne n’a pas fait de commentaire dans l’immédiat au sujet de ces arrestations. Le directeur de l’hôpital reste de son côté injoignable pour l’instant.
Un hôpital au rôle crucial
"L’armée a demandé à tous les jeunes hommes de se déshabiller avant de sortir de l’hôpital et de se rendre dans une école qu’elle utilise comme centre de détention et d’interrogatoire", raconte Mohammad, qui n’a pas souhaité donner son nom de famille par crainte d’être poursuivi. "Les soldats nous ont posé des questions sur les résistants, le Hamas, les armes et les gens qui filmaient les bombardements et les destructions", a ajouté cet homme de 48 ans.
Depuis le 6 octobre, l’armée israélienne a intensifié son offensive terrestre et aérienne dans le nord de la bande de Gaza pour empêcher selon elle les combattants du Hamas de se regrouper. C’est dans cet objectif qu’elle a indiqué avoir lancé vendredi matin une opération près de l’hôpital #KamalAdwan, au rôle crucial dans une bande de Gaza aux services de santé exsangues après plus d’un an de guerre. L’établissement, dont le directeur alertait depuis plusieurs jours déjà qu’il était pris pour cible, serait "utilisé comme cachette par les terroristes", avancent les Israéliens, ce que dément "catégoriquement" le Hamas.
"La situation est catastrophique, il n’y a plus de service médical, d’ambulances et de secouristes dans le Nord", assure un témoin sur place, Ammar al-Barch, âgé de 50 ans. "L’armée continue ses raids sur l’hôpital et les maisons autour. On entend des tirs de drones et d’artillerie."
Le ministère des Affaires étrangères de l’Iran, ennemi d’Israël, a condamné "l’attaque brutale des soldats du régime israélien", y voyant "le dernier exemple en date" de ses "crimes de guerre, crimes contre l’humanité et violations flagrantes des normes et lois internationales". La Défense civile de Gaza a par ailleurs fait état de 9 morts dans une frappe israélienne ce samedi matin sur une maison dans le centre du territoire.
En riposte à une attaque sans précédent du Hamas sur le sol israélien le 7 octobre 2023, l’armée israélienne a lancé une offensive dévastatrice contre la bande de #Gaza, qu’elle assiège depuis. Selon le dernier bilan du ministère de la Santé du gouvernement du Hamas, 45 484 Palestiniens, essentiellement des civils, y ont péri au total, dont au moins 48 en l’espace de 24 heures. L’attaque du #Hamas a causé la mort de plus de 1200 personnes côté israélien, en majorité des civils, selon un décompte basé sur des chiffres officiels.
Situation critique à Gaza : un hôpital clé est hors service après un raid israélien à proximité, selon l’OMS
Le dernier grand hôpital dans le nord de la bande de Gaza est hors service à la suite d’un raid israélien à proximité, annonce l’Organisation mondiale de la santé. Le directeur de l’hôpital a été interpellé.La Dépêche du Midi (ladepeche.fr)
Kahte🐿️ reshared this.
The Moral Bankruptcy of the West
"One wonders what people in the West who have either supported Israel’s genocide or remained silent tell themselves to justify their behavior and sleep at night.
History will not treat them kindly."
Top 10 películas mexicanas del 2024
Aquí les compartimos las que consideramos las 10 mejores del 2024.
#xarliclub #cinemexicano #peliculas #pelicula #peli #pelis #movies #tv #cinemastodon #filmsky #Top10
Top 10 películas mexicanas del 2024.
El cine mexicano ha tenido un año espectacular, demostrando una vez más su vitalidad, creatividad y compromiso con historias que no solo ent...Xarli.Club (Blogger)
Top 10 películas animadas del 2024
#xarliclub #animation #animacion #animated #movies #tv #cinemastodon #filmsky
Top 10 películas animadas del 2024
Este año se ha caracterizado por un despliegue impresionante en el mundo de la animación, con películas que han logrado cautivar a tanto a j...Xarli.Club (Blogger)
Le monde selon Elon Musk
Reprise de l'émission d'Arte.
Le monde selon Elon Musk (sur Arte, le 2024/09/05)
Twitteur compulsif, Elon Musk s’est offert en 2022 son réseau social préféré, et l'a brutalement façonné selon ses désirs. Cette enquête punchy relate les relations orageuses entre la plate-forme e...Infosec.Exchange Video
Top 10 animes del 2024
#xarliclub #top10 #anime #animation #animacion #tv #stream #Crunchyroll #anime2024 #animeadventures #AnimeArt #animetwt #Japan #japon
Top 10 animes del 2024.
Este año 2024 ha sido una verdadera montaña rusa de emociones, acción y magia con una increíble variedad de animes que han llenado nuestras ...Xarli.Club (Blogger)
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Top 10 mangas del 2024
#xarliclub #manga #comics #comicstrip
Top 10 Mangas de 2024
Ha sido un año lleno de aventuras, emociones y giros inesperados en el mundo del manga. Desde historias que nos han hecho reír hasta aquella...Xarli.Club (Blogger)
Barbarism, meaning oxymoronic unto itself
Is its meaning ‘absence of civilization’, or ‘extreme cruelty and brutality’? It’s the only word I can think of that is oxymoronic unto itself. Unlikely pre-civ humanways were as cruel and brutal en masse as rotating cohorts of civilized humans have been and continue to be. Barbarism’s commonly connoted meaning manifests not so much in wild humans, as in civilization’s enforced compliance with authoritarianism, power hierarchy, domination and exploitation. It’s not like groups of humans at war or whatever return indigenous. They get uber violent, rape pillage & plunder as civilized beings. After they get it out of their system, most return to civilization’s preferred norms, proud tax paying citizens. Civilization has barbarism built in.
On the edge of oblivion and all the world is Babylon, and all the love and everyone a ship of fools sailing on.
Oh, that was absolutely fantastic! What an amazing performance! It's the first time I saw a truly professional version of an Ivor Novello work, aside from the mess that was the Glamorous Night film, whose only saving graces were Mary Ellis and Trefor Jones. While I loved Perchance to dream and King's Rhapsody, both were amateur productions. This was how his works were meant to be seen and heard! And the woman who played Maria equalled Mary Ellis in her singing abilities,, including the amazing portemento and high notes! And Olive Gilbert not only sang but spoke as well! Dunstand Hart just sang, but judging by the script, that was probably how the original play was written, too. Overall, I would highly recommdns this not just to fans of Ivor Novello but to anyone who wants to see a romantic story with beautiful music, sung properly!
#film #IvorNovello #operetta #theatre #theater #TheDancingYears #vienna
Sonic The Hedgehog 3
#xarliclub From Mexico city #SonicTheHedgehog #SONIC #Sonic3 #SonicXShadowGenerations #sega @ParamountMexico #movies #tv #cinemastodon #filmsky
Sonic The Hedgehog 3
La franquicia Sonic the Hedgehog ha sido un pilar en la cultura popular desde su lanzamiento en 1991 por Sega . Con su protagonista, un eri...Xarli.Club (Blogger)
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The Easter Story at Christmas
It’s always tempting at #Christmas to focus on the story of the birth of #Jesus. After all, the reason we’re celebrating is the #nativity. However, it’s super important to also remember the #Easter story. As we learn from Luke 24:1-7:
On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb.
They found the stone rolled away from the tomb,
but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them.
In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?
He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee:
‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ”
Without the resurrection of Jesus, his birth would be no more important than yours or mine. Instead, Jesus rising again from the dead definitively demonstrated that he is the Messiah; the King of Kings. The Easter story is why Christmas is so important to begin with.
Three Wise Men
It’s Christmas! Let us rejoice and remember when the Three Wise Men travelled to #Bethlehem from afar, guided by a star, to bring gifts to baby #Jesus as we continue that tradition to this day.
This story is from Matthew 2:9-11:
After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.
When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.
On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Oh how joyful they must have felt when they met Mary with baby Jesus! I am delighted to share in that joy today when celebrating Christmas.
I'm an atheist, but I still enjoy various types of music, including the religious variety, as some is quite beautiful. To that end, I posted this a few years ago on Facebook. I braved the nightmare that is the main site today and was able to find it. I hope it brings joy to you.
Now, it's time for some Christmas music history! Some of these are playlists, so just skip what you don't like, I promise, this is not the usual music you hear in shops!
I have a few time periods in mind, but let us begin with the very first Christmas song ever written.
Jesus Refulsit Omnium - Roman Christmas Song - YouTube
And now, for something a bit more modern. Don't expect to hear Elvis on this list, though.
Here are some songs from the eighteenth century! Unfortunately, these are just instrumentals.
18th Century Authentic Christmas Music
On to the Regency! Yay! Sadly, there isn't much available from then. Please feel free to make suggestions.
The Gloucester Wassail/The Holly and the Ivy, Regency Christmas
This may or may not be authentic, but it's pleasant. Again, it's instrumental.
Regency Music - Peaceful Christmas
This is real, in more ways than one, as the song existed then, and it's being played on a genuine Regency piano!
O come o come Emmanuel played on a Regency period Broadwood square piano
On to the Victorian era. Believe it or not, while a large number of familiar Christmas songs came from then, I can't find a good playlist! Again, if you know of one, please suggest it. While this recording is modern, you can be sure that Victorians would have been very familiar with the arrangements and that many also spent time in the church where this was recorded, probably hearing the same organ, too!
Victorian Carols from St Bartholomew the Great
Now, let's turn to my second favourite period next to the Regency, the Edwardian! This extremely special! All of the following was actually recorded then! I have made it a tradition to listen to this every year. Some of the tunes may be familiar, but in several cases, the lyrics may not be. The last one is a real treat for the children and those young at heart!
Vintage Christmas Songs from the 1900's & 1910's Playlist
I'm not very familiar with this one.
1900s -1910s Victorian Christmas Music Selection
This is from two years after King Edward's death, but I had to include it, as it's a lovely version. Note that the link that I originally provided no longer exists, so I had to find another. But here, you can actually see the grammophone!
"Silent Night! Hallowed Night!" Elsie Baker on VV Model XI, 1912.
Finally, as my friends know, I love Eton College, so I had to include this. It breaks the theme slightly, in that it doesn't belong to a specific time period, but songs from different times are sung, and all in a very traditional manner.
Eton Choir Christmas
#ancient #choir #choral #Christmascarols #Christmas #Edwardian #English #EtonCollege #fortepiano #historical #instrumental #Latin #music #phonographs #Regency #Roman #songs #Victorian
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These don't fit anywhere, but they're so enjoyable that I had to include them. They're by Mozart. No, not Wolfgang, but but his father, Leopold!
The first was written with Christmas and children in mind. But let's just forget we're adults for a moment.
Leopold Mozart Toy Symphony Gmajor
This one is another happy piece that always makes me smile.
Musikalische Schlittenfahrt (The Sleigh Ride) - Perennial Praise
Après un succulent #dîner de Noël au #restau éthiopien, j'ai dormi seulement 3 heures.
Impossible de me rendormir.
Pareil pour ma soeur et ma mère, nous sommes une famille de détraqués du sommeil.
Alors on a commencé à cuisiner pour notre réveillon de ce soir au lieu de petit-déjeuner en somnolant.
#cuisine #cuisineéthiopienne #cuisinevégane #vegan #restaurant #Rouen
Christmas 2024 in Marseille
#christmas2024 #photo #photography #marseille
'christmas 2024 in Marseille' by ElChorten
Find more inspiring images at VIEWBUG - the world’s most rewarding photo community.VIEWBUG.com
The Birth of Jesus - Luke 2:1-20 (NIV)
Christmas is a great time to celebrate with family and friends, and enjoy the gifts and cards we give to each other in celebration. But it's also a time to reflect on the story of the nativity and the glorious day that Jesus was revealed to be the Messiah.
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.
(This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.)
And everyone went to their own town to register.
So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David.
He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.
While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born,
and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.
An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.
This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”
So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.
When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child,
and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.
But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.
The Archbishop of York will say that the Church of England must "kneel in penitence" and "be changed" in his Christmas day sermon, an attempt at turning the corner after the CofE's annus horribilis related to its leadership's handling of historic allegations of abuse.
#Church #Abuse #ChurchOfEngland #CofE #Anglican #Christmas
Church ‘must kneel in penitence’ after abuse scandal, says archbishop in Christmas sermon
Archbishop of York will call for people to put the needs of others first – including victims of abuseHolly Bancroft (The Independent)
I just accidentally found a new (for me) operetta! Sadly, I doubt I'll find more by these two in this particular play, but perhaps, I can find it performed in English somewhere. It sounds like something I would absolutely love to see.
#music #operetta #TheaPhilips #theatre #theater #TreforJones
I love this song, and for some reason, I always find myself singing it. This man's voice is also among the best I've ever heard in my life. For some odd reason, this video doesn't say his name. It's Trefor Jones.
n816 Media
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in reply to n816 Media • •Commentaires de Anne Hidalgo, maire de Paris, l'une des premières femmes politiques à quitter la plateforme X