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I'm thinking of getting back into my BBC radio shows. There are still a few episodes of Paul Temple that I must finish. Can anyone recommend others? I like plays (usually classics or ones set in fantacy lands or Ruritania, things about the upper class, the Regency, historical documentaries, nature, science fiction, strange or unusual stories, children's programmes, etc. I generally like happy stories. I have no interest in war (unless it's history), violence, obscenities, what some call gritty realism, politics, and so on. My goal is almost always to listen to and to collect things in Received Pronunciation, and extra points if it's Upper RP.

#audiodrama #BBC #British #fiction #oldtimeradio #PaulTemple #plays #radioshows #ReceivedPronunciation #stories

It's rare that both Youtube and the Internet Archive fail me, but they did a spectacular job of it last night! So let's see if anyone here can help me. I am seeking recordings of Welsh or English choirs from 1893 to about 1951, maybe slightly later, as long as they're not too modern. I am trying to find those that align with the singing style and music of the time of Clara Novello Davies, (I chose the lifetime of Ivor, since she was born in 1861, before recordings started), and yes, there is a difference between those and modern ones. Can anyone please assist me? Perplexity gave me a list of choir names, but either they weren't available, or their recordings were much too late/contemporary to make my list.

#choirs #choralsinging #ClaraNovelloDavies #England #English #recordings #records #singing #vocal #Wales #Welsh

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Many years ago I used to Meliss here, at the Glastonbury Goddess Temple, holding space for devotees and also for sound baths when held by Temple Priestesses.

Nowadays I live quite a long distance from Glastonbury, and I am now distanced from a temple which has become something of a cult.


Valley of Song was every bit as wonderful as I thought it would be. It's the first time, though, that I ever saw a Novello play without any of his own songs. Christopher Hassall did such a good job finishing it that I couldn't tell where one man's work ended and the other's began. What really touched my heart, though, is that this took place in Wales, where Ivor was born. More so, was that some of the songs I know as a fact were sung by the Royal Welsh Ladies Choir, and probably by the Novello Davis Choir, both of which were conducted by his mother. It is the closest I will ever come to hearing them, other than one recording I have under another conductor. I almost cried when they sang Ar Hyd y Nos (All Through the Night), which I know they sung and even recorded in 1915 (I don't have it). And of course, there was a beautiful love story, too, as always.

#ChristopherHassall #ClaraNovelloDavis #IvorNovello #ValleyofSong

Okay. Time for Valley of Song, and later, perhaps a few unfollows and blocks. I see a lot of politics in my timeline. I must clean it.

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in reply to Georgiana Brummell

I think I'm going to watch Autumn Crocus. There is no particular reason. I willl eventually see all of them, anyway. Now, I just have to decide whether I want to watch it now or tonight.

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Le chat du cafoutch

L'un des visiteurs du cafoutch de saint Denis. Tu parles, pour lui, c'est le paradis.

#photo #photography #photoaday #cat #straycat

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