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Increase the critical mass

Is there a way, or a plan we can we refer to in order to increase its critical mass of users???

I know is only a couple of days old,
I know every fediverse instance is connected, but I only found 7 members here.

If I can do something you think can improve this situation, please PM me.

P.S. for example, I have tried to register in Fedidb. Did not seem to have any effect.

Cătă reshared this.

in reply to ElChorten

I also registered in FediDB but doesn't seem to work, I will contact them. now has 15 users. I will see if I can add a relay so the instance will know more content.

Cătă reshared this.

in reply to ElChorten

Yes you must enable that in your settings to be shown there. I just did for my account
in reply to ElChorten

Settings > account > security and privacy
It's the first setting there
in reply to ElChorten

Ah we now are in FediDB. I needed to check a setting somewhere apparently, by default we're not publishing statistics about the instance...…