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Urgh. Should I maybe just stop using #touchscreen technology, until ... spring?

My fingers won't cooperate, and I accidentally … stuff. 😒

Or give those stylus things another go.
They're just one access point, though, so no "zooming", and the stylus tip ?dries out?
— and conveniently, I usually don't forget to bring my #fingers, but a stylus is easy to forget.

/has very #dry #winter #hands — I'm sorry for all the accidental 👎's

#finger #dryskin #winterhands

in reply to phle

@phle There are also some gloves that allow you to use the touchscreen too. I have a pair, and I can only use my pointer fingers with them, but they work brilliantly.

The alternative would be to sew a conductive wire yourself into an existing pair of gloves of yours, but for me, I found out that this option is more expensive and not worth the hassle.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Cătă

Oh, right!
I actually bought some some years ago. I've been using them enough for them to "give up", but I actually have a second pair (that I bought at the same time) laying around ... somewhere.

... it's just that it feels weird / seems silly to have outdoor gloves on indoors.
Then again, I wear work gloves indoors. Hm.

(Had to check them up: "glider gloves" ... bought them 2018. 🙈)