I'm a warrior. For years, my weapons are humor, perseverance, creativity , but also resignation, acceptance and once in a while also the courage of despair. Fibromyalgia is not for wimps. Fellow Fibro sufferers know what I mean. Our disease is not something fatal, but it has a major impact on everyday life. 24/7 chronic, widespread pain throughout the body or in multiple areas. Pain is often felt in the arms, legs, head, chest, abdomen, back, and buttocks. People often describe it as aching, burning, or throbbing., sleeplessness, brain fog, skin problems, Irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety and depression ect.ect. There is no cure for it. But we fight, every single day. And often cry, because so many times we are the ones who need to say no to parties, cancel appointments unexpectedly. And more then often being labeled as not being social. Lack of understanding from the environment is a big issue, because it's not visible at the outside. If you know someone around you who my story makes you think of, be kind and patient. It could just be a fibro fighter too. Thank you for reading.
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