Take time for the little creatures
People always want to ask me about bears. In 1600 miles of AT hiking, I've seen 6 black bears. I was glad for the experience, but I've come to appreciate the little creatures even more. They skirt around quietly...often unnoticed....adding color and beauty while taking almost nothing in return. Make some time for the little creatures....
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Michael L. Simpson
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Mike Habeck
in reply to Michael L. Simpson • •Nice! I've managed to section from Springer to Burke's Garden over the years, and chose my trail name Not So Fast as a reminder to slow down and pay attention to everything - wildflowers, insects, fungi. There's always something interesting to look at!
PS. I'm at 3 bears in about 575 AT overnight miles, plus 5 bears on a15 mile dayhike in Shenandoah. That was a bit much!
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Michael L. Simpson
in reply to Mike Habeck • •Mike Habeck likes this.
Michael L. Simpson
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