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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

It's been 30ish years, but I just started rereading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

With everything going on in the world, I really needed something to make me smile. I really appreciate Douglas Adams' sense of humor, and coming off a number of horror and non-fiction books in a row, this is just what the doctor ordered.

in reply to williewatson

I've heard that before. I've only read one of Pratchett's books, The Wee Free Men, and I just thought it was fine. If that's the best representative of hit work, I'm certainly open to other suggestions!
in reply to Faustus

Loved Wee Free Men (and all books with Tiffany Aching), and it is very representative of his work. That is, of the Discworld books, of which he's probably written 50 or so. There are also a couple of collaborations (w/Neil Gaiman, I think), and some miscellaneous stuff.
The Nac Mac Feagle are in any book that Tiffany Aching appears in, I'm pretty sure.
in reply to Faustus

Completely different direction....except it's going back to re-read....I've had my nose back in Plato's The Republic. No real humor....and no comfort....but perhaps some understanding of what is going on in our world now
in reply to Michael L. Simpson

It's amazing to me that that is considered a Utopian novel. I wonder if Plato was just a creature of his times, or was he considered a fascist asshole even among his contemporaries.
in reply to williewatson

The part of The Republic that may be considered Utopian is this...longing, I guess...for this Philosopher-King that would rule justly. I don't really read this work with that issue in mind. as I don't think that is plausible. Instead, I read for an understanding of these cycles of government and how one form naturally devolves into the next form. In particular, and in the context of today's world, I was reading for his thoughts on how democracy devolves into tyranny. In a similar vein, I've been reading "How Democracies Die"....a much more modern work with much more history to digest. I'm hoping to find clues for how to reverse a slide into tyranny and instead have a renewed democracy