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This is jusst a test to se how this works. I am very new to both Friendica and federated networks in general. The MBasic version of Facebook is being discontinued, so I was forced to find another place.
in reply to end0fline

Thank you. I am glad to be here. I joined because I am totally blind and Facebook is ending support of the Basic Mobile version of their site. I have done some research on the Fediverse, and Friendica seemed like the best choice, due to local posting, no serious character limits, extensive profiles, etc. Now, I am trying to figure out how to use the community forums. When I go to the site and try to log in with my credientials for here, it says that they're wrong. It says I can post to them from here, but how do I find and reply to their posts, and how do I add them to my friends so that I can see futur posts? Please forgive the lack of correct termnology. All of this is new to me.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@dandylover1 The fediverse does take some getting used to, but it won’t take long for it to click! Could you share the web address of the forum you are talking about with me? It would be easier to help that way. Also understood if you’re not comfortable doing that :)
in reply to end0fline

I sincerely thank you for all of your help. None of my friends is on here or knows how to use this, and no one from any of the Facebook groups of which I am a member could help either. However, I got it to work! I found the "follow" link, hit enter on it, and then, it asked me directly for my finger or address. I entered, and it gave me another page with my full profile address. I hit "submit" and was pleasantly surprised to be connected! However, I will still post my original answer, because it is confusing. Why ask me to sign in when I'm already signed in? How was I supposed to know that I could follow a node/forum if it wouldn't recognize me when signing in? Feel free to ignore this if you wish.

====== Original Reply

This is the page in question.…

I went there and it asked me to sign in. They said enter your e-mail or nickname. I first entered my GMail with my Friendica password,and that wasn't accepted. I entered and my password. I then tried dandylover1, which is just my nickname. Then, I entered the addres to my homepage (as I did with the support page above). I tried both the password they originally gave me as well as the one I created. None of it worked. I went to another computer where I hadn't logged into my main page and went to, and I was able to log in, so I know my information is correct. I then tried to find my contacts so that I could add this support forum to my friends that way. I saw a manage contacts option, but nothing about adding one. I tried searching, but that was just to search my contacts, which, of course, didn't work, since I have none.

What am I doing wrong here? How can I make this work? I also tried Semaphore, which is much quicker and easier to use than the regular site, but it only allows me to view posts, etc. I don't think I can edit my profile, add people, and so on from there. Just to clarify, the regular Friendica site appears to be entirely accessible with NVDA (my screen reader), but maybe, there is an option to add contacts that's not being read.

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

I will try and explain this as best as I can. The issue you described when you had to enter your ID on the forum is something that people are currently discussing making easier, but its not very intuitive right now.

So, your account is on the server
The forum group is on the server <-- This server does not know that your account exists.

So when you enter your username (
this part: "However, I got it to work! I found the "follow" link, hit enter on it, and then, it asked me directly for my finger or address. I entered, and it gave me another page with my full profile address"

That is your way of letting the server knwo who you are, and then sends the request back to your server, This is usually the more annoying way of doing things, but it works.

For finding contacts from, you will want to click on the "Contacts" icon or go to ( The correct place to enter/search for a new person is in the "Add new contact" field. I have had this one work when I have the other person's "address". At the top of this page is a Find People option, which I haven't used much, but I imagine you can use it to search for people.

Please let me know if any of this was confusing!

As for finding people organically, I would recommend you search for some of your favorite hashtags. They are the best way to find content on the fediverse!

I'm still learning Friendica myself, so if you figure out any cool stuff, let me know!

in reply to end0fline

I just went to the contacts page. As before, I saw nothing about adding a new contact, only searching among mine. I'm not sure what's going on there. But it does seem that I can use the regular search option at the top of my homepage to find people. I just wonder why there is nothing about adding a contact there. I do see something like that when I go to an actual instance, etc.