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Trip to London - Suggestions?

So we're planning a trip to London in a couple months. We'll be hitting the standard tourist spots (again for me, first time for the rest of my family), and I'm curious if anyone has any off-the-beaten-path suggestions to check out while we're there.

#travel #london

in reply to Faustus

Its impossible to make recommendations without knowing who they are for.

However there are a couple of things I recommend
a) go on a hop on/hop off bus tour on the first day. See the whole th9ing. It takes a couple of hours. Then get back on and do it again but get off and explore where you find something of interest. You now have the macro view.
b) research your interests, eg. Motor bikes, dressmaking, sailing, Peter the Great, etc.. and see what there is of this in London.
c) take a water taxi from westminster steps.

in reply to Faustus

Fair point. Like I said we'll be seeing all the normal tourist points, and since there are six of us travelling in a wide range of ages, interests vary. The Hop On Hop Off busses are a staple of all our trips, and the water taxi is a good idea - we did that in Paris but not London the last time.

I'm happy to hear about anything others find interesting - it may or may not suit us, but we can't check it out if we don't know it's there.