Found in my physical mailbox
From the Free Software Foundation Europe.
and sooo many stickers, way more than those few I included in the picture!!!
@Free Software Foundation Europe, thanks!
I think this is a bug, but it doesn't bother me that much, what do people think...
!Friendica Support I have a bookmark in firefox pointing to… My browser remembers that I am already logged in. Clicking on the bookmark gives me my profile all localised in the language settings of my browser, which is Dutch on my work computer. My language in my profile however is set to English (UK).
The search box says 'zoeken' which is Dutch for 'search'.
I have to refresh the page (F5) to get everything in english:
The search box now says 'search'.
This does not happen when I change my shortcut to Opening up shows everything in English. The url however changes to
Note that if I open up Friendica with instead of then I get everything in Dutch:
@Michael Vogel I now can see your reply on Friendica. It only appeared 57 minutes ago while you posted it 11 hours ago. The instanse was acting up.
About the mutuals, can it be that Friendica only shows a person as a mutual if that person is on friendica as well? I have one mutual here on Friendica, and that happens to be another Friendica user. I also follow my mastodon account on (and on I follow my Friendica account. Mastodon sees my Friendica account as a mutual).
My mastodon account on Friendica, listed as just a follower:
My Friendica account on mastodon, listed as a mutual: