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On Friday I finally deleted my Twitter account. I also exported my entire Facebook history and imported it into my Wordpress blog (in draft form). And I did that twice-- once into my account, and then into my main blog account. The Facebook transfer-to-Wordpress only works with a blog, so I had to move everything there then export/import it into my own blog.

The import into meant I have over 6,000 entries to delete. And since I don't have direct access to the database and can't install plugins with a free account, I'm basically stuck deleting them 20 posts at a time. I've deleted over 800 posts, just 5,647 to go.....

Wordpress also errors out on every deletion, so I don't always know that it's successful. It's.... an interesting choice for enshittification, let me just say.

The next step will be cleanup which, frankly, might never happen. Over 6,000 posts to review, and most of them are things like "welp, gonna do that today" with zero context, lol.

in reply to phle

Yes, I have a free account, and it worked fine!

I don't think it handled photos well going from to my blog. I would suggest exporting directly to a photo app for that, like Google Photos or similar.

in reply to Stephanie Bryant

Oh, nice - I'll be giving that a try then! 👍
(February is clean-up month.)

Satisfactory, not very satisfying

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Running a TTRPG by live chat and kind of loving it.

(Originally Posted Nov 26, 2024)

I'm running a ttrpg by text-only in Discord (Fabula Ultima, if you're wondering). Not play-by-post, but live chat. Gotta say, I kind of love this format. It doesn't require a whole lot of effort on my part-- no voice or video. It's slower, but everyone in it signed on for that. When I need to look up a rule, I have the time to do so without feeling like I'm making people wait. And I don't feel pressure between sessions to check in and keep up to date on a garrulous group of RPers.

It helps that I type quickly, for sure.

#fabulaultima, #ttrpgs