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Keep pushing. Don't stop talking about Gaza.
Reminder: This article was published 3 months ago.
A ceasefire must be only the beginning.
It could take 350 years for Gaza to rebuild if it remains under a blockade, UN report says
United Nations agencies have long warned that it could take decades to rebuild Gaza after Israel’s offensive against Hamas. Now, a new report speaks in terms of centuries. The U.N.JOSEPH KRAUSS (AP News)
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One of the things I like the most about the fediverse is...
...being able to go to the global feed and seeing posts in many different languages across the world. It makes you feel like you're a part of a global community, which is something that not many social media sites do these days.
Now if only there was an in app translation option other than Google translate. 😅
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- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
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"WHO'S ASKING FOR AI?" | Windows Wednesday
#YouTube -
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!!! NOTE !!! Switched To Linux is, “written by a broad spectrum computer consultant to help people learn more about the Linux platform.” This account is a supporter of @SwitchedToLinux and provides convenience posts of thumbnails art, videos and streams.
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#SwitchedToLinux #Linux #Windows #Mac #AltTech #FOSS #YouTube #Odysee #Rumble #BitChute #Locals #DLive #Twitch #FactCheckTrue #Fediverse #Fedi22 #Fedi23 #Fedi24 #WindowsWednesday
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Film: Mr. K.
Vanavond naar de film Mr. K. geweest. Prachtige film, heel mooie beelden en een beklemmend verhaal. Er zijn vandaag ook al recensies verschenen.…
Recensie Mr. K. - Nederlandse dramafilm
Mr. K. gaat over een illusionist, die na een nacht in een hotel de uitgang niet meer kan vinden. Ontsnappen lijkt onmogelijk. Onze recensie.De Protagonisten
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Gaceta #XarliClub #46
Nuestro especial de inicio de año. ¡Suscríbete ya!
#CineDeEnero #newsletter #suscribe #reviews #reseñas #noticias #cinemexicano #ULTIMAHORA #tv #cinemastodon #filmsky…
You can follow us in other languages. Visit our website for more information…
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Hello (friendica) World!
Hello all… Experimenting with some non-meta socials…
I’m based in the UK, and on social media I mostly share haiku-style poetry and talk about Pathfinder 2e, wheelchair use (I’m an ambulatory user) and, when necessary, left/working class politics…
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Beginners welcome, no entry fee. You do not need to bring any games but you are welcome to bring any if you want! 14 years and up, minors need to be accompanied by an adult.
Looking forward to seeing new people!
If you are interested in the session, you are also welcome to contact the organizer to be added to the Whatsapp group, where the event dates are first decided among members.
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grazianodin attends.
Reviewing a new Fediverse app daily
I'll be reviewing a new #fediverse app every day, to do my part in promoting the fediverse. Join me here or BlueSky to learn about them all with me!
Today was day 1 and this app was the first review.…
j. Gavin Moore (
I'm reviewing a #Fediverse app every day! Feel free to recommend me some other #Fediverse apps (web, desktop or android) for me to take a look at! Social
The fatal flaw
The Fatal Flaw: Believing You Can Negotiate with Evil Without Becoming Its Victim
Evil doesn’t negotiate—it devours: The perils of trusting Republicans with America’s future. The GOP isn’t interested in Democracy, and it’s time to wake up…Thom Hartmann (The Hartmann Report)
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La próxima película de #GuillermoDelToro
#xarliclub #movie #movies #cine #cinema #film #films #peli #pelis #pelicula #peliculas #tv #cinemastodon #filmsky 🎬 #MaryShelley #ModernPrometheus #prometheus…
En el mundo del cine, pocas historias han cautivado tanto a las audiencias como a los cineastas como Frankenstein de Mary Shelley . Ahora, ...Xarli.Club (Blogger)
About me: a #Dutchman who lives in the German #Taunus Hills. Likes to eat white chocolate, relaxing by reading Fantasy and enjoys music in the genres of #folk and symphonic #metal, #rock, #country, #folk, #blues and #classical.
Oh yes, a day without #coffee is a day lost.
Look for relaxed, slightly crazy dinosaurs to invent fire together.
Sunshine likes this.
How To Set Up Focus Filters on iPhone
Focus. We must focus or we get distracted.
When we get distracted, nothing gets done. Well, at least, we impair our ability to deliver.
In the ‘old’ days, it would be a case of shutting the door, turning off the television and muting our phones to stop the constant ding ding of notifications.
Apple introduced us to Focus modes, where we could set times, and apps for notifications, and they work pretty well.
Now, with thanks to Apple’s Focus Filters, we can go one step further.
Focus Filters enable users to customise how certain apps behave during a specific Focus mode. For example, when you activate a Work Focus, you can choose to only see your work calendar events, hide messages from non-work contacts, or display only specific Safari tab groups.
This takes control of apps and devices to a more granular level.
Let’s take a look…
First of all go into the Settings and select Focus, then the Focus mode you want to update.
Here you can see I already have two filters set up.
The Calendars filter means it will only display select calendars when this Focus is selected.
This is very similar to the Calendar sets available in Fantastical; you only see the calendars you want.
The Mail inbox filter works in a similar way. For example, I won’t see work email notifications when in Personal mode and, conversely, I won’t see personal email notifications during Work mode. If you use the Badge count, then it will only show those related to the Focus mode.
Other App Filters include:
- Messages: See only the messages you want; e.g. just see the conversations with people you’ve allowed notifications during the Focus
- 1Password: If you the 1Password app installed, and have multiple accounts or collections, then you can decide which to show during the Focus
- Safari: Set a Profile or Tab Group to be used during this Focus
Of course, there will be other App Filters for apps that I don’t have, so it’s best to check what app filters you can set on your own device.
As well as App Filters, there are also some System based filters:
- Always On Display: Select to use this either on or off during the focus
- Dark Mode: Set the appearance for the Focus mode
- Low Power Mode: Set to turn on during this Focus
- Silent Mode: Turn Silent Mode on or off while in this Focus.
You can also set up Focus Filters on the Mac, which of course has different apps and not all of them can be set.
I only discovered Focus Filters recently, and it’s been a game-changer in terms of managing my time. Only seeing notifications of work emails during work hours helps me to switch off.
It doesn’t mean I can’t see them; but they’re not presented to me.
Likewise, in Work mode, I won’t be distracted by personal emails.
Overall, I’ve found this to be an effective way to control what I see and how I can interact.
Are Focus Filters something that you would find useful?
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