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A first message on Friendica

God, I hope this works out, and at least gets some traction to the point it becomes a viable alternative to the Book of Faces.

Currently though, I'm frustrated that I can't even upload a PFP.

Still poking, trying to figure stuff out.

in reply to Chris Hall

Hang in there. It's a steep learning curve. I managed to upload a profile photo by Googling "how to change a profile photo in Friendica". I think there is also some quick tip somewhere. Basically, you have to upload/download to your photos on your page and then you can make it a profile photo. I am completely new here...
in reply to Chris Hall

Ok, I remembered that it asked me whether I wanted to upload a profile picture when I created my account, and I did,
but then I wanted to change it, and it was a lot of clicking around to find where, but I managed in the end,

and now when you asked, I figured, let's find that again ... and I clicked about everything, and almost gave up, BUT: I found it -

go to Settings → Profile, i.e.…
then top-right, choose drop-down menu Profile actions
and then (either Change profile photo, or) Upload profile photo

HTH - Hope that helped!

in reply to Chris Hall

(and, uh, I guess I'm too old to know about the "pfp" abbreviation, but @Linda Teslik's comment helped me out 😅)
in reply to phle

I think missing out on "PFP" is less an age thing (I'm in my fifties) and more a sign that you haven't been wasting your life by obsessively playing video games.
in reply to Chris Hall

also, just so you know...if you go to your profile page, at the top, under the search bar, you should (I say should because I am never quite sure where things really are when I find them) see a little blue v. If you click on that, a menu should come up with"quick tips" to help. I have joined Friendica support (I think there are two groups) and people who have questions post there. They are all volunteers for this platform, so sometimes answers take a while.
in reply to Chris Hall

Chris Hall, if you can see this photo, I mean that little blue v.

in reply to Chris Hall

Huzzah! Done at last! Thanks very much, all!

I do think that they need to work on the UI a bit. It shouldn't be that tough to find the function.