A first message on Friendica
God, I hope this works out, and at least gets some traction to the point it becomes a viable alternative to the Book of Faces.
Currently though, I'm frustrated that I can't even upload a PFP.
Still poking, trying to figure stuff out.
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Linda Teslik
in reply to Chris Hall • •Chris Hall likes this.
Chris Hall
in reply to Chris Hall • •Linda Teslik likes this.
in reply to Chris Hall • •Ok, I remembered that it asked me whether I wanted to upload a profile picture when I created my account, and I did,
but then I wanted to change it, and it was a lot of clicking around to find where, but I managed in the end,
and now when you asked, I figured, let's find that again ... and I clicked about everything, and almost gave up, BUT: I found it -
go to Settings → Profile, i.e. friendica.world/settings/profi…
then top-right, choose drop-down menu Profile actions
and then (either Change profile photo, or) Upload profile photo
HTH - Hope that helped!
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Linda Teslik and Chris Hall like this.
in reply to Chris Hall • •Linda Teslik likes this.
Chris Hall
in reply to phle • •phle
in reply to Chris Hall • •Linda Teslik
in reply to Chris Hall • •Linda Teslik
in reply to Chris Hall • •Chris Hall, if you can see this photo, I mean that little blue v.
Chris Hall
in reply to Chris Hall • •Huzzah! Done at last! Thanks very much, all!
I do think that they need to work on the UI a bit. It shouldn't be that tough to find the function.