change languages that I see
!Friendica Tips. I would like to only see English on my feed. How can I make that happen?
change languages that I see
When I registered, I used a setting that allowed me to see posts in different languages. I cannot find that now and would like to decrease the number of languages that I see. Can someone tell me how to do that? Where to find that setting?
searching for groups
I am new on this platform and would like to find groups to join. Groups that share a common interest. How do I do that?
in reply to Linda Teslik • •Hm. Try Settings → Display → Channels: Channel languages
I don't think it works if people say they write in English, but in reality writes in some other language, though.
I also saw that kind of "mark the languages you'd like to see" somewhere else ... let's see if I can re-find that ...
Hm. Seems as if that same kind of list is under Settings → Channels → Languages
but, uh, don't know if that makes any difference (for the same reason as the one above)?
Linda Teslik
in reply to phle • •phle likes this.
in reply to Linda Teslik • •Linda Teslik
in reply to phle • •phle likes this.
in reply to Linda Teslik • •I've marked several languages (English isn't my first language)
(for PC/Windows: by holding down CTRL while clicking).
... but I've not chosen e.g. russian, and I see posts written in cyrillic,
so I suspect that they haven't changed their setting from the (I suppose) default English,
and then we get to see it.
If you find someone only posting in a language you have no interest in seeing,
go to their profile and "block", or "ignore", them.
That should remove them from your streams.
It's one profile at a time, though, and no idea whether there's a better way to filter out "the language it actually is" as opposed to "the language the user did not change away from". 🙈
Linda Teslik likes this.