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in reply to Michael L. Simpson

Such a beautiful turn in a tragic event. "Take a pebble to the end of the hike"... This touches me, these shoes and their owner didn't make the physical trip to an end, but certainly they do it in a kind of spiritual way. Those pebbles tell a story... 🙏
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Wilhelmina58

carrying his pebble with me has made me feel as if I'm on a mission....
in reply to Michael L. Simpson

I can imagine this feeling of you so very well, it's not IF you're on a mission, you simply are. And all the other pebble-bearers too. The small rock represents the man who is carried further. This is so touching...
in reply to Wilhelmina58

BTW, I had to use Google translate, but I learned of your interest in the Celts. My trail name is Celtic....mostly because of the more modern music known as Celtic music, but also because I feel some connection to the Celtic reverence for nature
in reply to Michael L. Simpson

I used to tell people I'm born Dutch, but my spirit is obviously Celtic. As a youngster, I already had that strong connection with them, loved and still love their culture, art, music, spirituality , and their way of living with nature. Somehow, somewhere, I must have had ancestors between the Celts😄
in reply to Wilhelmina58

As a child I had an enormous fascination for the Pleiades constellation. Now still searching for the meaning of all this.…


in reply to Nico Geelen

Once touched by these feelings, one cannot do anything but searching for answers. It's like a distant voice is calling, but you don't know where to look...To hear and understand this voice, you need to come closer to the source. Whether this is within ourselves or somewhere outside... Philosophical stuff♥️