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Simon's Cat. Cat's Rules.

Worf, Data, and Data's cat, Spot, from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

#catsofpixelfed #catsofbluesky #catsofmatodon #catsoffriendica #catsoftribel #kittensofpixelfed #kittensofbluesky #kittensofmatodon #kittensoffriendica #kittensoftribel #catvideos #cats #kittens

Image shows Worf, Data, and Data's cat, Spot, from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Data says, "He answers to asshole or pspsps. He is a needy little butthead with one braincell."

Worf replies, "Do you even like this creature?"

Data chirps back, "I would die for him."

Worf states as Spot starts gnawing on him, "He's biting me."

Data replies, "He like you."

in reply to Semenko

Descriptive text: This is Onyx. She is one of our all black kittens, but has one little poof of white fur on her chest. In this image she is on a beach towel on the bathroom counter, looking directly at the camera. She is currently 9 to 10 months old.
in reply to Semenko

Descriptive text: This is Onyx. She is one of our all black kittens, but has one little poof of white fur on her chest. In this image she is sitting in the bathroom sink. She is currently 9 to 10 months old.

in reply to Semenko

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The title of the comic strip says, "New cat on the block." Then it says, "Getting a new kitten."

First frame shows an all black void kitten approaching the adult orange stripped cat. The orange cat opens one eye to see what's approaching it.

Second frame shows the orange cat in a defensive posture with its tail all puffed out like a squirrel. Its hissing at the kitten.

Third frame shows the orange cat now stalking the kitten from above it on a counter.

Last frame says, "2 days later," and shows the orange cat sleeping peacefully with the kitten sleeping on top of it. There's a little heart above the pair.

in reply to Semenko

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Three furry cats sitting side-by-side on a couch with six little kittens on the back and arms of the couch. The cats are white, brown/grey, and black. All the kittens are white. Its adorable.

This is Tig

This is Tiggy aka Tigress aka Tig aka The Notorious T.I.G. She was named partly from one of my favourite comedians Tig Notaro (look her up, she's fucking awesome) and because of her colouration being similar to a tiger. (Alt text for photos in the comments)

#catsofpixelfed #catsofbluesky #catsofmatodon #catsoffriendica #catsoftribel #kittensofpixelfed #kittensofbluesky #kittensofmatodon #kittensoffriendica #kittensoftribel #catvideos #cats #kittens #tignotaro

in reply to Semenko

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This is Tig. She's laying down on her old cat condo. During this photo she was rolling around spazzing out and moving around like she was a model in a photo shoot.

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This is a close-up of Tig looking annoyed by me taking her picture while she's trying to sleep.

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This is a picture of Tiggy standing upright on her newer cat condo. She loves the cat condo more than her 4 sisters and often sleeps on it.

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This is a picture of Tig sticking out from the middle of the Christmas tree.

in reply to Semenko

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Why cats show us their butts:
1) As a sign of trust
2) to say hello
3) they want attention
4) to show that they're not a threat
5) because you're their friend
6) so you can take in their signature scent