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It's rare that both Youtube and the Internet Archive fail me, but they did a spectacular job of it last night! So let's see if anyone here can help me. I am seeking recordings of Welsh or English choirs from 1893 to about 1951, maybe slightly later, as long as they're not too modern. I am trying to find those that align with the singing style and music of the time of Clara Novello Davies, (I chose the lifetime of Ivor, since she was born in 1861, before recordings started), and yes, there is a difference between those and modern ones. Can anyone please assist me? Perplexity gave me a list of choir names, but either they weren't available, or their recordings were much too late/contemporary to make my list.

#choirs #choralsinging #ClaraNovelloDavies #England #English #recordings #records #singing #vocal #Wales #Welsh

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Many years ago I used to Meliss here, at the Glastonbury Goddess Temple, holding space for devotees and also for sound baths when held by Temple Priestesses.

Nowadays I live quite a long distance from Glastonbury, and I am now distanced from a temple which has become something of a cult.


Valley of Song was every bit as wonderful as I thought it would be. It's the first time, though, that I ever saw a Novello play without any of his own songs. Christopher Hassall did such a good job finishing it that I couldn't tell where one man's work ended and the other's began. What really touched my heart, though, is that this took place in Wales, where Ivor was born. More so, was that some of the songs I know as a fact were sung by the Royal Welsh Ladies Choir, and probably by the Novello Davis Choir, both of which were conducted by his mother. It is the closest I will ever come to hearing them, other than one recording I have under another conductor. I almost cried when they sang Ar Hyd y Nos (All Through the Night), which I know they sung and even recorded in 1915 (I don't have it). And of course, there was a beautiful love story, too, as always.

#ChristopherHassall #ClaraNovelloDavis #IvorNovello #ValleyofSong

Okay. Time for Valley of Song, and later, perhaps a few unfollows and blocks. I see a lot of politics in my timeline. I must clean it.

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

I think I'm going to watch Autumn Crocus. There is no particular reason. I willl eventually see all of them, anyway. Now, I just have to decide whether I want to watch it now or tonight.

Le chat du cafoutch

L'un des visiteurs du cafoutch de saint Denis. Tu parles, pour lui, c'est le paradis.

#photo #photography #photoaday #cat #straycat

Photography Feed reshared this.

To those who constantly post politics. I don't mind your following me or commenting on my posts, but I cannot follow you. Barring a few very specific issues, I try to keep my life, and my timeline, as free from politics and drama as possible. I don't follow world affairs in most cases either. I will also not follow you if you hardly post in English, if only because I won't be able to understand most of your posts.

It has just come to my attention that there is only one developer of Friendica. It's a truly wonderful site, with a lot of potential, particularly for those of us coming from Facebook. It allows for extremely long posts, local posting, and you can follow and interact with people from various sites in the Fediverse. But there are a few issues regarding screen reader accessibility, and perhaps some things that I'm not aware of. I have therefore decided to create a Friendica development tag, in order to find people who are willing and able to help resolve these issues.

#accessibility #accessibilitytesting #Android #blind #blindness #Facebook #Fediverse #Friendica #FriendicaDevelopment #html #NVDA #screenreaders #Talkback #websites #Windows

in reply to Nick's world 🌎 👨‍🦯

@Nick's world I use TweeseCake with it and it works very well. The main problems are on the site itself. Even then, it's not truly inaccessible. It's just that it could be better, with normal links instead of menus, and a way to edit posts without resorting to a client. But things do read, and it is possible to make and edit a profile, read and respond to posts, etc. TweeseCake just makes it easier. Pachli for Android also works well, but I prepfer Windows.
in reply to Nick's world 🌎 👨‍🦯

@Nick's world Oh, yes. It works very well! And unlike TWBlue, you can edit posts with it. I'm still not sure why they don't have that feature. They also don't allow long posts, as TweeseCake does, but if they're primarily built for Mastodon, that, at least, makes sense. They do allow you to see favourites, though, which TweeseCake seems to have a problem doing. They'll be displayed and then turn to numbers (1 of 250, for instance), and then disappear.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

I am not sure how much Friendica has diverged from Hubzilla, Streams, or Forte, but they are all from the same family tree. They all come from Mist Park and Friendika (the MIT licensed version of Friendika before it was renamed Friendica and switched to AGPL).

There are some opportunities for collaboration, but the biggest obstacle is incompatible licenses. Hubzilla is MIT licensed and Friendica is AGPL. That means that Friendica can use code from Hubzilla, but Hubzilla can never use any code from Friendica. The exception being addons, themes, and widgets, that can be any license.

reshared this

Friendica seriously needs to do something about their accessibility. I was able to edit one post directly on the site, but it was apparently a lucky click. I keep trying, but though there is an "edit" option,, when I hit it, it never sends me to an edit page. There is some kind of dialogue and I can never get into it. Even the homepage doesn't have normal links. It's some kind of menu bar, and if I go to profile, for example, it reads as a link, but I had to tab through everything else to get out of it. Why can't people just make normal links! This is why I use TweeseCake.

#accessibility #blind #blindness #friendica #html #menus #NVDA #technology #TweeseCake #websites

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Unknown parent

@Elena Brescacin @informapirata ⁂ :privacypride: Wow. That is truly sad. It's a wonderful platform, overall. I'm sure many people would be willing to help with development! Perhaps, we can start a friendica development tag.
Unknown parent

@Elena Brescacin @informapirata ⁂ :privacypride: Perhaps, that's where we need to start. We should find the original developers. I've already started the tag to help us find developers. Such a wonderful site should be promoted and also improved if possible. I've met some amazing people after joining.

Usually, I post from TweeseCake, but I saw something interesting on the Friendica site itself. What is the difference between "Reshare" and "quote share"?

#Friendica #terminology

"The western world and mainstream media have once again jumped on an opportunity to conflate anti-Zionism with antisemitism after Israeli football hooligans, protected by the Mossad, wreaked havoc on the streets of Amsterdam, deliberately provoking a harsh response."…

Black friday

Now we are reaching the end of 2024's black friday.
I bought nothing, nothing at all.
I'll do the same in 2025.

You will take your responsibilities too.


Also, weißicknich, für mich verjährt es nicht, daß Michel Friedman damals Menschenhandel und Zwangsprostitution unterstützt hat. Aber machtma immer.

Happy Thanksgiving to my friends/acquaintances south of the border.

This is a test post from the Android App "Raccon" for Friendica installed from F-Droid.

A classification of social networks

The abundance of social networks poses questions regarding their similarities and differences to identify redundancies, but potentially also missing services in the social network landscape.…

We need to be here in a different way

Efforts to save civilization may be noble, while still with it continuing there is more destruction and ruining this world. It might not continue so long, but many people, if they leave cities and anything of civilization to live on land in small groups growing all they can there to subsist that way separately, would continue on, while civilization will not go on past the catastrophic disasters. It could not last forever in this limited world as it gets ruined with the demands that always will come with civilization. The technology that ruins this world cannot be what can save it.…

Here's why bird flu fears are intensifying

Efforts to contain the virus are falling short. A teenager in Canada is in critical condition after an unexplained infection. And the arrival of flu season has scientists on edge.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

I do not know if this is helpful but at one point there was a blind dosemu user who was running dosemu in terminal mode. He ended up reaching out through the mailing list despite most of the current development and related discussion taking place on github nowadays as part of the dosemu2 project, possibly due to accessibility problems with github.

Maybe the knowledge that dosemu2 is getting a lot of development helps. If you have trouble to find info on it, we should solve that.

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Für Demokratie- und Vielfaltsprojekte in Sachsen und Thüringen spenden? Ja, bitte!…

Hello World

Monsoon Aero is transforming the future of UAV technology with innovative designs and cutting-edge solutions that push the boundaries of aerial performance and versatility.

Wenn Ihr kurz vor Weihnachten und der vorgezogenen Bundestagswahl noch schnell was gutes machen wollt, bietet sich eine Spende an meine Aktion "Demokratie und Vielfalt in Sachsen und Thüringen" an, ich glaube, *die* haben es am nötigsten.…

reshared this

Black Friday 2024

Black Friday is set for november 29 this year.

My engagement : On nov.29, i will make 0 expenses

#BlackFriday2024 #blackfriday

BridgyFed + Friendica + Bluesky

Ha, also das ist interessant. Da ich ich ja allen meinen Accounts gegenseitig folge, landete auch der nach Bluesky gebridgete Sharkey-Account aus der Bluesky-Followinglinste in meiner Friendica-Followingliste (hier wird der Bluesky-Account ja direkt verknüpft). Damit sehe ich dann aber meinen Sharkey-Post in der Friendica-TL einmal vom Sharkey-Account direkt und einmal von Bluesky über die Brücke. Fediception.

[Gaza] Sign Open Letter to German gov

Germany Must Stop Supporting the Annihilation of Palestinians

Open letter addressed to the federal government of Germany

Anybody can sign:

Use your voice.
Make a difference.