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I haven't been here in a few days. Nothing happened. I was just busy with documentaries and preparing my virtual machines by removing unwanted programs, cleaning them up, etc., all in preparation for my new tablet! I never thought, in my life, that I would buy a tablet, because I'm obsessed with using a keyboard. But after constantly shorting mine out, due to hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating), I decided that I may as well get one, so that I could change the keyboard when needed. Plus, this is a Toughpad, so it can withstand pretty much anything. Did I mention it's small? Barring desktops, I hate large computers. How anyone can consider 11.6 inches to be a mini laptop is beyond me. This one is 7 inches, which suits me well. I even found the perfect bag to go along with it, and it holds the Toughpad, plus my Galaxy A15, plus my keyboard! It's also water-proof and wonderfully cushioned.

Panasonic Toughpad FZ-M1 MK3

7-8 Inch Tablet Sleeve Bag with Shoulder Strap

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Toughpads are great. I've used a few at work over the years. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
in reply to Dave Heinemann 🇦🇺

@Dave Heinemann 🇦🇺 I already am. I love small machines, and this fits the bill very nicely. Plus, it's very durable, as are all Toughpads and Toughbooks, so that's an added bonus.

Reliable Commercial Video Production

Choose reliable commercial video production Philadelphia Pa, for your next project. Our experienced team ensures that every detail is meticulously planned and executed, providing you with a seamless production experience. From initial consultation to final delivery, we are committed to exceeding your expectations with exceptional video content.

Time for an all in on SQUID 2

Hello dear followers.

I believe it is time for an all in on squid Games 2. Since yesterday, I am 382K in Squid Games 2.

#squid2 #memecoin #token #solana

La bonne nouvelle du matin#Syrie (jeu : où est #BacharAlAssad ?)

La fuite de Bachar Al-Assad à l’étranger scelle la fin d’une dictature de vingt-quatre ans et soulève un vent d’espoir parmi la population…

November Memories (1963)

Dos de + en + bloqué depuis 2 jours.
Dois-je quand-même tenter l'entrainement de #judo avec mon fils ou le laisser se débrouiller sur le tatami ?

Where Did the Global Elite Go to School? Hierarchy, Harvard, Home and Hegemony

"We examine the educational backgrounds of the global elite, using new data on a diversity of organizational leadership roles as well as the population of the super-rich across the world. First, we find a small number of globally prestigious universities to take on super prominent roles, suggesting a strongly hierarchical distribution of credentials among the global elite. Second, we find a consistent and unique place for Harvard University within this system. ..."

Salas-Díaz, R. and Young, K.L. (2025), Where Did the Global Elite Go to School? Hierarchy, Harvard, Home and Hegemony. Global Networks, 25: e12509.…

Springer forces Zionism upon its German employees

"Unlike employees of its German newspapers, the employees of Politico do not have to sign Axel Springer's mission statement that expresses support for Israel and America's and Europe's transatlantic alliance.[9]"…

Beatles For Sale

A quick review on 2024

This has been a Year of Overcoming Major Challenges, Opportunities, and Exchanges
Before storing these congress badges in a box for collectibles, I am taking a few moments to reflect on 2024, an exceptional year for me, marked by significant moments and enriching encounters. I had the chance to participate in numerous prestigious conferences in Paris, Dublin, and Barcelona, which were highly beneficial in terms of networking.
Despite the significant challenges I had to overcome this year, I managed to turn these obstacles into growth opportunities. The numerous exchanges I had during these events not only enriched me personally but also opened up new professional perspectives.
I would like to thank all those I met for their time, expertise, and support. Their encouragement helped me navigate through difficulties and achieve my goals.
Let's see what 2025 has in store for us!

#Networking #Conferences #Innovation #Paris #Dublin #Barcelona #ProfessionalGrowth #2024Review

2024, un bilan anticipé

Passons une soirée tranquille.
Attendons le journal radio du matin pour connaitre le résultat.

Eine Bebauung des Tempelhofer Felds wurde vor zehn Jahren mit einem Volksentscheid verboten und ist derzeit nicht möglich. Die noch amtierende Bundesregierung um Kanzler Olaf Scholz hätte bei der Debatte um eine mögliche Bebauung des Tempelhofer Felds ohnehin nichts zu entscheiden.

Soll sich um seinen Scheiß kümmern.

Mein Spotify so:
Haken dran
True-Crime-Podcast 1
Data over Dogma
True-Crime-Podacst 2
Podcast über Kulte und High-Demand-Religionen 1
True Crime Podcast 3
Podcast über Kulte und High-Demand-Religionen 2
True Cri
in reply to Anna

die Hälfte meiner Podcast hab nicht einmal gehört sondern bewusst verschlafen 😅
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Maßnahmen umfassen u.a.: das Schließen von Impflücken, erhöhte Wachsamkeit hinsichtlich Poliomyelitis-typischer Symptome, die unverzügliche Meldepflicht bei Verdacht auf Poliomyelitis, die Nutzung der unentgeltlichen Enterovirusdiagnostik und gute Händehygiene.

Schluckimpfstoff-abgeleitete #Polio-Viren in Abwasserproben an weiteren Orten in Deutschland nachgewiesen.

Das RKI möchte daher medizinisches Personal und Mitarbeitende im #ÖGD nochmals auf die Wichtigkeit der im #EpidBull 48/2024 genannten Maßnahmen hinweisen.


reshared this

I Felt in love with this TV series.

Ich: *Co-authored ein Paper zu möglicher Anwendung von KI in der Risikobewertung*
Predatory Journal/ Scam Conference: "Your groundbreaking work in Artificial Intelligence has significantly impacted the field of AI and ML."

Na, sichi, Bro.

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Altman und ich sind so *macht Fingerhakelgeste*.

"The beginning and end of one’s life is to draw closer to the fire."

Man, I really am going to miss Superman and Lois. I was surprised I would enjoyed it so much to the end.