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09/10/2016 - If there's one thing I love, it's a green tomato and if I ever see them for sale, I buy them.

One of the most memorable things I've ever eaten was a pretty basic salad of green tomatoes, in Majorca in 2003. It's making my mouth water, just thinking about it..

They're a very good example of how supermarkets lead to restricted options, because you'll never see anything but very ripe ones for sale there. This picture was taken at the now-defunct Torrens Market, which was a proper 20-eggplants-for-$8 market, rather than $25-for-a-macaroon market.

Took a couple of photos at the nearby Garden Island Dolphin Sanctuary the same morning, which I've tagged onto this post.

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#hola #mastodon #friendica #hello #es

channel12 reshared this.

Playing a bit o' this and a bit o' that on your radios now. 100.5fm or

04/10/16 - For a decent amount of time, every Tuesday evening, come rain or come shine, we did a radio show on our local community radio station. Turns out a recording of this show is still online, here:…

First post

First post on Friendica!

Trying out as many federated services as possible.

Recent MTG cards I got!

Gremolata muthafucka

3/10/206 - I'd made some gremolata. Delicious.

It's a nice pic. It made me think, "Must make some gremolata!"

I reckon these close-up food pics were taken on my Canon DSLR, rather than the crappy phone camera.

Here it comes again

03/10/16 - One of the nice things about living where I live is running along the foreshore. In fact, I have run up and down its length so often that I completely take it for granted.

One of the things that I like most about it is when you can see a weather front coming in across the ocean. That's what's happening in this pic.

There'll be a lot of this type of photo as we go along, I expect.

Here it comes again

03/10/16 - One of the nice things about living where I live is running along the foreshore. In fact, I have run up and down its length so often that I completely take it for granted.

One of the things that I like most about it is when you can see a weather front coming in across the ocean. That's what's happening in this pic.

Het is eindelijk zover: na vijftien afschuwelijke maanden is er een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza! Maar het lijden, de bezetting en de strijd voor vrijheid gaan door. Nu hebben we de kans om invloedrijke leiders ervan te overtuigen om Palestina te erkennen als land -- zodat gerechtigheid, waardigheid en duurzame vrede een kans krijgen. Teken nu voor een vrij Palestina!…

A Few Hobbies and Likes

This is by no means comprehensive, but here are some of my interests. Drawing, writing, reading, movies, art shows, readings, supporting my community arts center, Little Libraries, historical costuming, gadgets, D&D 5e (I'm on both Roll20 and D&DBeyond), most music except for metal, jazz, and rap with a particular fondness for Irish folk music, crochet, fountain pens, embroidery, scifi/fantasy, video games, board games, foods of many cultures, tea, cats, opossums, and I write and publish zines. There's more, but just trying to think of it all would take a while. I don't get out a lot because I'm disabled, but I have a rich online life and have made some really good connections so far.

in reply to Meg

@Meg I would absolutely love to know how to block specific words and phrases! I have looked all over the site and I couldn't find any way to do this. I also couldn't find anything in TweeseCake itself. @Fedi.Tips Can you please help? Is this possible? I had to unfollow several otherwise wonderful people over this.

#blind #blocking #Friendica #moderation #Tweesecake #TweeseCake

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

I use the Tusker app for iPhone - when viewing my Home, Local, or Federated feeds there is a hamburger that allows for setting timeline preferences. Here the last option is an 'active filters' heading that allows for the blocking of specific words and phrases.

This can also be accomplished in a web browser. Locate the settings gear icon near the bottom of the tool bar on the right side when viewing your profile page or feeds. When settings is first opened locate the hamburger icon at the top right corner of the page, this will open additional settings options. Locate the 'funnel filter icon' under 'follows and followers'. Here you can use the 'add new filter' button to block words or phrases.

This entry was edited (18 hours ago)

So trial two for #friendica to see how things work while testing out a new app. The one thing that I like about it is the longer posts, so I can list recipes and such. I just don’t know if I will use it as much as #mastodon, so guess I will see how it goes.

Social Media Feed reshared this.

in reply to Kancept

That is quite a bit- and may do it. But I am committed to making Friendica work, I am kind of liking this hidden gem.

The more I read from vegans, the more I think they're stark raving mad. Fortunately, most are not dangerous. They're just ridiculous. I suppose they create a cheap form of amusement. But if there are any level-headed ones out there, these others definitely make it difficult for them to be taken seriously.

I may have been pissed, but I'm still practical.

3/10/16 - A screenshot of a recent drunk online purchase. You can't beat a good shopping bag.

Looking back, after something like six years' sobriety, it's quite shocking to see how central alcohol was to my life.

As it turned out, these bags were pretty crappy.

in reply to Suzanne

Here in the USA, they gaslight us and say that they are simply "throwing their heart"


02/10/16 - The final post from what was a busy Sunday, shows the post-post punk band Belgrado from Barcelona, playing at The Metro in Adelaide. (I had to consult a friend with more memory than me to recall the name, to be honest).

I do remember that they were quite good, and the singer's blonde bob swished about quite magnificently.

These posts from, like nine years ago, also show how far phone cameras have come in that time.

"The UCP has opened up the Eastern Slopes to coal mining..."

"The UCP has opened up the Eastern Slopes to coal mining. They aren't protecting our water, agricultural industries, or tourism opportunities. I know this isn't what Albertans want. Keep emailing, calling, protesting. There is too much at stake to let them do this."

#firetheucp #abpol #abpolitics #neversmith #enoughisenough…

BYO Vinyl Afternoon

02/10/16 - A combination of two posts from the same event: ]Duncan saves the day and plays a blinder and [i]Early season's greetings, I think[/i]. Two pics from the BYO vinyl do at the Kings Head in Adelaide. If I recall, one of the needles broke and Duncan had to run home and fetch his before playing his set of Northern Soul. The picture of Charlotte and Mark shows what a boozy affair this was. There were also two short videos of me and Charlotte playing tunes, but I can neither work out how to download from Insta or find the originals at this stage,

Deleting 2 years of reels from facebook in 10 minutes

I posted a lot of #reels to #instagram between 2022 and 2024. At the time, my instagram and #facebook accounts were linked and any IG reel was also create under my facebook account. Today I found js code that will delete all your photos and modified it to delete my reels. It was a little sad to watch them go - especially the ones of my pets and garden. Oh well. I still have to deal with then on instagram, but that's for another day.…

"Jeg opfatter det ikke som snyd og bedrag. Det står ret tydeligt på Trumps hjemmeside, at man ikke skal anse det som en investering eller forvente at få noget igen, forklarer Mads Eberhardt."
Shit, man skal være smooth-brained for ikke at synes at den pump-n-dump memecoin er ren snyd og bedrag.…