So, my garden. Small doesn't mean lifeless. On the contrary!
For I am quite stuck at home, due to some chronical diseases, my garden has my warm attention. As 99% of the people around me see a maintenance-free garden as much tiles and some small pots of screaming- coloured summer flowers, we see it as 'let nature do the thing'. We sow wildflower seeds ( of course eco seeds!) for the butterflies and bees, kitchen herbs for our own use, a small pond for frogs and birds to bath.
The droughts in 2022 and 2023 and the wet summer and a invasion of snails last year, many plants did not survive. Now we start all over again and make this 50 m² garden a little paradise again.
"so mote it be" 🧚🐸🦄🦋🐝
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in reply to Wilhelmina58 • •Wilhelmina58 likes this.
in reply to Lemmus • •A young hedgehog
Seeking shadow in a garden
Paradise of Ede
Thanks for your like!
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in reply to Wilhelmina58 • •Wilhelmina58 likes this.
in reply to HollerPixie • •Soon we'll start again to make it vibrant again. Much work to do, but so satisfying!
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Nico Geelen
in reply to Wilhelmina58 • •Wat een mooie biodiverse tuin hebben jullie toch en o kijk die lieve schat van een egel toch eens! Ik smelt alweer. ❣️🦔🥰🏡
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in reply to Nico Geelen • •Nico Geelen likes this.
Nico Geelen
in reply to Wilhelmina58 • •Ja hier houden zich eveneens diverse soorten naaktslakken op, waaronder de grote aardslak (tijgerslak) die ook weer voor balans zorgt daar ie zich tegoed doet aan andere slakken. Verder maar zoeken naar planten waar slakken niet aangaan. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan planten met harig blad zoals achillea.
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