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Garden bird count

In my country, once in a while , is a counting of birds, butterflies, bees, life in common in our environment , mapping the diversity and numbers.
This weekend we are counting garden birds. They are declining every single year, sparrows, blue tits, blackbirds ect. Looking at my neighbourhood, it's almost logical. No green gardens, only grey concrete tiles. And to color it a bit, plastic grass. Our garden is a
thorn in the side of many direct neighbours. But we have hedgehogs, birds, insects, and also stray cats who find a shelter and cat food in our garden too. Change starts with ourselves. Some pic's from my 50 m² small garden... Hope you like it!
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Note, we don't use these plastic nets anymore.These are older pics.
in reply to Wilhelmina58

I even do some gardening on my two big balconies and we get lots of birds, squirrels, and sometimes, unfortunately, even mice who climb to the sixth floor... And we have bird counting hour, too.
in reply to Petra

Mice are real opportunists! But climbing tot the sixth floor.... Wow, comparing to humans, we had to climb hundreds of metres to get a little food.... Mice might be annoying, but we can't say they lack courage!
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Good to hear you've got bird counting too! Any little bit of conserving nature , are little steps towards healing it. It's more necessary than ever!
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Yeah, and I only got rid of them when I took them to a place 2 or 3 kilometres away. If you take them to a nearby park they'll find their way back! We thought we had lots of mice, but in the end there were only two who stayed away once we brought them far enough away! They're cute little things and if I could be certain they'd stay outside I might let them stay.
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Oh, lovely! We tend to get crows at our house but what we count is the snails. They're surprisingly adventurous. We've had snails all the way up to the rafters at times.
in reply to Petra

Ohwww, yes! All the members of the crows are so much fun. Jackdaws, magpies, ravens, jays... Think these are the birds who will survive the longest...

So: i love them too!

in reply to MeyariMcFarland

Don't talk about snails!!!! All my herbs, vegetables, flower saplings... All finished in no time...