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🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

Do I have #infosec interested people from Australia here that have connections to the

  • The Sydney Morning Herald
  • The Age
  • Financial Review

Those papers are leaking PIIs and attempts by friends to get them stop doing that were met with disinterest.

in reply to Martin Seeger

uninterest not disinterest YW
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in reply to Martin Seeger

hey! I'm a tech journo (not at those publications). Wanna chat?

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

“They want 1939 Germany but they're going to get 1789 France if they keep fucking around.”

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in reply to Ben Royce 🇺🇦

This is an excellent conversation. I just want to remind all of us that the folks contributing to this discussion are not the enemy: they are allies.

Please keep that in mind (as we seem to be doing), as you respond. 🙂

This entry was edited (23 hours ago)
in reply to Chris Hessert 🐧 🇺🇦

Eh, there's a dude from New Zealand below who I had to block because they kept digging into "don't vote, then enact massive constitutional change by {waves hands}" bullshit. Then got angry because I'm apparently chasing away leftists because I hurt their feelings.

This is the world we live in.

This entry was edited (23 hours ago)
in reply to Ben Royce 🇺🇦

You and I are in agreement: the fastest way to enact real change and obliterate Nazis here in America is for the majority of eligible voters to get out and do their civic duty EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I'm not willing to cede my kids/grandkids to the current status.

Ben Royce 🇺🇦 reshared this.

in reply to Chris Hessert 🐧 🇺🇦

And I wasn't pointing you out: I was replying to the top of thread, as I'm able to see it. 🙂
in reply to Chris Hessert 🐧 🇺🇦


To late for that, many suspect. You were already told in the election campaign that you "won't need to vote again, because we'll fix that"


in reply to Chris Hessert 🐧 🇺🇦

@chessert we can't wait until then. We need to come up with effective messaging and non-violent protest movements ASAP.

Ben Royce 🇺🇦 reshared this.

in reply to ChairySwears

@SheriSwears @chessert Please take and use anything I have published...

If I can help by providing additional resources let me know...

in reply to MamiyaMan 🇨🇦 🇺🇦

@mamiyaman @chessert

Well let's say there isn't

We need to fight

Let's say there is

We need to fight

So it doesn't matter

Pessimism is a form of capitulation

So just fight and don't listen to cynical voices who want you to give up

in reply to Ben Royce 🇺🇦

The time is now, before they completely consolidate power. Soon it will be too late.

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.


The U.S. will impose 25% tariffs on countries that buy oil and gas from Venezuela, as the United States seeks to increase pressure on President Nicolas Maduro and China.

Countries that buy oil and gas from Venezuela will face tariffs on any trade they have with the U.S.

The tariffs take effect on April 2 2025.

Venezuela exported about 660,000 barrels per day in 2024. China was the largest destination for the South American nation’s crude exports, purchasing 270,000 bpd last year.


If you have friends and contacts in #Turkey, tell them now is the time for a fediverse account. Invite them to your server.

X shut down for critical opposition news.
Everybody already escaped from a silo knows it.…

#unplugx #unplugtrump #JoinFediverse #democracy.…

Hey @admin

There a lot of spam accounts right how on
and newly on

@ mft72127
@ dixie_jayceey67im et al...

For all users, these are spam an fake accounts. Harm can have gentle face and a lot of 💗💗💗. Keep track on these accounts and report them to your admins.

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🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

Ma quindi quando arrivi negli USA questi ti chiedono il telefono e leggono i tuoi messaggi? E tu sorridi e porgi l'oggetto?…

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in reply to Matteo Zenatti

non ho parole.

Questa è una buona idea (sempre dall'articolo):

"On the same day that the researcher was denied entry to the US, Baptiste published a letter calling on American researchers to relocate to France. “Many well-known researchers are already questioning their future in the United States,” he wrote. “We would naturally wish to welcome a certain number of them.”

The next day, Baptiste posted a photograph of himself in a virtual meeting with a researcher at the University of Maryland School of Medicine who had decided to take up an invitation from Aix-Marseille University to welcome researchers who wish to leave the United States."

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in reply to BB

@bbacc beh un tempo dovevi dichiarare se eri o eri stato iscritto al partito comunista, se dicevi sì non ti davano il visto…
in reply to Matteo Zenatti

@bbacc sì certo che lo è ma insomma la tendenza era già presente, ora sperimentano con le nuove tecnologie e sui grandi numeri… però i cattivoni dittatori sono sempre gli altri e loro hanno venduto per decenni la favola della democrazia liberale e della superiorità morale derivante
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in reply to ciccillo

@ciccillo @bbacc

Come raccontavo stanotte —… — a inizio anni '50 mia mamma dovette andare a Vienna a una conferenza sindacale internazionale come delegata FIOM, ma all'epoca Vienna era ancora divisa tra gli occupanti alleati¹ e per attraversare il settore americano dovette fare il giro dalla Svizzera (in treno).



I remember when members of the Italian Communist Party (I guess it was the same for all the other countries) weren't allowed to access the USA, and that was asked on the visa form.

In early 1950 my mom had to go to an international trade union conference in Vienna, still occupied by allies until 1955, and she had to travel there through Swiss (by train) to avoid stricter controls.

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@GustavinoBevilacqua @bbacc che mamma tosta, massimo rispetto! che poi a quel tempo fare delegato/a sindacale non era uno scherzo, rischiavi il reparto confino!
in reply to ciccillo

@ciccillo @bbacc

Mia mamma riuscì a tirare uno schiaffo a Gianni Agnelli (nel 1934, perché le toccò il culo quando faceva consegne per una sartoria di Torino¹) e a Giulio Andreotti, perché a fine anni '40, in birreria, le tolse la sedia di sotto mentre si stava sedendo.

Sono soddisfazioni…


¹ e la titolare della sartoria telefonò alla moglie del sen. Agnelli dicendo che se non insegnava le buone maniere al nipote non l'avrebbe più voluta come cliente.

in reply to Matteo Zenatti

@eff Ha una guida tascabile (da prima di Trump) su come comportarsi 😱…

If you're critical of the US government and you are planning to cross the US border any time soon, today is a good day to review EFF's border search pocket guide:…

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

Klitschko-Brüder über Friedenschancen in der Ukraine: „Wenn du schwach bist, wirst du nicht akzeptiert“…

Wladimir Klitschko wirbt auch um Unterstützung für sein Projekt, nach Russland entführte Kinder in die Ukraine zurückzuholen. Einige der Kinder würden auf dem Schwarzmarkt angeboten, berichtet er.

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Is the glue of the EU.

Solidarity was while corona for south Europe.

Now is the time for Solidarity to East europe.

Now is the time for solidarity to support countries with outer borders.

Lstn2urmama 🇨🇦 reshared this.

in reply to Mike Galsworthy 🦣

“Apparently, seven out of ten millionaires agree that taxing wealth is the way forward – and not surprisingly, three quarters of the British public support this too”

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

In 2024, there were a record 2,781 #billionaires in the UK - that's 26 more than the previous record set in 2021 and 141 more than 2023
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in reply to Geri ❤️

@Geri ❤️
How much of them found a new home from russia? How much of them follow US Big Tech?

That is also a question for cypress and Swiss.

Makes it hard to sanction Russian Oligarchs and companies.


in reply to Geri ❤️

Wonder how many people died of poverty related causes in the same period...

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

We've updated the rules of our flagship server today. Most are the same with some clarifications, but one rule is new: Content created by others must be attributed, and use of AI must be disclosed. Profiles that only post AI-generated content will not be tolerated.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

How does this affect subtoots? That's a case where you are responding to text content created by others but purposefully not attributing it. Do you have to be careful to paraphrase it?

in reply to Alice Stollmeyer

Which border crossing would you recommend for entry into the US?

a) Land
b) Air (stateside)
c) Air preclearance in Ireland

I think preclearance in Ireland could currently be the least dangerous point of entry. What do you think?

For exit, I would probably try to use a land border, if I can.

But all of that is just hypothetical as I have no plans to travel to US.

Oh and, actually, unfriendliness of CBP, ICE and TSA has been a long-standing issue even before Trump.


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in reply to hallunke23 🇺🇦

@hallunke23 tangent but why is preclearance in ireland a thing, in general? specifically ireland? is there some weird unique quirk there?
in reply to cultdev

I think it exists because many US soldiers posted abroad fly via Ireland. TIL that US CBP in Ireland isn't allowed to carry guns.…

@cultdev @AliceStollmeyer

in reply to Alice Stollmeyer

I was never going to set foot in the US again after my experience in 2005. Waiting for my flight home I got pulled aside and stripped to my boxers by a guy who threatened to keep the jewellery (irreplaceable; the maker died) that I'd arrived in the country in seven weeks before. That was BEFORE the TSA.

So basically, fuck the US as a place to ever set foot, as far as I'm concerned.

I was only there to help someone else manage their wedding...

in reply to AlexLunaView

Putin has a great talent for finding and exploiting the weakest links in a society. The West has proven to be hopeless at recognizing the strategy, let alone countering it.


in reply to Daniel Terhorst-North

@tastapod yeah the plan is demonstrative only this map i mean its not the definitive edition its just an idea for now. it needs a lot of cash to be done also

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

"Hundreds of thousands of people descended on Serbia's capital on Saturday to protest over the deaths of 15 people in a railway station collapse.

While the government put attendance at 107,000 across Belgrade, an independent monitor said 325,000 - if not more - had gathered, making it Serbia's largest protest ever."


in reply to ProjectFearlessness

That's good news. We need this in every European Capitol, week by week, for strong democracy based on collaboration instead of supression and parasitism.

Everyone should live free and save in the Schengen area

The good thing, every country who overcome its corrupt elites will make EU stronger.

#SerbiaProtests #EU #taxtherich

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in reply to OMG 🇪🇺 🇺🇦

@pascal_f @schengen @europeans
Exactly, yesterday there were big demonstrations in Bucharest, Belgrade, Budapest and Tbilisi. They were all a bit different, but broadly had the same theme of being pro EU and anti Russian. It's a good sign.

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🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

We talk a lot about our enormous dependence on American clouds, but what exactly are we talking about? And is Europe equally dependent on all types of cloud? This article is aimed at policy makers, but it may also provide some clarity about the broader landscape to actual cloud users. The six levels of cloud:…
in reply to ~Tijl

@tijl I suggest actually working with government policy makers and developers. These definitions mean nothing to them. And tbh they also mean very little to me. I can’t buy anything like this. But I’ll add a link at the beginning. These silly “official” definitions are why we have this problem.
in reply to bert hubert 🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦

Apologies, I didn't understand your context. The problem with simplifying for policymakers/devs is that they then actually believe it is that simple... I'd advise finding a rich metaphor in a domain most people are already intimate with, like transportation: taxi (SaaS) vs multi-modal public transport (PaaS) vs leasecar (IaaS).

in reply to Valerie Aurora 🇺🇦

@Dianora uBlock Origin is the killer app. It's table-stakes for any other browser i might be tempted by. (Or if it can do better out of the box.)
in reply to Valerie Aurora 🇺🇦

You should try the Vivaldi browser instead, it's European too!
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

We hope that the inter-relations between Huawei's lobby office in Brussels and the offices in key EU member states like Germany are taken into account in the ongoing corruption and bribery investigations, too. For market access in Europe, Berlin is a key lobby hot spot for chinese tech. #HuaweiGate

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

in reply to TProphet

They are too busy going to hockey games and other events. Pigs!

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

„Anstatt mit Zöllen auf amerikanische Waren und Dienstleistungen zu antworten, könnten die betroffenen Länder aufhören, das geistige Eigentum amerikanischer Unternehmen in ihrem Hoheitsgebiet zu schützen.“…

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

THIS IS MASSIVE. Portugal has cancelled the order for F-35s from the US and will replace their F-16s with European fighters. “We have to be able to count on the predictability of our allies, which is no longer the case with the United States."
More EU states to come. Winning

Share this post on reddit and also promote Mastodon for Europeans to join this platform

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to AlexLunaView

Is this because of Ukraine? I’m wondering why they didn’t do this once the genocide in Palestine became clear.

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

This is another fresh website with recommendations of European-made products and brands:


by @EuropeanMade 😀

#europe #europeanalternatives

in reply to Claudia KP

@ClaudiaTranslates Unfortunately I don't know about one, but I want to include UK products on my website because I focus on the geographical Europe, rather than just the union (excluding Russia though). I also feel it's only a matter of time till we have some kind of treaty back in place and the UK and EU will come closer again.

All Europeans 🇪🇺 reshared this.

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

A business journey I'm doing soon can either take 1hr 45mins by public transport (in and out of Dublin), or 25mins by car.
It should be easier and faster to use public transport.
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in reply to Eoin O'Beara

yes at the time there were no snow ploughs in Dublin. I was obviously dedicated to my work!

Maybe some of you are interested on #politics of all European countries or Canada.

Offen I can follow everything except which #politicalparty stands for what. Expect Volt and Greene in Europe, who is the far right, right, left, far left, liberals. Has the country this bandwith of parties?

Is there a table for comparation? Currently I've read about elections and maybe New election in Portugal.

What are austrian Neos stand for? Neos means something different in germany (neo Nazis).

Or am I just the only one struggling with this,

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in reply to 🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦

Mostly when I read about these parties there's some sort of (editorial) comment about where they sit on the political spectrum. After reading about them a few times I can even remember what their political bias is without prompting. So it's not a big problem for me.
in reply to 🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦

The place on the spectrum depends wildly on the electoral system. You might present yourself as left/liberal/green / conservative in campaigns, but when forced to forge coalitions, this might shift and soften and gravitate towards the centre. Whereas in FPTP systems you can basically do what you want with your victory.

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

The European search engines (and competitors) Ecosia 🇩🇪 and Qwant 🇫🇷 are joining forces to build their own European search index!

And the best part? It'll be open and available to all of us!

This is great news for other small search engines, start-ups and the AI industry, as they'll now have the chance to use this index instead of the ones offered by Microsoft and Google.
#ecosia #qwant #searchengine #european #europeanalternatives #germany #france #innovation

in reply to All Europeans 🇪🇺

Some people asked about the deadlines of the project, and Qwant blog gives some ideas about it.


"Ecosia and Qwant reveal a new joint venture, European Search Perspective (EUSP), to develop and build search engine infrastructure in Europe.

Starting in 2025, the venture will aim to serve improved search engine results in both the French and German language, based on Qwant technologies that have been totally redesigned since 2023.

The firm has plans to start serving Qwant and Ecosia’s France-based search engine traffic by the Q1 in 2025, and Germany by the end of the year."

#ecosia #qwant #searchengine

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🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

Ok, I'm on the challenge.

For my personal laptop I moved from Windows10 to #Kubuntu (Ubuntu with @kde). This is a stop to boycott Windows11.

After getting root on my Android device I installed @LineageOS.

On desktop I replaced Chrome with @librewolf. As fallback I run #Firefox and a degoogled #Chromium.

On LineageOS and Android the new default Appstore is @fdroidorg, for proprietary apps #AuroraStore.


in reply to Thomas

i work in LineageOS support. And i relatively often see that talk about "root". For many it feels like rooting, when they unlock the bootloader and install a custom recovery. Or do they think it is the android analogue to jailbreak?
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in reply to Thomas

@librewolf @fdroidorg @kde @LineageOS
For installing lineageos, you need to unlock the bootloader.
In these terms, as I'm just user and no contributer, it is called rooting. And that is how people will find tutorials.

I also need root for some apps like Magisk. With magisk one can pretend Apps the phone is still locked.

#Root #LineageOS

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in reply to Kurt


Can you fill it in a copy and paste text? I primarly use Motorola devices, like the brand.
I guess there is some progress as I started with cyanogenmod and inofficial do it yourself updates. Let me know, how I can improve and simplify it.

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

"We are concerned, given reporting of prior Russian attempts to recruit groups of people in the UK willing to carry out criminal acts here, that this network is designed to recruit people to carry out acts of violence, and that they may already be in the process of grooming people for it"
Gregory Davis, Hope Not Hate

#Islamophobia #Terrorism #FarRight #Russia
Russia-linked Telegram channels ‘offering to pay for attacks on mosques’ | Islamophobia | The Guardian…

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

Lower energy costs. Stronger competitiveness.
A more secure future.

We are taking action to make energy more affordable for all Europeans.

Our Action Plan for Affordable Energy will:
⚡ Lower energy costs
🔌 Integrate our energy market
💼 Attract investments and delivery in clean energy and infrastructure
🛠️ Prepare for potential crises

Driving energy prices down and Europe’s economy up.

More info:!W4mp74

in reply to European Commission

If you really want to lower energy costs, make it easy for American scientists who recently were arbitrarily and illegally fired from the USA Department of Energy to find equivalent jobs in Europe! I know many, and all of them were passionate hardworking people who wanted to serve humanity.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

By tagging I created a group for europeans and one for Schengen members.

If you want to get in touch with some people assiciated with these groups, Collie the group and tag a group on and post.
It is another way to follow like following hashtags for people Tagung problems using # in federation.

@schengen group
@europeans group

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

🔥 Air Force struck the UAV command post of invaders in Nesteryanka, Zaporizhzhia region.

❗️Trump has extended for a year a number of sanctions previously imposed on Russia over its attack on Ukraine.

🇺🇸 Trump said he would definitely try to get as much land back for Ukraine as possible.

in reply to Kenneth John Bardsley

Elmo the Dick and his peers think they are all Ayn Rand supermen. But even Ayn Rand was ecstatic to collect Social Security.

🇪🇺 EUropean 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 reshared this.

Bulgaria claims it is fully ready to adopt the euro.

The EU's poorest country has met most of the Maastricht criteria for joining the eurozone, keeping public debt low and making huge efforts to keep the budget deficit below 3%. Reducing inflation was the last condition to be met.

The final assessment of Bulgaria's readiness lies with the European Central Bank and the European Commission.…

#Bulgaria #Euro #Eurozone

in reply to LittleAlex 🇺🇦🇮🇱🇩🇪🇳🇴

And don' t forget, that the battlefield in the Ukraine is just the loud one.
Your post refers to an only little more silent one at the border from Canada.
Actually, I was triggered by the comments.
The original post is completely different.
Sorry for that.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)