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Jess 🏳️‍🌈 reshared this.

I stand with #Zelenskyy 🇺🇦

Screw you dictator #Trump

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in reply to stux⚡

It's utterly disgraceful how the US admin treated Zelenskyy. Appalling.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to stux⚡

Jess 🏳️‍🌈 reshared this.

Sanders: Democrats' strategy to combat Trump policies 'not good enough'…

Jess 🏳️‍🌈 reshared this.

Jess 🏳️‍🌈 reshared this.

By Portuguese editorial cartoonist Zez Vaz, via…

Jess 🏳️‍🌈 reshared this.

Hundreds of thousands of Germans are on the streets demonstrating against right-wing extremism. (This photo from Munich.)
Let's get off our asses, America.
Hunderttausende gegen Rechtsextremismus…

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in reply to Jeff Jarvis

Many more Germans protested against Covid measures.

Without the support of parties, unions or other big structures we were more.

There was extreme police violence and almost no coverage in the papers.

This now is against what exactly?
We've been sliding into fascism for years, and it has very little to do with the AfD (which I won't vote for, just sayin) and everything with our government.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

Americans! Do you need a catchy song for protest marches against #Trump and #Elon?

In Germany, we sometimes sing this one:…

It can easily be converted to English:

Stand up, fight back and resist
To oppose the fascist iron fist!
Up the barricades, all!
Up the barricades, all!


Jess 🏳️‍🌈 reshared this.

Please consider boosting.

#usPolitics #protest #capitalism #AltText

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Karen D 🇺🇦 🇨🇦
It seems to be. I saw the one and reposted it with alt text. The other one I've seen is about a complete shut down (labour, purchasing etc) Do what you can! I just hope people do Something. 🙂👍

in reply to Em

If you want good training for organizing protests, mit information, legal awareness of protests, how to keep yourself safe, organize a protest effectively - find a climate protection organization near you. They know.

in reply to Anae

Claro que sí, aquí tienes una descripción de texto alternativo para la imagen:

La viñeta muestra a cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis a caballo: Guerra, Hambruna, Peste y Muerte. Cada jinete, con túnicas oscuras y capuchas, monta un caballo de color claro. A su lado, un quinto jinete, también con túnica y capucha, monta un caballo similar pero lleva una tableta y representa la Desinformación. Un bocadillo de diálogo indica que la Desinformación es el "jinete" que se está preguntando. El fondo es de un tono rojizo oscuro.

Proporcionado por @altbot, generado usando Gemini

Jess 🏳️‍🌈 reshared this.

Hey fellow Americans! Please show up for your state's 50501 protest on Wednesday at your state capitol building.

50 states, 50 protests, 1 day.

I know it's a work day for most, but it's happening from 12-7pm. If it's possible, show up and let your voice be heard.

Bonus points: print some copies of the poster for your state and put them up them around your town!

Please boost. We desperately need some anti-fash energy.

#USPol #AntiFascist #protest #50501movement

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to martin lentink 🇪🇺 🍋 🟥

@martinlentink @AlgoCompSynth @Lorry The world needs a hyper-realistic version of The Martian movie poster with Elon's face instead of Matt Damon's.

Imagine if he really found himself in that situation. He would be so fucked.

Jess 🏳️‍🌈 reshared this.

Ohio 11th District US House Representative Shontel Brown @RepShontelBrown is on Mastodon and today used her platform here to call out the illegal take over of government systems.…

Follow courageous public servant Hon. Brown and let her know she is welcome here on Public Social Media.


Elon is not an elected official.

He is not a senate confirmed appointee.

He is leading a fabricated dept. without Congressional oversight

And he clearly lacks any understanding of government.

He is dangerous and must be stopped.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Mastodon Migration

Building a house takes time, but sometimes it’s necessary to take bold action for the long-term good. Elon Musk has proven himself as a visionary and a problem-solver, and his unconventional approach might be exactly what’s needed to shake up the system. It’s not about burning down the house; it’s about rebuilding it with a fresh perspective.
in reply to Trixia Abrera

It's so sad to see young people taken in by these grifters spooling out such nonsense. The only vision these guys are following is turning the US into an oligarchy like modern day Russia, where they own everything and have absolute power. It's not going to be as much fun as it sounds.
in reply to Mastodon Migration

@RepShontelBrown@mastodon.socialI get where you're coming from, but I think it's important to look at the bigger picture. A lot of these ideas being promoted don’t necessarily align with true conservative values or what the country needs in the long run. It's one thing to support business leaders...
in reply to Mastodon Migration

... like Elon Musk for their innovation, but we should also be careful about any moves that could push the country toward an oligarchic structure. As for Trump, it’s about backing policies that strengthen the nation as a whole, not just a select few. It’s all about balance and ensuring that power stays with the people.

Jess 🏳️‍🌈 reshared this.

Again: the goal is to destroy democracy, burn the government down, and create a Christofascist oligarchy.


More than 8,000 web pages across more than a dozen U.S. government websites have been taken down since Friday afternoon, a New York Times analysis found. The purges have removed information about vaccines, veterans’ care, hate crimes, scientific research and more.

in reply to Laffy

Government websites are taken down by a citizen and Americans keep sitting on their sofas? Where is the turmoil, where are the mass protests? No reports so far, at least here in Europe.