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Die Nori 🏳️⚧️🎊🪵🐍🥂🥰❤️🔥, 🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 (🌈🦄), Fragarach, Davie Dean, Fi 🏳️⚧️, Princesse Connasse ™, Luca Hammer, Jess 🏳️🌈, Martin Owens, Sammi, JW Prince of CPH, Radicalized, Daniël Franke, Chumchum Tumtum, rakoo, May Likes Toronto, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖, Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦, nullagent, the esoteric programmer, phildini, RinostarGames, The Doctor and Internet Rando reshared this.
Let's get off our asses, America.
Hunderttausende gegen Rechtsextremismus…
Hunderttausende gegen Rechtsextremismus
Bundesweit demonstrierten Hunderttausende gegen den zunehmenden Rechtsruck. In vielen Städten kamen mehr Menschen zu den Kundgebungen als erwartet.ZEIT ONLINE
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Andreas Kilgus and Ernesto Wong García like this.
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Martin Vermeer FCD, Alex 🏴, GhostOnTheHalfShell, La vie en sauce, Gib 🐒🌈🇺🇦, Andrew, Lisa Melton, Trending Bot, Thomas Fricke (he/him), leChris, platypusparent, Rocketman, FIAR Light, Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈, Iris Volk, Lily Cohen, David Mitchell, GG, Limnobotanik, why-not @Heike, manisha, Paul Wiebe 🍁💭🇨🇦🏳️🌈, PKPs Powerfromspace1, daryl, Gurre Vildskägg, Histoires Mythiques, Eric Lawton, Dorothea Zwölfer (sie), Tequila Keeps You Warm!, Ein gutes Leben für alle, Sammi, Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK, Benj⛤min, El Duvelle, Joseph Simons 🍁 🌱, Spiralnebel, Dom Arbuthnott, Nicol Wistreich, Kim Possible, Rob Cinos 🇨🇦, Karen Dalton-Beninato ☑️, Outi 🦊🌱🌍🌈, Mastodon Migration, Bob LeFridge, No Gods , no Masters! RESIST, Cainmark Does Not Comply, Ned Hamson, Juggling With Eggs, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, DC Deejay, Ham on Wry, Sin of empathy 🕷️🧂🌈🫙⚖️, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖, BrianKrebs, CelloMom On Cars, Jordi (Angry Pronking), @martlund 🌲🐶🇸🇪🇨🇱🌈, Gramshelper🇨🇦🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈🇺🇦😷, Canadian Crone, Kevin R Jones, AJ Sadauskas, Robert Roskam, Kim Spence-Jones 🇬🇧😷, John Refior, PersonalEscrito, Kristen, gentlegardener, The Febrile Muse, Downshift 🍁, Spencer, Andreas, Scooter 🇺🇦 🇳🇿, Joseph C, SarahATX and 29 other people reshared this.
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Parade du Grotesque 💀, K.R. O'Connell 🇦🇺 ✅I❌, Bill, Nina Cried Power, Jackie, Yours Truly! Unruly, EtherAndRhum, GhostOnTheHalfShell, Cainmark Does Not Comply, Trending Bot, Melissa B, Sordid Amok!, Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷, Cindy Weinstein, Theresa, TheGentYYC, JonChevreau, Johannes Timaeus, Joseph C, Lisa Melton, Sensible Crone, LillyLyle/Count Melancholia, AmFem101, Steve Paradis, selje 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 🇮🇪, Democracy Matters, Dendan Setia (Nins), DB Schwein, ☭ 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 ☭, The Sleight Doctor 🃏, Beachbum, Dilman Dila, Yakyu Night Owl, petitevieille,, wsm, nwrocla, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, Canadian Crone, Toni Aittoniemi, hex, 🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 (🌈🦄), 🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 (🗑️🔥), Jess 🏳️🌈, Tobias Hellgren, -rb, small circle 🕊 in calmness, nimi, Broadwaybabyto, La lutte continue..., daryl, nobody, spiegelmama, Dan's utterly disgusted!, Joy_intl, Ω 🌍 Gus Posey, Disreputable_Craftsman, AnnaAnthro, Holger Dittmann, Douglas McMillan, Athenavocat, Morgan, Harold S, UkeleleEric, Frans Veldman, Ms. Que Banh, D. B. Stuck, Chumchum Tumtum, Battalion, Rick Under, benny, Mandu 🥟, Ute S., Rob Cinos 🇨🇦 and 15 other people reshared this.
@farbel I was pointing out that your defeatist attitude was itself, masturbatory.
If we're to oppose fascism, we need to go full spectrum on it. Boycots, general strikes, protests, direct actions, subversion, sabotage, the works. And do you know what? It doesn't matter if no single one of these strategies is particularly effective on its own.
If you want to help, try making your own, constructive suggestions instead of dumping on those who are at least trying to do *something*.
@farbel We're a vassal state of the USA, hence the so-called "special relationship". It impacts us directly if our spineless PM decides, for example, to codify our trade relations, and our food markets are then flooded with dangerously unhealthy food that starts a bird flu epidemic. Or we support the USA in annexing allied territories or ethnically cleansing Gaza.
Sorry guy, but we have a dog in this fight. And spending your energy shouting at non-voters isn't helping anyone.
The Sleight Doctor 🃏 reshared this.
@farbel Sure, but pointlessly raging about historic grievances doesn't provide constructive solutions in the present, does it? You're literally talking about everyone voting next time, when it's far from clear there'll even be a next time. There's a coup underway in the US, and whinging about low Democratic turnout last year isn't going stop it.
Also, I'm *Apostate* Englishman for a reason. I loathe the political and security establishment of this country.…
Let's see what this old brain can do...If you haven't done so already, acquaint yourself with the UKUSA agreement of 1946, Five Eyes (FVEY) - or probably 14 eyes now, due to participation of "third countries" such as Germany, Italy, Sweden. It's the most advanced global bulk collection operation ever, having been in construction for over 70 years. The Stasi on steroids. The infrastructure - a vast network of cable taps, signals stations etc. - is global, and used to be codenamed ECHELON.
Then you might consider to support it as a way to encouragement the participants. So they continue to learn and become better activists.
Agreed. When gas prices at the pump were insanely high social media pushed for a one day boycott. Such a thing would not and did not bring down prices.
BUT, a one day shopping boycott would send a strong message to the big retailers. It wouldn't lower prices. It would rattle cages. It would be the start of the public spending their money elsewhere and decreasing their spending overall. It could be a signal a public willing to make changes.
Agreed with what you say. One day doesn't change the financials.
It does start a conversation.
If a person is inclined, one day will make them think about where they spend their money. If we're lucky that one day can make them consider who they cast their vote for in the future.
One day isn't much. In the scheme of a year it's nothing.
But one day and others strung out behind it can spark a change that hopefully sticks.
Besides, stupid and futile gestures done with passion are some of the stuff that makes for great legends.
Yakyu Night Owl reshared this.
If you plan on going to a protest this week, be very careful when posting photos of others online. Especially close-ups of identifiable people. Your threat model might not be their threat model.
Whenever possible in context,
ask for consent first.
Privacy is team work! 🔒🙌
Steven likes this.
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Spencer,, sport of sacred spherical cows, Trending Bot, CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch), Margret Kuarell, Lily Cohen, Tofu Musubi, Daveography 🇨🇦, Sam Levine, aburka 🫣, Ashe Dryden, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, Pixel Occult, Fi 🏳️⚧️, benny, Kancept, No Gods , no Masters! RESIST, Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷, Trivial Einstein, Jules, cynthia rose is undesirable, Carina C. Zona, Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪, Trendy Toots, kcarruthers, Joy_intl, Dave Rahardja, Ian Brown, Martin Vuillème (he/him), Richard Bairwell, Attractive Nuisance, small circle 🕊 in calmness, - Micaela, Megan, PaulNickson 🕊️, Christine Lemmer-Webber, Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK, BadWoof, Christo. London, England, Maltita, Martin Vermeer FCD, CaveDave, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖, Amy Dentata, the esoteric programmer, clarkiestar, nwrocla, Swader, joene 🏴🍉, miyo, Paula Gordon, Cainmark Does Not Comply, Support the Resistance, Jess 🏳️🌈, Dendan Setia (Nins), Dilman Dila and Logan 5 and 999 others reshared this.
good point
I think what I posted is mostly okay but now that you mentioned it I should probably remove that woman who posed with senator Chris Van Hollen
it is too easy to identify people even without faces ...
it may be prudent to wear clothes that have never been worn and will never be worn again as well .
@homelessjun even that diesn't work.
- There are successful #biometric mechanisms to identify people based off the way the walk.
That's why #Assange fled not just dressed up as a motorcycle courier but put a little stone and sand in his shoes.
nwrocla reshared this.
nwrocla reshared this.
your everyday phone
Your smart watch
Your digital camera, unless you know how to delete metadata before sharing
Your GPS enabled car, ebike, etc
DO BRING (electronics wise):
Burner phone you have never and will never turn on in your house, preferably one with a removable battery. Wait till you get there to put the battery in, take it out as soon as you can when leaving
...that's about it.
Phone companies can ping your phone location when it's on, even in airplane mode. Your phone doesn't need to transmit anything to track its own location via gps, and once you connect back up it'll dump all that saved data to Facebook, etc.
Powered off, to my knowledge, it can't be tracked, but I'm not a security expert and am completely unsure about that. Plus you never want it powered on in the same place your burner phone is.
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Cainmark Does Not Comply reshared this.
@Vonskinnback A dumb phone still can and will be triangulated on the network, if it's turned on, and that's a routine way of tracking phones.
Have a read through this one:…
Seems pretty good.
Mobile Phone Security for Activists and Agitators Zine
Anarchist zine distro with PDF zines and pamphlets on anarchism, direct action, tactics, etc.Sprout Distro
Just leave your cell phone, apple watch or fitbit at home.
If you really, really cannot do without a phone buy a burner phone.
But really any type of photo is completely out.
As an experienced activist (not USA) remarked. "No photos. Ever. The security police."
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captain acab and Cainmark Does Not Comply reshared this.
- Check with the organisers for legal advice
- Coloured spots on your face will make identification impossible when the police take video
- Don't take your phone to the event unless it's locked and in a box that doesn't let out electromagnetic waves. You could lose it.
- No means of defense, not even a knife
Cainmark Does Not Comply reshared this.
I suggest that folks don't take any photos of political actions/protests at any time if they don't want those photos to be used for further repression. Better yet, they should leave their camera at home since it's likely built into the spy in their pocket (their phone)
There's a document that will help in this discussion, printable and readable pdf versions are available here:…
In Defense of Smashing Cameras Zine
Anarchist zine distro with PDF zines and pamphlets on anarchism, direct action, tactics, etc.Sprout Distro
Cainmark Does Not Comply reshared this.
Andreas Kilgus likes this.
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AndyCymro, ⁂ Sebas E., Bernat, Jess 🏳️🌈 and Roxana Rodríguez reshared this.
Claro que sí, aquí tienes una descripción de texto alternativo para la imagen:
La viñeta muestra a cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis a caballo: Guerra, Hambruna, Peste y Muerte. Cada jinete, con túnicas oscuras y capuchas, monta un caballo de color claro. A su lado, un quinto jinete, también con túnica y capucha, monta un caballo similar pero lleva una tableta y representa la Desinformación. Un bocadillo de diálogo indica que la Desinformación es el "jinete" que se está preguntando. El fondo es de un tono rojizo oscuro.
Proporcionado por @altbot, generado usando Gemini
Hey fellow Americans! Please show up for your state's 50501 protest on Wednesday at your state capitol building.
50 states, 50 protests, 1 day.
I know it's a work day for most, but it's happening from 12-7pm. If it's possible, show up and let your voice be heard.
Bonus points: print some copies of the poster for your state and put them up them around your town!
Please boost. We desperately need some anti-fash energy.
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sknob ⏚, Juan Per¢ent🍉🏞️🌊, JW Prince of CPH, Radicalized, IainB, sara gil casanova, Plague Island Resistance, Trending Bot, No Gods , no Masters! RESIST, your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦, Die Alterswilde, Eric Lawton, ♄ goddamned ䷣, Lisa Melton, Number1SummerJam, Batichi, martin lentink 🇪🇺 🍋 🟥, Wokebloke for Democracy, Andrea, waspfactory, חנן כהן • Hanan Cohen, We the People..., Joy_intl, Vida Latina, Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈, Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪, K2, Yours Truly! Unruly, Confrontation Jacen, Bill, Dan's utterly disgusted!, Darwin Woodka, JonChevreau, Cykonot,, xmanmonk, Parade du Grotesque 💀, Jess 🏳️🌈, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, -rb, hambonehead and BadWoof reshared this.
I'm going out with a friend this afternoon to post flyers in my town for Wednesday's protest at the Capitol opposing Project 2025 and authoritarianism.
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BadWoof reshared this.
@BmeBenji This particular protest appears to be in reaction to Project 2025 in particular. You can check the link for more details, and there's a subreddit that appears to be the home of the organizing.
Speaking for myself, this is a very small piece of what needs to happen. But if we don't start to show some movement now, we may not have a lot of opportunity. So I personally will not be waiting for a better organized protest, or one with clearer goals. I'm going to go to one that's happening.
From what I’m reading about #GeneralStrikeUS this seems much better organized
The General Strike
The General strike -the people united shall never be stopped. If we strike together we can make true real change. Sign the strike card today.The General Strike
@wesley Same here, and the lack of conversation about it on Mastodon also has me wary
@BmeBenji A strike doesn't preclude a protest. Everyone obviously has to make their own judgments, but I see quite a bit of buzz around this one, and so I'm going to show up.
Good luck with whatever you decide to pursue! I really mean that.
I hope that the protest this Wednesday goes well, and I also want to hope it’s successful but I really don’t understand what the goal is.
I don’t want to discourage anyone from participating but I also really don’t understand it
@BmeBenji Definitely not wanting an argument here, and I totally respect your right to decide what makes sense to you.
That said, I would say that protests are inherently irrational and don't typically have any direct effect. (I would actually love evidence to the contrary on this.)
But we need effect and movement from all angles at the moment, not just rational, thoughtful angles. We, the people, do not have a lot of leverage these days, unfortunately. Our numbers are all we've got.
Some useful Surveillance Self Defense links for people who want to lock their shit down right now:
Attending a protest:…
How to Use Signal:…
Security starter pack:…
Attending a Protest
For quick reference, we've created a handy guide designed to be printed, folded, and carried in your pocket (PDF download)
Sensitive content
Heads up that this protest has some red flags:…
If you’ve heard about the 50501 protest (“50 protests in 50 states”), PLEASE be advised that it is really fishy. People in our local organizing community and in other states have looked into it and cannot find the organizers. Especially if you are a new activist, please get in contact with local long-time activist orgs and get plugged in. Learn from them!In the words of a very good friend:
Jess 🏳️🌈 doesn't like this.
Remember: The threshold for participation is just 3.5% of the population & no peaceful protest movement has EVER failed.
If you count 25 friends, neighbors, colleagues etc., just find one person to go with you & the two of you have passed the threshold twice over.…
The '3.5% rule': How a small minority can change the world
Nonviolent protests are twice as likely to succeed as armed conflicts – and those engaging a threshold of 3.5% of the population have never failed to bring about change.David Robson (BBC)
Just wanted to let everyone know that people in my neck of the woods (NH) showed up in some pretty great numbers for our #50501 #protest today. People and passers-by were incredibly enthusiastic. There was so much great energy. The signage was epic.
It was a truly grassroots effort with no major organizations behind it. Just a lot of people who needed to get together and say some things.
The prevailing attitude was that this would be the first protest of many.
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Duchess Of Snork reshared this.
for every bit of hatred and disgust I might have for the orange rapist, he was at least (mostly) legitimately voted in on the platform he is following.
You can't say that for the wannabe Emperor of a world that doesn't want him in it.
I am still hoping they both head to Mars, there's so much prime beachfront real-estate to develop there and it's dirt cheap and regulation free! It's surely Agent Orange's wet dream.
Oh, I´d personally push the launch button. Let him play The Martian all by himself.
@martinlentink @AlgoCompSynth @Lorry The world needs a hyper-realistic version of The Martian movie poster with Elon's face instead of Matt Damon's.
Imagine if he really found himself in that situation. He would be so fucked.
Ohio 11th District US House Representative Shontel Brown @RepShontelBrown is on Mastodon and today used her platform here to call out the illegal take over of government systems.…
Follow courageous public servant Hon. Brown and let her know she is welcome here on Public Social Media.
Elon is not an elected official.He is not a senate confirmed appointee.
He is leading a fabricated dept. without Congressional oversight
And he clearly lacks any understanding of government.
He is dangerous and must be stopped.
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Sweet Home Alaberta 🇨🇦 🇺🇦 🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️ 🇲🇽, FallsMom 🟦 🌻, Number1SummerJam, Darwin Woodka, Dan Goodin, Trending Bot, Solarbird, Wokebloke for Democracy, Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈, Kim Spence-Jones 🇬🇧😷, The Febrile Muse, the esoteric programmer, Christo. London, England, We the People..., Mx. Luna Corbden, Tony Hoyle, Bill, K2, Yours Truly! Unruly, Cainmark Does Not Comply, Zonkerh, James 🦉 #FBPE 🇪🇺, Duchess Of Snork, Sordid Amok!, benny, 2 Targs in a cheSvel, Dan's utterly disgusted!, Amy Dentata, Darren Nevares, Ute S., MachsAnders, Radical Anthropology,, Peter Brown, Jess 🏳️🌈, La lutte continue..., Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, Em, Captain Jack Sparrow, Toni, Kevin Russell, HarriettMB, Femme Malheureuse and Fullmetal Manager 🌈💖🔥 reshared this.
Just wondering why so few of our elected representatives choose to be on Mastodon. 🤦♂️
Not sure what is so difficult about this. Public service representatives should be using Public Social Media where they can communicate with their public unfiltered and uncensored by corporate gatekeepers.
Even networks that today may seem transparent are by no means safe from future capture and control. Only Public Social Media is defensible from the oligarch's malevolent reach.
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Bill Jorth, Official Kakistocracy Jester 🪓, Cainmark Does Not Comply and Em reshared this.
If you are aware of other elected federal or state government representatives or other public service employee accounts on Mastodon, please mention them below.
Let's make Public Social Media the home of public information.
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Allyson Shaw, Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈, Cainmark Does Not Comply and Still Nmyownworld reshared this.
There was one other Democratic congressperson besides @SeanCasten who was regularly posting on #Mastodon but as far as I've seen he's stopped.
I wish that Congressman Casten would add his title to his handle so that people would know that he actually has some power.
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully things will change as these folks realize the value in Public Social Media.
Give her credit for being here and encourage more active engagement from all public sectors.
i got a tingling feeeling our problem here is about to solve itself…
Before Elon there was free speech on Twitter#media #socialmedia #twitter #musk #elon #elonmusk #censorship #freedom #FreedomOfSpeech #USPolitics #uspol
@SeanCasten of Illinois’ 6th district is also on #Mastodon. He posts excellent, LOUD threads like this one:…
The White House's commitment to higher energy prices continues. THIS IS INTENTIONAL. They are only hostile to clean energy because it is cheap. Uncompetitive fossil fuel producers cannot make money against cleaner sources.…
Jeff Jarvis
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Listen up, America.
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Martin Vermeer FCD, Gib 🐒🌈🇺🇦, OhWeh 🤍 #RIPNatenom 💔, Dorothea Zwölfer (sie), Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK, Rob Cinos 🇨🇦, GG, Cainmark Does Not Comply, Ned Hamson, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖ and reindeerphoto reshared this.
Burkhard Maria Zimmermann
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Martin Vermeer FCD
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Good, but not enough. It ought to be millions. Germany's political system isn't quite as vulnerable as America's - more parliamentarian and more proportional - as long as the non-Nazis respect the firewall. That is now in question 😬
The societal debate is just as toxic as in the US, and just as immigrant hate centered.
Dr. Doro (she/her)
in reply to Martin Vermeer FCD • • •If you're looking for even larger, more disruptive protests, look at the giant student movement in #Serbia right now! #Serbiaprotests
reshared this
Dorothea Zwölfer (sie), manisha and Rob Cinos 🇨🇦 reshared this.
Derick Rethans
in reply to Dr. Doro (she/her) • • •@ditsch42 @martinvermeer It's good to see so many people out, but from personal experience in the UK (Iraq war, student, and brexit protests), this isn't going to achieve a thing, besides achieving an important sense of not being alone.
If you want to change something, go help out talking to people during an election campaign. Door to door, with thought out lines to take, to show that far-rightismus isn't going to make any positive change.
Martin Vermeer FCD reshared this.
Dr. Doro (she/her)
in reply to Derick Rethans • • •But the sense of not being alone is also really important, especially with the media pretending as if the Nazi opinions were omnipresent in the population.
Derick Rethans
in reply to Dr. Doro (she/her) • • •Christiane Gante
in reply to Martin Vermeer FCD • • •See here (in German):
Report » DemokraTEAM
Sam (DemokraTEAM)reindeerphoto reshared this.
Mark Stoneman
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Cainmark Does Not Comply reshared this.
in reply to Mark Stoneman • • •Openhuman
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Dorothea Zwölfer (sie) reshared this.
Zephod Beeblebrox
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Phyllis Orrick
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •PKPs Powerfromspace1
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Hammer
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Jan
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •reshared this
Cainmark Does Not Comply and ageofcool reshared this.
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •soean
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •I hope Europe will support this! I do!
Actually I'm not sure all the Germans got it what's happening here right now. So we've America to watch a democracy fail - possibly.
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •I am Anas from Gaza. Due to the terrible situation, war, bombings, and the dire living conditions, could you please help us by donating through the GoFundMe link, even if it's just a small amount? And if you can't, could you please share the link?😔💔💔💔
GoFundMe link:
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •#50501protests last week had around 1500 in WA state, 1k+ at the state house & ~400 at the Federal Bldg. Were you at one of those protests? Or are you more the encouraging SocMed fella? 🤔…
2025-02-06 12:00:25
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Pelican Dock Music
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Hans-Cees 🌳🌳🤢🦋🐈🐈🍋🍋🐝🐜
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Karsten Johansson
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •And maybe Canadians can stop treating this as a spectator sport. USA wants to conquer, and we know the targets. The current president made a campaign of it.
#Canada #usa #Trump #deutschland #germany
Elley Smith
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Zackary Goncz
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Okimatt
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Fran 🇨🇦
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Beggar Midas
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Jess 🏳️🌈 doesn't like this.
Toni Aittoniemi
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Walt Wooton
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Optimist
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Zaubermau
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Many more Germans protested against Covid measures.
Without the support of parties, unions or other big structures we were more.
There was extreme police violence and almost no coverage in the papers.
This now is against what exactly?
We've been sliding into fascism for years, and it has very little to do with the AfD (which I won't vote for, just sayin) and everything with our government.
Pixelcode 🇺🇦
in reply to Jeff Jarvis • • •Americans! Do you need a catchy song for protest marches against #Trump and #Elon?
In Germany, we sometimes sing this one:…
It can easily be converted to English:
Stand up, fight back and resist
To oppose the fascist iron fist!
Up the barricades, all!
Up the barricades, all!
- YouTube