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Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Google's propaganda map change is live. I am in Europe, and we are now forced to look at Trump's bizarre "renaming" of The Gulf of Mexico.

Would the EU please make a law against this, before he renames Mont Blanc to Mount Melania?

@Hex @szakib read the situation. Refusal can be powerful if you’re in a position of power

But otherwise yes, absolutely delay, defer, and sabotage if you’re being asked to do something unconscionable. Because if you refuse it just makes it faster for them to find someone else to do it.

And by all the gods, don’t tell anyone that you’re doing it. Anyone that knows can possibly leak or be compelled to out you.

in reply to calcifer

@calcifer @szakib
My boss often avoids having us do "bad" shit that gets around our written policies by refusing to sign off without express senior management direction and documentation that they recognize and approve it violating policies.
Bottom line, know your written policies and procedures.
I doubt what dodgy is doing conforms with then SOC and other policies that are written and mandated.
in reply to okanogen VerminEnemyFromWithin

@Okanogen @calcifer ISO 27001 allows to deal with risks by accepting them. Once I presented a risk acceptance form to the CEO about his insecure, often reused passwords and refusal to attend the (mandatory) security training. It was epic. 😁

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Flot tale af Trudeau (CAN) om told fra usa. Første tredjedel til amerikanerne opremser hvordan USA og Canada (og Mexico) i årevis har stået sammen og hvordan Can altid har hjulpet i svære tider. Sidste tredjedel til canadierne om hvordan borgerne nu skal stå sammen og støtte hinanden(s forretning). Mellemste tredjedel om CANs toldmodsvar.

Virkelig godt at pakke modsvaret ind i det medmenneskelige. Jeg håber at UvdL har en tilsvarende klar. #uspol


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in reply to Lone Koefoed Hansen

Det er interessant som Trump bare smider en bred told på alt fra deres naboer mens Canada (og Mexico) har en mere intelligent fremgangsmåde, hvor de nøje udvælger varer og giver virksomheder tid til at omstille sig.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

I keep wondering when or if Big Journalism will discover that Trump is systematically removing from government the people leading investigations into Elon Musk's lawbreaking and general corruption...

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in reply to Dan Gillmor

They know. They are not about to say a word. Please, please stop pretending Big Journalism isn’t part of the coup. They most certainly are.
in reply to Dan Gillmor

Big journalism has been bought into the Big Oil, Big Pharma and Big Tech club.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

US-based security firm UG Solutions is specifically targeting the recruitment of US special forces veterans to work as armed security guards at the #Netzarim Corridor checkpoint, located just south of Gaza City.

US contractors will be paid a daily rate starting at $1,100, with a $10,000 advance, and will be armed with M4 assault rifles and Glock pistols.


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in reply to earthling

$1100 per day for 1k people means $1.1M/day.

It is far more than the budget of those trying to feed the 2 million displaced Palestinians in #Gaza.


palestine group reshared this.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

You gotta be kidding me with this bullshit.

"But DeepSeek & Meta’s recent research suggests that more AI capabilities (& efficiency savings) could be gained by going down a more dangerous path — where AIs develop their own alien language."

The journalists amplifying this garbage will not be held accountable when the hype cycle is gone because the next cycle of journalists will do the same thing during the next hype cycle.

I don't want to amplify the article so not posting the actual article.

in reply to Timnit Gebru (she/her)

I was going to reply with "It's all Chinese to me" but then I found out the German version of that proverb is "I only understand train station"

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

I'm starting a list of things I've seen that are too bizarre to be AI generated. Feel free to share your own if you have something interesting in your camera roll.

These were spotted at a local flea market. I wonder at the inspiration for their creation.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Meta tracks your activity across millions of websites and apps, regardless of whether you use its platforms, and profits from that data through targeted ads. Here’s what you need to know if you want to limit the company’s ability to harvest and profit from your personal data.…
in reply to Electronic Frontier Foundation

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Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Definition of "wildly overvalued":

Something which looses 1/8th of its perceived value because somebody in China releases an app.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

You know it won't be long until he's openly extending the other fingers.

Seriously, the homepage tells you all you need to know about 47. Giant Cheeseball; Tiny White House. Because he's way bigger than the office. SMH.

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in reply to BrianKrebs

The new Uncle Sam on drugs poster sure is scary.
Caption probably reads "We Will Get You!"

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Hvor er det optur med alle de nye brugere der kommer med i fediverset i disse dage! Sammen skaber vi et frit og decentralt internet :black_sparkling_heart:

Når I deler events her fra, så tag os meget gerne, så booster :boost_ok: vi ASAP!

Og når i opfordre folk på Instagram til at følge jer med væk fra de højre radikale tech kapitalister, så tag også os meget gerne, så deler vi også jeres opslag og stories der.

#NyPåMastodon #DukOp

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in reply to

Nu hvor der er mange nye brugere, der skal hjælpes med at finde brugere de gerne vil følge, deler vi det næste stykke tid også opslag som ikke er event fra men vi synes fortjener at komme bredere ud og kommer fra brugere vi ønsker får flere følgere.

in reply to Peter Sørensen

@tameplatap7s man It's pretty hard to get connections on this app atm. Let's try figure it out togeather
in reply to Melimu

Yeah 😀
It's actually my profile on Mastodon I'm communicating with. It seems like that messages from this instance is not pushed out to Mastodon that often.
Might be something broken or something I dont understand

Interacting with Mastodon conversations

I guess I'm doing something wrong, but I'm trying to comment on Mastodon conversations from this Friendica instance, but it doesn't seem to work.
I have follow a person, and replied to one of their posts a good 6 hours ago.
I logged in to my mastodon account and found the same thread, but could not see the reply from my Friendica instance, though I could see the same replies from other people as I can via Friendica.

I'm completely new to Friendica, so I'm guessing I have overlooked something?

#imnew #Friendica-Support #friendica

Elischeva91 reshared this.

in reply to Peter Sørensen

Disclaimer - I have no specific knowledge, and this is an educated guess based on what I know as a user of distributed social media.

Friendica advertises that it has integrations for various ActivityPub/alternative social media services. My guess is it's one-way only. Friendica gets content from other sources, but without buy in from Mastodon devs, Friendica content won't show up there.

in reply to Adam

Yeah, I was thinking something in a similar vain, but I couldn't find anything about it. But it might be a good avenue for further investigation
in reply to Peter Sørensen

@Peter Sørensen I just signed up for Friendica and I'm noticing the same thing. I'm not sure what's going on either, but I did notice that replies to Mastodon from Friendica seem to be hit or miss so far (mostly miss, but not completely). I noticed that someone else's reply from another Friendica instance than my own shows up in Mastodon, but my replies don't. I'm starting to wonder if it may be something broken with specific Friendica instances.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

The odious idiot Megan McArdle defends Musk's Hitler salute, likens it to a minister's raised arm in benediction, and says we shouldn't call evil evil. #BrokenPost
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

They are telling us that we didn't see what we saw. They will keep telling us every day. Every single day, starting from yesterday.
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

'It's not a nazi salute' is the most obvious example of gaslighting ever. The kids in the back row can even pick that one up. It's an example for the textbooks.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Ned Hamson reshared this.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

"The historical parallels are brutal. In 1920s Germany, wealthy industrialists provided crucial support to the Nazi party, seeing it as a bulwark against communism and a tool for maintaining their power. Today, we watch a tech billionaire systematically promote Nazi ideology while controlling a global communication platform that reaches hundreds of millions..." - @Daojoan…

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Peter Sørensen reshared this.

AI hallucinations can’t be stopped — but these techniques can limit their damage
Developers have tricks to stop artificial intelligence from making things up, but large language models are still struggling to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.…

The Great Big Lying Machine can't stop lying. Even after all these billions in investment. Because lying is a feature, not a flaw of AI. Because the killer app of AI is advertising and propaganda.

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in reply to Gerry McGovern

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in reply to Androcat

We shouldn't even use terms like “hallucinations” or “thinking” in the context of #LLMs at all.

Those anthropomorphizations (used for marketing AI products) easily give the impression that such systems undergo human-like mental processes – which is definitely not the case. LLMs are based on statistical pattern recognition and probability calculations.

For those fields we have correct terms:

text or image generation
error output
data anomaly

in reply to feliz

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in reply to feliz

@feliz @androcat I find the term 'Artificial Intelligence' in itself an insult to intelligence. Let's call it what it is: Autonomous Computing.
in reply to feliz


Why do you assume humans aren't doing statistical pattern recognition and probability calculations?

@androcat @gerrymcgovern

in reply to Troed Sångberg

@troed @feliz @androcat
Nobody's assuming that. But what natural intelligence does that LLMs don't is form a predictive model of *the world*. That's an advantage if you want to guess right about if a lion is likely to eat you, and it's a springboard to being able to run the model with imagined actions, i.e. problem-solving intelligence.

LLMs only model words, a reduced map, not the territory. We're good at language so it can look similar sometimes, but it's an AGI dead end.

in reply to Pete Alex Harris🦡🕸️🌲/∞🪐∫

@troed @feliz @androcat
This is why they say dumb things like water wouldn't freeze at 2 Kelvin because the freezing point of water is 273 K and 2 K is much lower so water would still be a gas.

The syntax is fine, the words are words that are statistically likely to follow in that order, but there's literally no *meaning* captured anywhere in the language model.

in reply to Androcat

@androcat Why was an LLM allowed to run for president? And what's worse: why did this nonsense-babbling thing get elected?

While LLMs aren't intelligent, me thinks humans are overrated, too.

in reply to Androcat

The #miracle of #LLMs is that they produce sequences of words in such an order which actually make sense to humans.


in reply to Coach Pāṇini ®

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in reply to Androcat

@androcat @paninid Amazing that science is possible after all. Although many hallucinated theories lie by the wayside.

Politicians also seem to hallucinate policy solutions and the people seem in agreement. While AI bashing is fine, lying or hallucinating humans seems a more urgent problem to me.

in reply to Once upon a time

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in reply to Gerry McGovern

"computer scientists tend to refer to all such blips as hallucinations"
naah....we call them bugs

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Microsoft har et jerngreb om danske kommuner: Magtesløse overfor prisstigninger i ny milliard-aftale

Ny offentlig kæmpe-kontrakt betyder, at de danske kommuner i de kommende år vil sende milliarder af kroner i lommen på Microsoft. Kommunerne er så tæt filtret ind i den amerikanske tech-gigant, at man ikke reelt kan gøre noget ved det, når pri…

#version2 #

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Documents: Google gave Israel access to its latest AI tools from the early weeks of the Israel-Hamas war, directly assisting the Defense Ministry and the IDF (Gerrit De Vynck/Washington Post)……

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

"Greenland loves America", said Trump junior when he posed with Greenlanders in MAGA hats. But Danish medium DR now reveals how Trump organisation employees recruited homeless Greenlanders from under a bridge to be part of the MAGA hat photo op in exchange for food.

(In Danish)…

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Peter Sørensen reshared this.

‘The gesture speaks for itself’: Germans respond to Musk’s apparent Nazi salute…

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Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbsservice har netop offentliggjort et stort udbud på Microsoft-produkter

Danske kommuner kommer over de næste 3 år til at købe kontor-software for over 4 milliarder kroner

Kommunerne er så tæt filtret ind i den amerikanske tech-gigant, at man ikke reelt kan gøre noget ved det

- når priserne lige om lidt stiger… (paywalled)

Rubriceres under: Tillært hjælpeløshed @RickiTarr There is no bigger welfare queen than "justice" Thomas of SCOTUS. @RickiTarr This story of the original 'welfare queen' is quite enlightening.

"The Truth Behind The Lies Of The Original 'Welfare Queen'"

The fact that the GOP used a criminal to criminalize an entire class of people is just their style.…

The original Slate article:…

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"Jeg opfatter det ikke som snyd og bedrag. Det står ret tydeligt på Trumps hjemmeside, at man ikke skal anse det som en investering eller forvente at få noget igen, forklarer Mads Eberhardt."
Shit, man skal være smooth-brained for ikke at synes at den pump-n-dump memecoin er ren snyd og bedrag.…

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

anybody making Nazi salutes in the name of the USA should not have the privilege of dying of old age, peacefully in their sleep. neither those who prop them up and got paid to make it happen.
in reply to your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

I don't agree. This implies it's
OK to kill Nazis. Nazis are ideal to take the place of animals experimented on for cosmetic & pharmaceutical human products. There are many industries Nazis can be used in, like toxic waste disposal. Nazis are a natural resource that can & should be fully exploited to a very long life. That said I don't think any should be arrested for killing a Nazi.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Loops is our short video sharing platform, we're running the first server at

While it's not open source or federated yet, we are working on that.

If you are on, you will be able to migrate your full account to another Loops server without losing your followers, videos, comments or likes!

It's pretty amazing what is possible with open platforms and protocols ✨


in reply to Osma A 🇫🇮🇺🇦

@Osma A I think this has been changed now but still ... it remains a difficult "message" to people new both pixelfed and the Fediverse. Like, this idea of having multiple servers needs getting used to, especially coming from a platform like Instagram. There's a lot of technical friction in that, and even the proposed solution ("just" use a smaller instance) isn't easy to achieve if at all once you've got your account and data stored somewhere already. But running into a "per-name flagship instance", learning it doesn't very well perform in many respects and learning there's no good option to move elsewhere either, users need quite some patience and good will to stay. Wonder how many of those who came over with the last wave will still be active, say, two months from now.
in reply to Kristian (inactive/moved)

It's not changed. has at no point communicated it's been running in degraded mode (federation was off, imports and migration still are) and still lists it at the top of the server list. @dansup keeps saying he's for federation, but promotes a closed system. I get it, he's overwhelmed and isn't thinking clearly, but we've seen this before and this is not how it should be done.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

having succeeded in purchasing positions of influence inside the White House, the billionaires and tech VCs have now set their sights back on Wikipedia
in reply to Molly White

sadly Spanish Wikipedia is already the way they'd like it to be: full of false claims, written in a populistic style, lacking references to trusted website and very right wing.
in reply to Leefeller Guy

@Leefellerguy @arrrg
You'll notice they never call public roads, US air traffic control, or fire services "socialist", even though they are.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Uten de norske #elbil incentivene ville #Tesla antagelig ikke eksistert i dag. Nå har Elon gått i kompaniskap med Trump som går hardt inn for å fjerne incentiver i USA.

Uten norske reservasjoner i 2013 hadde det sett ekstremt svart ut for for elbilprodusenten.

Vi endte altså her med Elon som viser nazihilsen fra scenen, og han har nå mulighet til å sitte i det hvite hus og sende ut ekstreme meldinger på plattformen sin…

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Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Hvis du overvejer at slette din bruger på Facebook, så kan du her til inspiration få en liste over ting jeg gjorde inden jeg slettede den for et års tid siden:
- Gennemgik mine messenger chats for at se om der var folk som jeg manglede et telefonnummer på. Skrev mit nummer til folk jeg syntes skulle have det.
- Skrev i diverse gruppechats at jeg ville forlade fb og at vi kunne skrives ved på Signal/sms/?

(fortsætter i tråd)

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Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Morskaben fortsætter ...…

The fun continues ...

"'We have hidden the results.' Suddenly meta users could not search for 'Biden'. ..."

#uspol #asocialmedia #socialmedia #facebook

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Peter Sørensen reshared this.

#OtD 21 Jan 1950 George Orwell, celebrated British author and socialist who fought against the fascists in the Spanish civil war, died. More on the Spanish Civil War in our podcast here:…

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in reply to Ricki Crush Bandicute Tarr

I don't know about over there, but here (where we get the same 'poor people abuse the system crap), the amount the Treasury loses to benefit fraud each year is significantly less than the amount the Treasury gains from benefits being unclaimed.

Both are dwarfed by the amount lost to rich people avoiding tax.

in reply to Ricki Crush Bandicute Tarr

i bet we'd make a pretty good dent in having UBI and medicare for all just making sure the rich pay their legal share of taxes. not to mention that making sure that everyone has basic needs met is the only humane thing to strive for.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

It's open source, encrypted, and more importantly perhaps, not associated with #Meta in any way.


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Peter Sørensen reshared this.

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in reply to hex

All of these techniques should be employed aggressively to combat the DOdGEy boys.
It would be fairly trivial to, for example, run a one line "for/do" loop with an awk/sed command to remove all comments in all files in a directory.
Or fuck it, just run an unattended dist-upgrade on every production system. "Just doing my job, man.".
in reply to okanogen VerminEnemyFromWithin

@Okanogen DOGE is a bit different though. Only congress has the legal authority to create something like DOGE, so all operations are illegal. DOGE is a coup with no legal backing. Even the illusion of compliance is bad.

The only correct response to DOGE is"fuck you, make me!" Make them find someone with a gun, then follow this advice *only* if they can.

in reply to hex

record decisions in different tools ie Jira, Slack, email, confluence comments, GitHub issues / PR. Bonus if you can keep tool hopping for a single piece of work. Battle tested way to wear down any “enthusiastic” manager. Link unrelated work as “prior art” / “considerations” or my favourite “dependencies” and let someone else sort it out

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Fascism is here. But we've beaten it before, and we'll beat it again.

Study. Learn. Fight:…

in reply to Working Class History

It's been here for some time now...nothing new

maybe now you guys will get off your ass and DO SOMETHING eh?

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

Posted by someone else first, but here it is with alt text.