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Ways to Make Unique Fantasy Pubs and Inns

In many fantasy novels, pubs are often depicted as cozy establishments with roaring fires and hearty meals, evoking a sense of nostalgia and comfort. However, if you’re looking to create a unique and memorable fantasy pub or inn, here are some ways you might do that.

The Name:

Choosing a memorable name for your pub can greatly enhance its appeal and leave a lasting impression on visitors. For instance, names like “The Prancing Pony” and “The Green Dragon Inn” from J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” are excellent examples of how just the name of an inn can prove memorable to readers.

Consider incorporating local folklore or history into the name to add depth and intrigue.

Note: there is a list of Tavern Names in Medieval London by that could prove as inspiration for you.

The Sign:

With the right sign, characters do not need to know how to read in order to know they are at the right place. The visual of the sign can also help make the location more memorable to readers.

As an added benefit, the logo on the sign could also provide merchandise options to market towards fans of your work.

One place you might find inspiration is “Old Tavern Signs: An Excursion in the History of Hospitality” by Fritz August Gottfried Endell(1916). The book is available free from

The Entertainment:

Entertainment in fantasy media pubs often features bards, not only to enrich the sensory experience for readers but also as a subtle means of introducing lore into the narrative without overwhelming readers with exposition. This is also used in video games, like Skyrim.

For historical inspiration, board games and other forms of entertainment (sometimes involving betting) were common in medieval times, and could add to the lively atmosphere of establishments.

Some examples are:

  • Chess
  • Backgammon
  • Nine Men’s Morris
  • Fox and Geese
  • Alquerque
  • Dice games (such as Hazard)
  • Karnöffel
  • Piquet

You could also consider stage plays for a distinctive entertainment option. Certain medieval inns were constructed with balconies overlooking courtyards, allowing patrons to enjoy theatrical performances. The George Inn is believed to have hosted such productions in its yard.

Just as with the bards, this options offers a means of world-building without resorting to info-dumps.
The Bell Savage Inn‘s inner courtyard, an inn dating back to 1420 but rebuilt in 1666.

The Alcohol Type:

You’re not obligated to exclusively offer ale as your primary alcoholic beverage. Consider a range of options: such as mead, ciders, and wine.

Your drink does not even have to be made of something real. For instance, in your story, the drink could be made using a unique (made up) berry only found in the local region. An example like that gives the opportunity to describe the taste(engaging more senses for readers) while also adding to the world building.

The Food:

In a fantasy world filled with unique creatures and plants, incorporating them into the menu of your inn can serve as a powerful tool for world-building.

Including food not only activates the reader’s senses but also opens up marketing possibilities, such as the creation of cookbooks based on the delicacies offered in your establishment.

The Setting:

While the classic pub setting is a familiar choice in fantasy media, consider branching out to more unique locations to add depth to your story.

Picture your pub nestled within the depths of a cave, adding an aura of mystery and adventure. Alternatively, imagine your pub housed within the grand halls of an adventurers’ guild building, or perhaps in a floating boat tavern in a river, or a tree house in an ancient forest.

Historical Inspirations

Finally, if none of those help spark ideas, perhaps history will.

Before the Black Death, brewing ale was primarily the domain of women, known as “alewives.” A common practice was to signal the availability of ale by placing a broom outside the door, giving rise to the term “alehouse.”

Alewives played a crucial role in maintaining a steady supply of ale, as it would sour within days, requiring careful management of quantities.

Depiction of an alewife

For places to stay, in the middle ages you might ask to stay in someones barn, or perhaps you might stay within the manor-house. The manor house was an estate held by the lord.

"Such few travellers as were benighted on the road, small merchants or pedlars going to a local fair, a knight or squire on his way to court, Kings’ messengers and officials, would naturally put up at the manor-house."

“Old Country Inns of England” by Henry Parr Maskell and Edward W. Gregory (1911)

Then of course there were inns. Inns were the most like the stereotypical fantasy pub, where there are groups of people drinking as well as places to sleep available

One example is the Ye Olde Salutation Inn in London (England), where caves were used to keep food fresh. Another example, The Tabard, was one of the few places were entertainments that were illegal elsewhere(such as animal-baiting and prostitution) were legal there, so it became an entertainment district.

#WritingFantasy #Worldbuilding #fantasy

Hello, everyone 👋

This is my first time posting to friendica!

For a little about me, I am a fantasy writer, artist, and history nerd. My posts will likely end up being somewhere between those topics.

Here is an example of a drawing of one of my characters.

I do struggle with a chronic illness so I might not be able to post regularly, but I look forward to chatting on here!

in reply to Briar Crawford

Hi Briar. I just joined the platform too. I love the art, it's incredibly dynamic. I play live action roleplaying games, and love at reflects the high medieval fantasy aesthetic. Keep them coming!

First post

First test post to DRS Social. Let me know if you get this far and see this.


No, FEMA isn’t giving California wildfire victims only $770

Here is a summary of the situation at Rumor Guard.


Hi. I'm new here. I'm a writer, political activist, and educator. I'm a #DFL officer (#Democrat) in Minnesota, and an Indivisible co-leader in a couple of #Indivisible groups. I tutor students in #SAT and #ACT prep, and select areas of science. I have a novel out there somewhere (In Search of Sungudogo), and I'm working on others.

My substack is Auspicious Subtext…


Hello world

Is this visible on Mastodon? Anyone?
in reply to ND Evans

It's not broken, it's just realllly slow!
Managed to at least get it to have the queue getting smaller, but it will still take 16 days before it is caught up (after that everything should be on Mastodon immediately)

But I'm still hoping we can speed this up..

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/* Photo Albums */
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reshared this

in reply to Kristi H.

@kmh Excellent! Just a tip: Friendica allows code formatting, which makes readability better, while also escaping the code (depending on markup language, some sequences or characters, such as asterisk and underline, could accidentally be parsed as bold/italic).

I don't fully remember which one is the valid syntax for the web version, I guess it's the markdown one (I'm using an Android app to access Friendica, and the app allows me to set either bbcode, html or markdown):

Bbcode: [ code ]your code[ /code ] (remove the spaces)
Html: < code >your code< /code > (remove the spaces)
Markdown: three grave accents (`) in a single line, then the code, then another single line with three grave accents.


html, body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
height: 100%;

html, body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
height: 100%;

Hope this helps!

in reply to Daemon Silverstein

Thanks! I put the entire thing inside of [pre]...[/pre] but somehow I scrolled right past the "code blocks" part of the Friendica BBCode reference.

Tap tap tap

Testing testing, this thing working? Coming to Friendica from that other blue book site, already on Mastodon, I'm a big fan of the Fediverse and ActivityPub protocol. Let's see if I can get this thing going, gonna take some time but gonna give it a shot.
in reply to Kai Chang 張文愷

Welcome to your new home! Please bring your friends and family on-board.
in reply to Sunshine

Thanks! Once I get comfortably set up, I'll start proselytizing!

I’m going to try a cooking experiment now!

Everyone in my household fell madly in love with a type of seed cracker. I know, it doesn’t sound very exciting, but maybe you just haven’t had these crackers? Anyway, they are $7-9 dollars a box, which is highway robbery! So I decided to buy the ingredients to make them myself. The first problem is that the ingredients were, in fact, very expensive! Maybe there’s a reason they charge so much. I shall attempt to make them and report back later.
in reply to Julie

I don’t see where to add alt text. So, this is a photo of a baking sheet covered in white parchment paper and a batter consisting mostly of seeds.
in reply to Julie

I believe you add "a photo of a baking sheet covered in white parchment paper and a batter consisting mostly of seeds.[/img]" at the end of the image url.


in reply to Sunshine

@Sunshine @Julie It's [img=url-to-image]this is a photo of a baking sheet covered in white parchment paper and a batter consisting mostly of seeds[/img]. If you uploaded the image directly to the server, just type your alt before [/img].

Or upload the picture separately and add a description to it in Photos.

Requiem for a College - A Foggy Day at SJC - 2017

It’s odd the things that pop up in one’s memory feeds. Like these three images this morning.

I’m pretty sure that these were taken by the Love of My Life (aka Evelia) on an unusually warm morning on this day in 2017 on the Saint Joseph’s College Campus. As can happen in Northern Indiana, the sudden transition from sub-zero temps to above freezing actually will cause the snow to evaporate, making things foggy as all get-out. It can be a beautiful, if somewhat haunting, break to the winter cold.

Regardless, these quick phone-snapshots, which Evelia is prone to doing, were likely of her walk from her car at the Lennane Computer Center, where I had my offices as Chief Information Officer, to the Halleck Student Center, where she would have grabbed a cup of coffee before her classes in pre-law.

In other words, on the surface, a typical uneventful morning in Higher Education, and one that is played out at Colleges and Universities all over the U.S. (and the world).

However, just 18 days later, the Board of Trustees would vote to close this school, and suspend operations of the underlying non-profit organization while seeking ways to keep it out of bankruptcy.

As the newly “official” CIO and soon-to-be member of the President’s Cabinet, I was of course aware of the disaster that was unfolding. And I was indeed doing a lot of crisis-management as a result. But even so, emotionally a part of me was still doing various strategic plan scenarios that assumed an attempt to continue operations, coupled with the belief that, like so may times in the past for this institution, we would somehow find a way to avoid our date with the executioner.

It was not to happen.

For anyone interested in the story about the Saint Joseph's College closure, there is a well-written book out there by Dr. Jonathan Nichols that covers it:…

And remember, in the immortal words of Ferris Bueller… Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop and Look Around Once in a While, You Could Miss It.

David Lynch

... has died. His darkest moment, but only barely.


Not seeing my posts show up on Fediverse...
in reply to Andy Rush

@andyrush AFAIK, content published by an user from the instance A only shows on the instance B when at least one user from the instance B follows them. At least, it was what I experienced when trying to see my own content across instances. I needed to search for myself and follow myself on the other instance, only then my posts started to show up on the public feed from the other instance.

A Sad Day

We lost one of the realest today,

RIP David Lynch

You left a weird mark on so many of us, and we can never repay you.

"Fix your hearts or die."