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Giving Friendica another go, so here's a bit of an introl!

I was born in a city in Yorkshire, known by the name of the river that runs through it!
Not sure how long I lived there because (one of) my parents became homesick and the family returned to the Red Rose side o f the Pennines - Preston in Lancashire, so my first memories are of growing up in a new council house during the '50s. I have lived in and around Preston ever since.
Got married in the mid '70's and she has put up with me to this day.
After secondary school I had a few jobs then worked for a major employer in the Preston area for almost 40 years before taking early retirement. Have now been retired over 12 years.
I like reading, mostly scifi, listen to various genres of music (eclectic mix), enjoy walking in the local countryside.

#Introduction #Preston #Lancashire #UnitedKingdom #England #UK #LeftOfCentre

Как современные датчики анализируют жидкости организма

Технологии носимых устройств стремительно меняют подходы к медицине.

Сегодня умные часы могут измерять пульс, а приложения на смартфонах – отслеживать артериальное давление. Эти устройства уже достаточно точны, чтобы фиксировать ключевые жизненные показатели, и некоторые из них успешно применяются в медицинской диагностике. Однако для анализа биохимических параметров по-прежнему нужны образцы биологических жидкостей, таких как кровь или моча, которые направляются в лабораторию. Этот процесс зачастую сложен, болезненен, требует времени и средств.

Ситуация может измениться с появлением нового поколения носимых устройств, способных выполнять биохимический анализ прямо на месте. Такие датчики будут получать данные из пота, дыхания, слюны, слез или мочи. Хотя технологии еще находятся в стадии разработки, их потенциал очевиден.

Универсальность для всех возрастов

Главное преимущество новых устройств – возможность непрерывного мониторинга без визитов к врачу или лаборатории. Например, для пожилых людей, испытывающих тепловой стресс, носимые датчики могли бы предупреждать о необходимости пить больше воды или сигнализировать о критическом уровне электролитов.

Кроме того, такие датчики либо совсем неинвазивны, либо требуют минимального вмешательства. Это особенно важно для маленьких детей. Забор крови у младенцев или установка катетера – задача не из легких, доставляющая дискомфорт и детям, и их родителям. Альтернативой может стать устройство, прикрепленное к коже или встроенное в подгузник, которое будет собирать и анализировать биологические данные.

Также во время пандемии COVID-19 полезными могли бы быть маски, способные выявлять вирусы, такие как SARS-CoV-2, без необходимости брать мазки.

Полезность и целесообразность

Исследователи демонстрируют впечатляющее разнообразие идей – от сенсоров для оценки уровня обезвоживания у детей до татуировок, отслеживающих уровень сахара в крови, и контактных линз, анализирующих состав слез.

Однако не каждое измерение имеет клиническую ценность. Важно, чтобы устройства не только были удобны для пользователя, но и предоставляли данные, полезные для медицины. Например, маркер воспаления С-реактивный белок (СРБ) может указывать на серьезные проблемы со здоровьем, если его уровень превышает норму (менее 5 мг/л у здоровых взрослых). Однако не менее важно знать динамику показателя – был ли он вчера в пределах нормы или, например, составлял 300 мг/л.

Технические вызовы

Разработчики сталкиваются с рядом вопросов: как долго устройство может работать, как его хранить и обслуживать, сколько энергии требуется для его работы? Самое важное – точность и надежность предоставляемых данных. Недостаточно достоверные измерения вряд ли вызовут доверие пользователей.

Следующий шаг – создание понятных интерфейсов для интерпретации данных, чтобы они были доступны как пациентам, так и врачам. Искусственный интеллект, вероятно, станет ключевым инструментом в обработке информации, ускоряя развитие этих технологий.

Потенциал пота

Одним из первых объектов исследования для носимых устройств стал пот. Хотя многие люди относятся к нему с неприязнью, эта жидкость содержит обширную информацию о состоянии организма. Наш организм выделяет пот в разных ситуациях и на различных участках тела, и эта вариативность делает его ценным источником данных.

Выбор жидкости для анализа зависит от целей диагностики. Например, при заболеваниях дыхательной системы целесообразно исследовать выдыхаемый воздух. Но, чтобы новые технологии были официально утверждены и начали приносить реальную пользу пациентам, необходимо провести ещё немало исследований и разработок.

#Технологии #Медицина #Будущее #Wearables #Здоровье

When all the worst we fear lets fall its weight
When the gyre widens on and when the wave breaks
When St. Peter loses cool and bars the gates
When Atlas acts the maggot, makes his arms shake
When the birds are heard again in their singin'
Once atrocity is hoarse from voicin' shame
And when the earth is trembling on some new beginnin'
With the same sweet shock of when Adam first came

Be. Be as you've always been

Be as you've always been
Be like the love that discovered the sin
That freed the first man, and would do so again
And, lover, be good to me

When the man who gives the order
Is born next time 'round on the boat sent back
When the bodies starvin' at the border
Are on TV givin' people the sack
Oh, when the sea rises to meet us
Oh, when there's nothin' left for you and I to do
Oh, when there's nobody upstairs to receive us
When I have no kind words left, love for you

Be. Be as you've always been

Be love in its disrepute
Scorches the hillside
And salts every root
And watches the slowin'
And starvin' of troops

Be there and you stare as you stand
Or be like the rose that you hold in your hand
That will grow bold in a battered and desolate land
Oh, lover, be good to me

  • Be, Hozier (with some edits)

I love this song for a number of reasons. It stares straight into horrid circumstances while giving a mantra of hope - that of just being where you are and holding onto love as your solace up until the end. It is not grandiose, it does not even offer a solution or a promise that things can change for the better. It is frank and starkley grim. But it is none the less a comforting and empowering hymn for when all starts to become truly lost. At the end, the rose manages to grow bold in that wretched landscape, acting as that last powerful, hard-won love that manages to thrive through the hell it's been put through; a true test of its resilience. This is an excellent, poignant song as we continue to march into ridiculously uncertain times. ❤️


you wake up.

you're still a lizard sunning on a red rock. it was all a dream

the concept of selling "feet pics" to pay back "student loans" is already losing its meaning as you open and lick your own eyeballs to moisten them

time to eat a bug.

Hello New Site

I've been working on divorcing myself from FB and finally hit the point of Oh Fuck It. So now I'm here.

I'm a queer indie author (nonbinary aro/ace) who writes books (SF, Fantasy, Mystery, mostly) and does watercolor and sewing as hobbies.

To say that I'm avoiding looking at the news right now is putting it mildly.

You can find me on Dreamwidth, on Pillowfort and on Mastodon as well.

All my books are available DRM-free from most sites. Still working on getting my website set up for direct sales but hopefully I'll manage that this year. *knocks on wood*

Anyway, I'm hopeful that this won't be misery the way FB has been for literal years.


First impressions

Disclaimer: I work in software, and I have been an open source proponent for decades.

So, I just want to think a bit out loud after some days of testing and enjoying and looking into Friendica.

To be frank, I think Friendica is mostly useful if you have a very specific use case Friendica is suited for, and you can run your own server. I think the killer feature is circles, which I don't use myself. is currently suffering under… and reading it makes me wary about how the Friendica software is able to handle unpredictable load and upgrades.

The UI is... usable. It's fine if you're prepared, but telling your friends you have found a great Facebook replacement and asking them to come over... No, don't do that. Expectations must be managed.

Following other Fediverse accounts seems to work just fine. Other Fediverse accounts following your Friendica account... well, it's that GitHub issue linked above.

Groups uses some rather unusual abstractions, and I haven't found any strong moderation mechanisms. So, for a group where everybody knows everybody, or it's fine kicking out somebody after the fact, it's good enough, but for places where posts need vetting, I think it's not ready for prime time.

So? My 0.02€ is “Absolutely useful, but has some strange UX choices, and I'm worried about robustness and scalability. Not ready for prime time if that's defined as a drop-in replacement for Facebook for people who think genocide is insufficient reason to drop everything from Meta.”

in reply to Ruud

So the bottleneck in the job processing queue is outside the server where you host the pixelfed code for Other than using mastodon and only doing light reading on the fediverse, I am completely new to the decentralized architecture

EDIT: my bad, I thought you (@rudd) were hosting ... maybe I need to join your pixelfed.

Any chance they'll reduce the excise tax while they're at it?

I am new here on Friendica, as are many of you. But has anyone found a way to limit the content I see about fascist politics? I do want to keep informed, but I don't want to see a deluge of this stressful stuff. Where's the fun stuff?
in reply to Sheila DeBonis

Hi! I'm new here as well; I think the answer is making a channel from nice tags, like “Asstodon” and “Mondog” and viewing that instead of the raw, unfiltered sewa... feed. Another alternative is using saved searches.

Emigrating from facebook

Facebook has been an annoyance for quite some time. Though their recent censorship has gotten to extreme levels and I no longer feel I can be part of facebook or anything Meta. I am hoping to connect to friends here and make some new ones. I blogged on this topic earlier.

You can read the blog here if you want to: Censorship Gone Wild

The Instagram blocking of hashtags this morning was the last straw. I'm beginning my transition off of all centralized social media.

Hope I can get my friends to follow.

Jan 26
Boardagaming Meetup, Sunday January 26th, Skerries The Coast Inn
Sun 2:45 PM - 5:45 PM The Coast Inn pub, Skerries, Ireland
Boardgames Skerries, Balbriggan, Rush and Lusk
Upcoming boardgaming session at The Coast Inn in Skerries.
Beginners welcome, no entry fee. You do not need to bring any games but you are welcome to bring any if you want! 14 years and up, minors need to be accompanied by an adult.
Looking forward to seeing new people!
If you are interested in the session, you are also welcome to contact the organizer to be added to the Whatsapp group, where the event dates are first decided among members.

grazianodin attends.

Partner joined & followed me last week, nothing is showing up in her feed

#dev she is and even though it says she is following me, when she goes to her profile everything is blank and her feed is empty except for her test post

First Post

Just joined, testing the waters... Please enjoy this picture of a cat.

Hello, Friendica

Hoping to replace Facebook with a viable alternative to keep me in touch with local events in Hereford, UK in particular, as well as other interests
in reply to Judith Sawyer

I'm also trying to find an alternative to Facebook. Just signed up from South Africa. I refuse to continue supporting billionaire social media, they're wrecking society and can't be a part of it anymore.
in reply to Judith Sawyer

Same but from Massachusetts. Planning on trying to bring a few people with me. Let's get that network effect rolling.

Little Drone, Big Damage - Drone that bent this wing weighed less than half a pound

Photos of the internal damage caused by a drone strike on the wing of a CL-415 waterbomber in California 10 days ago show that even tiny drones pack a punch. The drone, pieces of which were recovered from inside the wing, has been identified as weighing less than half a pound. The impact over Pacific Palisades bent the front of a rib and a horizontal leading edge member, and the water-scooping amphib required significant repairs.

#AVweb #news #CL-415 #California #Canada

Deactivate and uninstall

I don't trust #meta will delete my #facebook or #instagram or #threads data when I delete my accounts. Until i figure out what to do long term, these are the steps I've taken:

* uninstalled facebook, messenger, and threads apps (kept ig initially)
* made sure my meta account is not linked to fb or ig (I have an oculus quest that is useless without a meta account and I have not decided what I will do about that)
* changed my name to something ridiculous on facebook
* changed my username to someone else (breaks the url I was associated with)
* disconnected from all apps and cleared history and fucked with anything else I could in the facebook settings
* started manually deleting media, posts, and comments (not sure if i will continue this since it's probably pointless)
* disconnected from all apps and cleared history and fucked with anything else I could in the instagram settings and then deactivated it
* uninstalled instagram

What have you done so far and what else are you planning? There is lots more to do.

in reply to effariwhy

I think the big one is making sure any and all settings which disallow sharing between companies and across services are active. Facebook will hoard data anyway, but we do what we can... And I think it's more important not using Facebook than deleting the account; they live from ad impressions, not the sum of active and inactive users.
in reply to Lemmus

Meta is probably moving it's servers and all it's backups into the FBI data center or giving the a FBI a back door into them (if they don't already have one). Just kidding, well not really.

Friendica revisited 2025

Well, I learned one risk shared by both federated and non-federated platforms. Just as your account and its history can disappear on the likes of Facebook or Twitter, I was shocked to learn that my account on the Friendica instance at was deleted by its administrator without any individual notice to me. (Thankfully I didn't lose much posting history.) But a hard lesson all the same.

So, I am now trepidatiously re-creating a Friendica profile at (I'll have to investigate how to make backups so that my history doesn't vanish unexpectedly.)

Disappointing to learn that the likes of Facebook Connector script is no longer available (loss of API support). Ditto for the likes of Twitter and Instagram, too. But thankfully one can add individual WordPress accounts/sites to your contact list and be notified of new posts.

I'm still learning how Friendica works. I consider myself tech savvy yet there is some learning curve. Not surprised it has no mass appeal.

One thing that I would like to discover is how I could connect my Threads contacts (those who've turn on its federated/Activity Pub setting). It would be neat to come to and follow and comment on connected Threads contacts.

in reply to Allan LEONARD

Hello from another Friendica newbie! For backup, it seems "Settings" → "Export personal data" is the way to go.

Einen wunderschönen Eichhörnchentag!

Happy #squirrelappreciationday 🥳
I think everybody loves squirrels, they are so cute 🐿️

#eichhoernchen #squirrel…

Today’s Chicago Weather

In case anyone was thinking this would be a good time of year to visit Chicago. Yes, that’s Fahrenheit. 🥶

in reply to Thomas

Yes, it had already been enabled, but we disabled it just to be sure it didn't cause the delays. Once everything is caught up, I'll re-enable it. (Probably this weekend)

Getting Through The Day

Despite my resolution to keep the bad stuff out of my head this time around, too much has already leaked in. Not so easy to see the end of all we worked, sacrificed and struggled to accomplish.

But life goes on. The fragrance of roasted millet. The sparkle of sun on the snow. The laughing, little girl, wielding a pink snow shovel, fighting back against efforts to clear the sidewalk.

#USPolitics #Personal

New page of Æthernaut, full comic at

Creating groups?

I'm trying to find how to create a group on Friendica. According to the docs, it should be under the "Contacts" tab, but I'm not seeing it there.

Peter Sørensen reshared this.

in reply to Arto Koistinen

Perhaps you need to check the settings "Settings" → "Account" → "Security and privacy" → {"Publish your profile in local site directory?", "Allow your profile to be searchable globally?"}? (I haven't tested this at all myself, just a (probably misguided) attempt at being helpful. 😀

So I've wanted to run this game of mine for years. One of the first, iconic, commitments I made, was making this gm's screen. Part of me wants to try to remake it properly but at the same time there's beauty in the flaws and errors.

If I did this again I would get stencils and maybe even laser cut parts. The materials could all be upgraded.

This is a cardboard box that I've cut down to size, and just used some JB Weld/instant apoxy to bond it to some balsa wood panels. The colors are a mix of spray paint to add a brassy/gold color to the wood. Actual dirt, & shoe polish to add some dark streaks. And markers for the different insignia and graffiti. If I recall there's even bits of coffee used to add somw od the splotches. As well as using peroxide and alcohol (seperatly) to weather sections of this.

I hope to get started later this year and put out vlogs and a podcast of the sessions. It will be my first time actually running a campaign. As well as it being a first for most of my players, taking these kinds of roles. So there will be plenty of learning experiences along the way.

The road lays long ahead of us....

New to here

Found Friendica from a post on Mastodon. I’ve been off X for a year and tried Bsky but got lots of trolls and women with no posts or biogs who all shared youth and large appurtenances. Still on Facebook due to friends and groups but highly restricted. And yes young ladies also want to be friends there. I joined my first political party at age 71, the Lib Dem’s. They are not perfect but they have some amazingly talented MPs.

Question on Profile.

Just joined but looked through the settings to add a photo to my profile but can't find it. What am I missing, or where is it please?

I'm #newhere

I've just created an account so I'm exploring. I've heard that it's possible to integrate Friendica with Mastodon and Disapora* to some extent so I'll be looking for pointers in that direction!
in reply to Chris - Dadmin2

It is pretty automatic, a Mastodon user can follow a Friendica user, and vice versa. The problem is, this server is currently bogged down, so the flow out from here to the rest of the Fediverse is severely delayed. I have a Mastodon account where I follow this account (to figure out how this works in practice), and stuff I posted this Saturday still hasn't appeared. (I'm new here as well, so not speaking for the admins or anything like that, just sharing my experience.)
in reply to Chris - Dadmin2

Thanks for sharing.

I've made some progress. I've followed my Mastodon and Diaspora* accounts here and found that for Diaspora* following only works from Friendica to Diaspora* and can't be done the other way round.

I'm also working through setting up my own Friendica server. I've just managed to log in with my admin account so I'll see how that goes!