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Baitball Part 2/2 : Predator's Pursuit: Seriole's Swift Hunt Around the Barracuda Baitball in Ustica

Baitball part 1/2 : Baitball Dance: The Barracuda's Daring Defense in Ustica Waters


#Nosferatu ya está en cines.
Ha recibido críticas encontradas, pero a nosotros nos encantó.

#xarliclub #movie #movies #cine #cinema #film #films #peli #pelis #pelicula #peliculas #tv #cinemastodon #filmsky 🎬…

Should people have a choice to attempt living outside of capitalism?

Another scubadiving video in Martinique Island

in reply to Tofm2

quel bel endroit, dans quel coin de martinique avez vous plongé ? j'ai fait ma certification Padi au Marin sur la côte sud
in reply to Tofm2

j'étais essentiellement sur la côte sud, entre le diamant et Sainte Luce (la vidéo est faite à Sainte Luce). Sinon je suis aussi allé voir les tortues aux Anses d'Arlet et Anse Dufour.

La martinique, c'est les plus beaux fonds que j'ai jamais fait en plongée.…

Is not aĺl our modern world we live in all artificial? It is, deep within we know that. But we ourselves are not. We are natural.
in reply to Free and Natural

We can admit that, and that we do not belong to an artificial world. But we are lost, alienated, and disconnected from what is natural for us. I spread my message online that alternative ways to this way we have are important to us to find, and that we should come to.

#YouTube -

#Odysee -

#Rumble -

#Bitchute -…

!!! NOTE !!! Switched To Linux is, “written by a broad spectrum computer consultant to help people learn more about the Linux platform.” This account is a supporter of @SwitchedToLinux and provides convenience posts of thumbnails art, videos and streams.

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Greetings and Happy New Year!

Teh AnKorage has a new Fediverse presence, here, on Friendica!

We will be posting anouncements of new videos and streams for, both, Teh AnKorage and for Switched To Linux, a content provider about Linux and many other tech-related topics, in general!

It is great to be here!

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No hay mejor manera de iniciar el año, que viendo #Flow en la pantalla más grande que puedas encontrar. La mejor película animada del 2024

#xarliclub #movie #movies #cine #cinema #film #films #peli #pelis #pelicula #peliculas #tv #cinemastodon #filmsky 🎬

Burger King Breakfast Menu: A Morning Delight

N'oubliez pas le changement d'heure aujourd'hui ,
À 20:24 il sera en fait 20:25.

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in reply to Boule chiite

minute papillon, ça s'appelle un changement de dernière minute ça, c'est tout, pas de quoi en faire un fromage de gigot de sept heures, hein..

I'm having my own little party here. I just finished a glass of wine and am listening to all sorts of lovely classical Viennese music! Right now, it's mostly dance pieces, but I'll probably listen to a bit of Mozart and Haydn, too, if I don't get caught up in an operetta or a series of waltzes! I love this sort of thing. But the waltzes are drawing me in. haha who can resist their temptation? Happy New Year to all!

Bouffées de tosh et bouteilles de bon vin et bonnes bières .
C'est le régime que je me résouds a suivre en 2025

Felicidades a todos. Feliz año 2025.
Que sea mejor que el 2024.
Que este año nuevo puedan realizar todos sus sueños y proyectos , con amor, salud y seres queridos. 73

I just finished watching a wonderful three-part documentary about Vienna. Now, I'm caught between Strauss and lehar for waltzes! I like them both and have quite long files from each so that I can listen without switching songs. I also have a lovely concert of fortepiano! Decisions decisions.…

MERA25 braucht Deine HIlfe für Bundestagswahl 2025!

Mera25 wird zur Bundestagswahl 2025 antreten. Für bisher noch nicht im Bundestag vertretene Parteien bedeuten die vorgezogenen Neuwahlen ein bürokratisches Fiasko. Wir brauchen binnen aller kürzester Zeit bis zu 2000 Unterstützungsunterschriften pro Bundesland. Mit den Feiertagen und der Kälte kaum zu schaffen. Bitte helft uns: druckt die Formulare aus, verteilt sie an Familie und Freunde. Hier ist der Link der euch zum jeweiligen Bundesland führt: haben nur noch wenige Tage Zeit!