Makes my arse twitch, this. #nbn
Meanwhile, over in Europe:
Meta and X are going rogue. Here is what Europe should do now. - European Digital Rights (EDRi)
To solve the core problem, we have to curb the immense grip Big Tech has on our institutions and invest in independent digital alternatives.European Digital Rights (EDRi)
On your radios and other devices in 10 mins with @bedford.charlotte #wowfm
09/10/2016 - If there's one thing I love, it's a green tomato and if I ever see them for sale, I buy them.
One of the most memorable things I've ever eaten was a pretty basic salad of green tomatoes, in Majorca in 2003. It's making my mouth water, just thinking about it..
They're a very good example of how supermarkets lead to restricted options, because you'll never see anything but very ripe ones for sale there. This picture was taken at the now-defunct Torrens Market, which was a proper 20-eggplants-for-$8 market, rather than $25-for-a-macaroon market.
Took a couple of photos at the nearby Garden Island Dolphin Sanctuary the same morning, which I've tagged onto this post.
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Fabián LU4EHF likes this.
Playing a bit o' this and a bit o' that on your radios now. 100.5fm or
First post
First post on Friendica!
Trying out as many federated services as possible.
Recent MTG cards I got!
Gremolata muthafucka
3/10/206 - I'd made some gremolata. Delicious.
It's a nice pic. It made me think, "Must make some gremolata!"
I reckon these close-up food pics were taken on my Canon DSLR, rather than the crappy phone camera.
Here it comes again
03/10/16 - One of the nice things about living where I live is running along the foreshore. In fact, I have run up and down its length so often that I completely take it for granted.
One of the things that I like most about it is when you can see a weather front coming in across the ocean. That's what's happening in this pic.
There'll be a lot of this type of photo as we go along, I expect.
Here it comes again
03/10/16 - One of the nice things about living where I live is running along the foreshore. In fact, I have run up and down its length so often that I completely take it for granted.
One of the things that I like most about it is when you can see a weather front coming in across the ocean. That's what's happening in this pic.
Some experimentation with Chaos Game.
For those unfamiliar with Chaos Game, it's a mathematical experimentation (not really a "game") which applies some constraints to randomness, so order and pattern will emerge from it.
For example: you have an equilateral triangle and you start at the topmost vertex of it. You randomly choose between the three vertices, then you place a point exactly in the middle between the current coordinates and the chosen vertex. You repeat the process indefinitely, choosing another vertex and placing a point midway between the current coordinates (it's now a place inside the triangle) and the chosen vertex. Gradually, you'll start to notice a pattern, in this exact case, you'll end up with a Sierpinski triangle.
The more random and unbiased the randomness, the more quality the end result will have.
You can change parameters. For example, you can change the geometrical shape (e.g. a pentagon instead of a triangle), or you can change the ratio (i.e. how far from the current coordinate to the next coordinate: instead of going half the way, you can choose to go 1/3 (0.3333...) of the way, or you can even extrapolate past the next coordinate with a ratio bigger than 1). You can choose to not repeat the previous coordinate, or you can choose to not choose a neighboring vertex, and so on... Different constraints will result in different results, sometimes a fuzzy cloud of dots, sometimes a pattern.
It's interesting to see patterns emerging from randomness.
(I tried to send two pictures, but one of them got an error while I tried to upload...)
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Het is eindelijk zover: na vijftien afschuwelijke maanden is er een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza! Maar het lijden, de bezetting en de strijd voor vrijheid gaan door. Nu hebben we de kans om invloedrijke leiders ervan te overtuigen om Palestina te erkennen als land -- zodat gerechtigheid, waardigheid en duurzame vrede een kans krijgen. Teken nu voor een vrij Palestina!
A Few Hobbies and Likes
Things I have no interestt in seeing:
Politics, posts in foreign languages that I don't understand, posts with obscenities, bickering over who joins what network, posts about what leaders of various networks do, vegan activism/ promotion, images without descriptions, world affairs (non-Western), posts about mental health, etc.
Things I am Constantly Seeing
Politics, posts in foreign languages that I don't understand, more politics, posts with obscenities, bickering over who joins what network, posts about what leaders of various networks do, yet more politics, vegan activism/ promotion, images without descriptions (very rare here, thankfully), still more politics, world affairs and wars (non-Western), posts about mental health, and you guessed it, even more politics! At least I don't see all of the inspirational/love yourself, or religious posts. Those are just as annoying.
Posts I Would Like to See:
Animals (especially cats and birds), plants, insects, high culture (theatre, classical music, fine dining, literature, fashion, etc.), cooking/recipes, history, science for non-scientists, technology (not just how to write websites or who's doing what in the Fediverse), audio games, good news, interesting discussions, people's daily lives (yes, I know this is not Dreamwidth), etc.
Fabián LU4EHF
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