This page should be updated to include Pachli for Android, and Tweesecake and Semaphore for Windows as clients.
food, weather, classical music
Here, in my profile, it asks for keywords. Food and weather are fine. But when I write "classical music" (without the quotes) and save it, it always looks like "classical, music". In other words, it's being treated as two words instead of a phrase. I did try putting them in quotes, but that didn't help. The same thing happens with names or anything other than single words. Am I doing something wrong? Should I put them in brackets or use the number sign, or is that just how it handles them? If so, how can I search for such things? To use my previous example, searching for "classical, music" might give me results about classical antiquity or popular music. What about tagging posts that I write here to bring attention to a particular topic? Do I just use the number sign?
I am trying out yet another client. This one is for Windows, and so far, I really like it. It doesn't give me full control over my profile as Pachli and tusky do, but it does allow me to work with posts, which is what I will be doing most times anyway. So now, along with the website that works with everything, I have two windows clients (one web-based/Semaphore, and one regular/Tweesecake), and two android clients (Tusky and Patchli). Tweesecake can be found here. I have no idea what is meant by working without windows and such, but it can be used as a regular program.
I found a wonderful site with all sorts of instances to join here. Most work. This is the link to their most popular 100 topics, rather than to the main page.
And groups do exist here! I found a page about them at the below site. It's about Mastodon, but the advice should apply to Friendica as ell.…
How to use groups on Mastodon and the Fediverse | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
An unofficial guide to using Mastodon and the
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Thanks for the recommendations! 😊
Just to make clear:
Tips for using this place are at
Servers to join are at
Accounts to follow are at
Fedi.Directory – Interesting accounts on Mastodon & the Fediverse
Interesting accounts to follow on Mastodon and the
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I just went here.
I saw a way to sort servers. I checked several boxes. But there is no "search", or "go", or "continue" button or link, and all that showed up was a few things. Yet I had several boxes checked. Am I only supposed to check one at a time, and then, the various options are displayed? If so, why did they use checkboxes and not radio buttons? I am not new to computing. I've just never seen anything like what I've observed during the last few days. None of it makes sense!
Hello again!
So, some servers may have a theme, and it may be full of people interested in that certain topic, but they will still post about things, which may be what you were seeing.
Much like is your "portal" to the fediverse, other people go through other servers like,, or When you see people you want to follow on these other servers, all you have to do is enter their username while you're looking at your Friendica. World account, and then you will receive their posts even though they are on a different server.
One of the downsides of this server currently is that it is fairly new, so us people located on it haven't followed too many people, which leads to *our* side of search not finding much. As long as you have a username you want to follow, that part shouldn't matter though.
Shared perspectives #1: Personalized Medicine future in Europe, from regions to Union, and back…
Our interviewees: Dr Eva-Maria Stegemann [EMS-left ] has a science, business and industry background and is involved in multiple European Personalized Medicine projects. Gianni D'Errico [GDE- right] is International Project Officer & European Affairs at F
Our interviewees: Dr Eva-Maria Stegemann [EMS-left ] has a science, business and industry background and is involved in multiple European Personalized Medicine projects.Christophe MICHEL, PhD (
Friendica.World performance
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I've started looking over north Texas marking the band practice fields I can find with leisure=pitch, sport=marching_band. I am always open for suggestions! Here, you generally find them at high schools on a dedicated field, or part of a parking lot as seen below.
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watmildon reshared this.
I think you're correct, but I was in choir in school, not band!
Only the schools that have larger parking lots have a full "field" painted. I've seen many that only go from something like the 10 to the 50 yard line, or some that are even shorter without numbering at all.
Unfortunately, giant parking lots are normal in my state (country?). REALLY big parking lots without trees. It is super awful.
Soccer fields after dark sounds pretty cool!
You are very welcome! I do believe the tags you speak of work that way, and I know mastodon has them too, but at this point I don't know if that particular thing crosses over... The good news is that interoperability is increasing all the time!
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions. I might not know the answer, but will do my best to find it!
If only.…
‘New York Times’ To Cease Publication
NEW YORK—With the struggling newspaper admitting this was the final nail in its coffin, The New York Times announced this week that it would permanently cease publication, saying there was no way it could compete with The Onion’s newly relaunched pri…The Onion Staff (The Onion)
If people want their children to go to a private school, they should pay for it themselves. If they want their kids to go to a religious school, they should pay for it themselves.
It is interesting that the plan enacted in Arizona has ballooned out of control. I have no doubt the same would happen here in Texas.
"The Texas Legislative Budget Board projected that the cost of Abbott’s voucher program would have ballooned to more than $2 billion annually by 2028."
I really hope this group fails. I'm tired of a minority of people trying to shape the world for their own gain, leaving the rest of us behind. instance user count
Dears, according to database, usercount is desperately low and sticks to 18. How can we invite more ?
On andother hand, internally, the users directory reaches 30. Why is there such a gap? Aren't the udated blocked from or perhaps fedidb is not updating reglarly? IDK
ottenta likes this.
Well, my hope is once people see our posts out there with our domain, maybe they'll try it out.
Have you guys been having performance issues with the server or is that just me?
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for Twitter -->
for Instagram -->
Both are made with pride by Vincent Cloutier from Canada (
I'm not sure why I am remembering this game after so many years, but has anyone else ever played the educational game "Museum Madness"? You are a kid stuck in a museum, and while you fix the exhibits, it also teaches you about history. I always loved playing it at the computer lab at my elementary school.
It is apparently playable on a website called Classic Reload:…
#VideoGames #Games #MuseumMadness
Museum Madness
The game starts in the bedroom of an American high school teenage boy who is sat at his computer as he tries to access the National Museum Interactive Service System and sees that it is offline for repair and then an interactive robot named MICK (Mus…
Gaming Feed reshared this.
I put in my first Open Information Request with the city today to see what I can get out of them regarding GIS/map data. What is weird is that they have an open data portal, but removed a bunch of the useful stuff from it.
reshared this
We weren't exactly sure that we were ready for another dog since Neptune passed away, but this little lady has been tied up outside for the last five years. We wanted to get her out of that situation.
So far, her favorite spot in the apartment is a comfortable dog bed, or snuggled right up next to one of us.
We named her Io after one of Jupiter's moons.
reshared this
JD Vance Hints at Potential Defunding of Planned Parenthood in a Second Trump Administration
JD Vance suggests a second Trump administration could defund Planned Parenthood if it continues to provide late-term abortions. The implications for reproductive health services are significant as the political debate intensifies.…
JD Vance Hints at Potential Defunding of Planned Parenthood in a Second Trump Administration - SA News Zone
JD Vance hints at defunding Planned Parenthood in a potential second Trump administration, emphasizing opposition to taxpayer-funded late-term abortions. Explore the implications for reproductive health services and the ongoing political debate.SA NEWS ZONE (SA News Zone)
end0fline likes this.
Debut des essais sur route pour la Hopium
#hydrogen #hydrogenpower #sustainability #hopium
La voiture à hydrogène d'Hopium roulera bientôt
Désormais équipée de la pile à combustible de 100 kW du fabricant, l'Hopium Machina réalisera bientôt ses premiers essais en conditions réelles.Michaël TORREGROSSA (
My mom sent me this picture of me with a Ferengi at the Star Trek Experience when I was a teenager. What an amazing place it was! I still can't believe it was dismantled. It was like a dream getting to walk on the small piece of the promenade that existed, Quark's included, as well as getting to be on the bridge of the Enterprise D.
*This* is the type of game I was talking about. This game uses #OpenStreetMap so that you can play "in" your local town.…
City Bus Manager on Steam
Build your own bus depot from scratch and create your personal bus routes in City Bus Manager. Play in your own hometown or any famous city in the world with real map
reshared this
It's called 112 Operator:……
It looks like since I played it they've added DLC that's meant to be a prelude to their zombie game.
I did enjoy it for a while, the scripts got a little repetitive at one point IIRC.
112 Operator on Steam
Manage emergency services in any city in the world! Take calls and dispatch rescue forces. Handle difficult situations, now depending on the weather, and
end0fline likes this.
Cătă likes this.
Glowing Cat of the Nuclear Wastelands ☣ reshared this.
Nmyownworld reshared this.
Jerome colombain monde numérique sur le fediverse
Savez vous si il y a un moyen de suivre Jerome Colombain sur le fediverse, les blogs, le profil , les podcasts ?
En effet, dans ses productions, il est souvent fait mention du fediverse par certaines de ses pointures et références (David Chavalarias, Jean Cattan). A mon avis, notre ami Jerôme aurait t à gagner d'ouvrir un canal de communication vers le fediverse.
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n816 Life reshared this.
Pareil pour François Sorel de QJMM: @François Sorel
Chat GPT with accents…
#AI #chatGPT #acctent
(Debrief Transat) ChatGPT parle comme une cagole marseillaise | Monde Numérique - Actualité des Technologies
Nous testons une nouvelle facette du mode vocal avancé de ChatGPT : la possibilité de le faire parler avec des accents (extrait de L'HEBDO du. 04/10/24)....Monde Numérique - Actualité des Technologies
A road trip with my husband driving was a good opportunity to take pictures of 300 POIs while on our way to the coast. I love giving some life to the small towns of Texas on OSM. Time to get to adding them!
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Liz Cheney
Liz Cheney, the Republican former congresswoman who is the daughter of a staunchly conservative vice president, stumped for Kamala Harris in Wisconsin. She called on conservatives to join her in an “urgent cause” to elect Harris and to reject what she called Trump’s “depraved cruelty.”
end0fline likes this.
Not to sound like a jerk, but I don’t understand why #Texas does state wide blue alerts. Me knowing a cop got hurt in the pan handle while I’m on the coast helps nobody.
These things come in on your phone like an amber alert. At three in the morning. Stop.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • •Hello again! Have you had any issues today?
I have been experiencing the same and emailed to let them know. I haven't ran into any issues today. They said they had to make a change to the database.
@FediHosting Foundation 🌷
Georgiana Brummell
in reply to end0fline • •end0fline likes this.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Georgiana Brummell
in reply to end0fline • •