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I miss the wonderful cat stories on Facebook, particularly the Larry The Downing Street Cat for Prime Minister ones. I know that is a very special group, and nothing can ever replace it, but I would love to hear about your cats and the funny things they do. I am blind, so I can't see pictures, but descriptions help. Also, if anyone here writes as a cat, or even a dog or other pet, feel free to add me or comment.

#animals #birds #cats #Caturday #dogs #funny #hamsters #mice #pets #stories

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in reply to Georgiana Brummell

This comment right here is why I started adding Alt Text to most images I upload. I know my descriptions aren't the most detailed, but I'm happy to help out a fellow man. :BlobhajPrideHeart:
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

If you follow @ankaretwells , she has a pair of Maine Coons, and one of them is a dedicated parcel-stealer.

My two cats are rather less interesting - #StinkyPippin is a cute little thing with the personality of Joe Pesci in Goodfellas, and #ZiggyTheCowardlyLion …. Well, he’s just Ken.

How do I turn off the political posts in my Home timeline? Is there a way for me to hide them, or at least, certain conversations so that I don't have to see them?

#accessibility #filter #friendica #timeline #Tweesecake

I followed the Social Media feed from Newsmast. Now, I wish to unfollow them, but I can't figure out how to do it. I tried "Unfollow" on Tweesecake and also went to the page of the feed, but I keep seeing posts from them on my Home timeline (not the Federated one). I usually don't mind seeing such things in my timeline. I love the Food and Wine one, for example. It's just that this one is going a bit mad at the moment. I may follow it again at some point, or even check it.

#accessibility #Friendica #Newsmast #Tweesecake

Sami Määttä reshared this.

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

I know on the actual interface, you can follow someone but take them out of any circle, or you can add them to their own that way you only see them when you want to. This is under the "Contacts" area.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Now, I no longer see them in my timeline. Either they manually removed me after seeing my post to make things easier, or my unfollowing them wasn't instantaneous and took a little while. I will need to test this is if I ever find something else that I don't want to follow.

I really love Tweesecake. The more I use it, the more wonderful things I learn about it. I am now able to view my Local timeline, Home (which is basically the people whom I follow), the Federated Timeline, my Favourites/Likes, my mentions (when people Mention me), etc. all in one place! Everything is customisable, too! I only wish they made a 32-bit version, so that I could use it on all of my machines, both physical and virtual. Still, as long as I can use it on one, it's good, since I can just use NVDA Remote to access it with another. Oh, and it doesn't try to insert nonsense when I write tags! I hate when I write in text fields and receive suggestions.

#accessibility #blind #blindness #friendica #NVDA #Tweesecake #Windows

Yay!!! I got Tweesecake to work! I couldn't understand, for the life of me, what was going on! I thought the folder was corrupted, so I redownloaded it, and whenever I started it, it kept saying "Welcome to Tweesecake", and then "Config". Then, when I tried to navigate through the window, it completely disappeared. So I thought, maybe, they had discontinued their service, but that was not the case. It turned out that this is not a fully portable app. Unlike the ones at, and like both Serpent UXP and IceDove UXP, it stores information in a separate folder and not just the main one. I may change this behaviour in the future. For now, I deleted the separate Tweesecake folder (in App Data), and restarted the program. And now I have a perfectly functioning Windows client, including the ability to edit my posts!

#accessibility #blind #happy #portableapp #Tweesecake #Windows

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Look! I can reply from the same interface! haha I'm way too happy right now. I need to calm down! This is such a relief.

Update. check comments. As usual, it's not fully accessible. Why, I don't know.
I just found something wonderful! It's an automatic way for me to find groups that interest me. Basically, when I add a hash tag to a post, sometimes, I get added to a community. For instance, the theatre tag added me to their community. There, I find all sorts of related posts. But I don't take their advice about not adding said groups to my timeline, because I want to see what others have to say! Regardless, along with the pages I found for topics, etc. this is a great way to add interests, and with luck, to make new friends!

in reply to Newsmast Foundation

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Hi again Georgiana, thank you so much for explaining your experience in detail.

The Newsmast app is, unfortunately, behind where we would like it to be in terms of accessibility. We have plans to improve this (alongside fixing a few of the bugs which have been lingering) but we first need to find some funding!

For that reason, - our new (paid) service for orgs - is our current focus. (1/2)

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Newsmast Foundation

We hope to return to the Newsmast app soon. When we do, we will be sure to use this description you have provided.

For now, you should be able to use the Community Feeds by following the Feed accounts - we know you said you didn't mind the high activity but feel free to put them in a list! That way they should work with a client that suits your needs more closely.

If you're interested can follow our progress on our co-founders blog: (2/2)

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Newsmast Foundation

@The Newsmast Foundation Thank you, yet again, for your encouraging response. At least you are aware of it and are taking steps to remedy it, which is more than I can say for many. I sincerely wish you the best with regard to funding. Your service is an excellent one.

I love this site. They have articles about all sorts of different topics! They also have some wonderful gifts that go well beyond the ordinary. This is also the home of Gastro Obscura, where they write about the most fascinating, delicious, and at times, bizarre foods from around the world. No, I don't work for them. I'm just a fan.

#AtlasObscura #books #facts #food #GastroObscura #gifts #holidays #learning #interesting #travel

end0fline reshared this.

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Update. I can read my posts (and some others) on the Local page and option of both Semaphore and TWBlue. However, I cannot reply on Semaphore. It shows a reply button, but when I press it, there is no edit box for me to type into. I also can't edit my posts there, but I already knew that. It's one of the things that Enafore was supposed to have fixed.
Unknown parent

@Robert Kingett I'm a very happy Friendica user and I use Tweesecake which works well with it. Do you mean that a client should be on a Friendica instance? If so, I agree.

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Never mind my having Countess Maritza or The Land of Smiles. I just have individual songs. And from the first, I have an album, but again, it's just songs. I can understand doing this with acoustic recordings, but it's annoying with later ones. Novello's work immediately comes to mind, but I've seen it done even with Gilbert and Sullivan, by no less than d'Oyly Carte themselves! The singing is beautiful, of course, but where is the dialogue! Fortunately, I do have perfect recordings of Die Fledermaus. They're probably videos, but being blind, I have no idea. It's all audio to me.

Mona is an exceptional multi-account #Fediverse client. Not to mention it's a OTP... compared to the subscription fee of its top rival: Ivory. 🦣

#Mastodon / #Friendica / #Pixelfed 👀

Actual Moove: Drop Purple for Leper

Hi, my last move was to drop 27 M Purples and exchange them for 239 K lepers.
Leper is still flaring

#crypto #solana #purple #leper

Living differently is needed

The government is not very responsive to the scientific community. There would be collapse from what can be seen now. We are in a world that is not unlimited, and we should not just be using everything. Using it like there is no tomorrow is what is happening still while voices of the concerned are yet disregarded. Resources dwindle and environments are being diminished, and there is a great rate of extinction of species, going on right now. Oceans are being depleted of fish and other creatures there.

Has anyone ordered these "Firefly Petunias" before? They're by a company called Light Bio, and apparently the flowers glow in the dark.

I love plants and while this would be a cool addition, has anyone ordered one of these and found it to be a waste of money? Is there an ethical dilemma with ordering these?

From Scientific American:

"The firefly petunia glows brightly and doesn’t need special food thanks to a group of genes from the bioluminescent mushroom Neonothopanus nambi. The fungus feeds its light-emitting reaction with the molecule caffeic acid, which terrestrial plants also happen to make. By inserting the mushroom genes into the petunia, researchers made it possible for the plant to produce enzymes that can convert caffeic acid into the light-emitting molecule luciferin and then recycle it back into caffeic acid — enabling sustained bioluminescence."

#plants #science

Still Nmyownworld reshared this.

in reply to BrassNuckolls

I'll get back to you in six months! I definitely bought them. Haha

in reply to n816 Media

Quelqu'un aurait il le compte fediverse du guardian pour relayer ses posts.


#fishing #overfishing #ocean

I need to update this with more discoveries. But here is a post I made some time ago about Received Pronunciation. More specifically, it's about Upper RP, my favourite kind. This is when the English language comes alive and sounds like music. I could listen to RP all day long, provided it's Upper or at least Conservative. I have no use for Contemporary. It gives me a headache. Any other suggestions are warmly welcomed, and if you yourself speak in true RP, I would love to get to know you.…

#BBCEnglish #elocution #English #King'sEnglish #language #properEnglish #Received Pronunciation #RP #Queen'sEnglish

To medical professionals, there may be different nuances here. This is the popular understanding.
I'm not religious or superstitious, but this is very odd. Ivor Novello died in 1951 of a heart attack. Noel Coward, one of his best friends, died in 1973, 51 years ago, of a heart attack. Christopher Hassall, Novello's librettist, died in 1963, at the age of 51, also of a heart attack! Breakin the 51 theme but remaining with the health one, Clifton Webb, friend of Coward, died of a heart attack, as did both Gilbert and Sullivan, who influenced Novello! As for Hassall, I now have all sorts of lovely things to download from him! His RP accent is absolutely beautiful, as are his tones, and he is very much worth seeking out.

#ChristopherHassall #CliftonWebb #GilbertandSullivan #heartattack #IvorNovello #NoelCoward

We've been watching "The Politician" on Netflix. My husband was watching it without me until I noticed I had been standing in front of the TV for ten minutes because I had stopped to see what was going on. If you're bored and want a break from real politics, I would highly recommend it.

#TV #Netflix #Streaming

Still Nmyownworld reshared this.

Collaborative Video Editing in Tampa, FL Video Production

In Video editing Tampa Fl is a collaborative effort involving directors, producers, and editors working together to achieve a unified vision. Effective communication and teamwork ensure that the final video aligns with the creative and technical goals of the production, resulting in a high-quality, cohesive product.

Un homme aurait tué sa femme le lendemain de sa nuit de noces...

Parfois, la nuit porte conseil...

#calembour #blague