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Article Période Kaizuka

L'article sur la Période Kaizuka sur #Wikipédia en français est en ligne:…
(depuis deux jours en fait mais chaque fois que je viens pour poster sur Friendica mon serveur est dans les choux...)
Du coup le prochain article sur Ireibaru est presque prêt aussi.
#Okinawa #Ryukyu

Alexandra reshared this.

Alt texts on Friendica?

When I joined Fedi, first Masto and then Pixelfed, I've learned about the beauty of Alt texts. I'm not that good with them, and sometimes I use AI to help me with getting a decent enough text. But when I add an image here, I can't see where I can add the Alt text/image description.

I've been trying to just add it to the post, as Friendica offers a ton of space for text. But if friends that use screen readers would see my posts, is there a way to really add an Alt text to my images? Or should I just write it in the post, as I've been doing?

Thanks in advance for your help! 🌹

#AltText #DareToAsk #Friendica

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in reply to Cynni

Friendica uses BBCode tags for formatting, links and media in posts.

So when you insert an image into a post or comment, you'll see something like


Between the img and slash-img tags is where you put your alt text.

[url=][img=]ALT TEXT HERE[/img][/url]

It is, unfortunately, a manual process, but hopefully one that isn't too bad for you.

Alexandra reshared this.

in reply to Michael / Chgowiz

Thanks for the explanation! It will be a learning process but it should be worth it to make my feed accessible to more people. 😊

Patrick Chamoiseau, conteur et fou d'histoire

Alexandra reshared this.

Premiers pas dans le Wikipédia français

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in reply to Alexandra

il est possible de changer l'outil de traduction. Mint donne d'assez bons résultats, mais moins bons que Google qui est le top. diapo 48
in reply to Pierre-Yves Beaudouin

merci pour l'info !
j'ai vu du coup qu'on pouvait choisir 「paragraphe vide」pour mettre sa propre trad sans etre influencee par une trad automatique, mais du coup ça traduit pas les references. les refs sont vraiment le truc le plus complique à mettre en oeuvre… le plug-in wikipedia de zotero me sauve enormement de temps sur le wiki anglois. je termine l'article sur la periode kaizuka, la, et c'est vraiment ce qui m'a pris le plus de temps, corriger toutes les refs…

Dévoilement au public du tissu d’or antique mis au jour lors de la fouille de Saint-Pierre-l’Estrier à Autun (Saône-et-Loire)

Alexandra reshared this.

Feb 9
Visite de Chantier Archéo / Archaeological Dig Visit
Sun 2:30 AM - 8:00 AM Derrière la préfecture Behind the prefectural office

Ma boîte (et le Centre Archéologique Préfectural) propose des visites du chantier en cours derrière la préfecture, où vous pourrez voir les vestiges du village de Wakuta (la plupart des vestiges datent d'avant la guerre, mais le village date du Royaume de Ryūkyū).
J'y serais pas, parce que 1. chuis déjà allée voir en catimini (avec des cookies quand même), 2. y'a une conférence sur la céram de l'autre côté de l'île le même jour.
#okinawa #naha…

My company (and the Prefectural Archaeological Centre) proposes visits of the current archaeological dig behind the Prefectural Office, where you can see the remains of Wakuta Village (mainly pre-war, but starts in the Kingdom Period). I won't go because 1. I already went and saw discretely (I brought cookies so it's ok) and 2. there is a conference about ceramic on the other side of the island on the same day.

Alexandra reshared this.

gnn ?

Ok, y'a pas de draftspace sur le #wikipédia en français ? Faut créer sur sa page perso et ça marche comme le draftspace anglois ?
(accessoirement l'outil de traduction est assez bordélique, ptêt parce que mon écran est trop petit. et il utilise google aussi, quelle idée...)

Alexandra reshared this.

Alexandra reshared this.

The Chatan Gusuku article on #wikipedia is live:…
(until the moderator who deletes all my Ryukyu articles for some reasons deletes it and I have to go and ask for other moderators to bring it back...)

Alexandra reshared this.

Alexandra reshared this.

Apparently on Friendica you CAN move photos from one album to another. You just have to edit the photo and change the album name it belongs to. If it was the last photo in an album and you move it out the empty album also automatically disappears. And moving it to another album does not appear to affect any posts to which you previously attached the image. Just don't change it to "Recent photos" as that's not actually an album.

Alexandra reshared this.

Feb 9
Motifs décoratifs des poteries et porcelaines 土器・陶磁器 文様の魅力
Sun 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM 沖縄市芸能館ホール(博物館の上階)

Le Musée de la ville d'Okinawa propose the 9 février à 14h00 une conférence intitulée "Fascinants motifs décoratifs sur les poteries et les porcelaines", par Aya Nagadō. C'est gratuit et ne nécessite pas d'inscription au préalable.
Ça sera dans la hall des arts de la ville d'Okinawa, à l'étage au dessus du musée…

The #OkinawaCity Museum proposes on March the 9th at 2:00 pm a conference by Aya Nagadō titled "Fascinating patterns on potterya and porcelain". It's free and does not require pre-inscription.
It willbe in the Arts Hall of Okinawa City (same building as the museum, one floor higher)

Mar 8
Nakijin Quest
Sat 2:30 AM - 7:30 AM Nakijin

Le village de Nakijin propose le 8 mars une sorte de GN pour découvrir ses coins touristiques, "Nakijin Quest".
À l'inscription on reçoit une carte et il faut visiter le plus de points possibles entre 10h30 et 15h30. Ca permet d'accumuler des points et l'équipe avec le plus de points gagne. Il est pas précisé ce qu'on gagne…
Tous les participants reçoivent un coupon repas pour le marché nocturne de Nakijin, un coupon d'entrée gratuite pour Nakijin Gusuku et pour le musée associé (Centre d'Histoire et de Culture de Nakijin) et un certificat de participation.
L'affiche précise qu'il y aura attribution de "lots de grande valeur" par tirage au sort.

Nakijin Village proposes on March the 8th a sort of Live Action Role Playing Game to discover its touristic spots, "Nakijin Quest".
When you sign up you receive a map and you have to visit as much spot as you can between 10:30 and 15:30. It will earn you points and the team with the most points wins. They don't say what you win…
All players will receive a meal ticket for Nakinjin Night Market, a free entrance ticket to Nakijin Gusuku and its associated museum (Nakijin History and Culture Centre) and a player certificate.
The poster says there will be "high value products" attributed by lucky draw.

Nakijin Quest

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Alexandra reshared this.

Feb 1
Nago and Okinawa's History as seen through Animal Bones / 動物の骨からわかる名護・沖縄の歴史
Sat 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM Nago Museum 名護博物館

The oldest dog burial of the prefecture was discovered in the Awa-Yonagawabaru Site in Nago. There are many animal bones that are dug up from other archaeological sites as well. This conference will talk about the relationships between humans and animals in the Kaizuka Period.

Date: February the 1st, 2025, 10:00-12:00
Place: Nago Museum (entrance is free, no reservation needed)
Lecturer: Takeji Toizumi (Meiji University)
〔 会 期 〕2025年2月1日(土)10:00~12:00
〔 会 場 〕名護博物館体験学習室(入場無料・予約不要)
〔 主 催 〕樋泉岳二 先生(明治大学 研究・知財戦略機構 客員研究員)…

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Alexandra reshared this.

A crossing guard holds back traffic during the Nago Cherry Blossom Festival.

#photography #streetphotography #japan #okinawa

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Test for boosting RSS feed

Alexandra reshared this.

in reply to Alexandra

not quite what i expected… it looks nice on friendica though…

Rapport d'utilisation : troisième jour sur Friendica

Palate cleanser for archaeology buffs! Arkeo is a great series

Two seasons of 21 half-hour episodes in which a charming Belgian archaeologist (Peter Eeckhout) visits major sites all over the world, talks to the experts and presents the known facts and finds about the sites. Way better than the History Channel or Discovery stuff. I have seen programs about many of these sites, but Peter always shows and explains something I have never encountered elsewhere. It’s overdubbed in either English or Spanish, but well-done and not annoyig at all. Working on Season 2 now.

Highly recommend. Avaiable free on several streaming platforms.