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@Alec Mento well, full circle, you're my first contact on this social media platform.


Menurut saya orang orang di dunia sekarang ini sudah membutuhkan bahasa baru yaitu bahasa internasional, bahasa inggris itu bahasa kolonial saxon


Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokaatuh
Hai, nama saya pite / pitty, saya baru di friendica, saya masuk sini karena penasaran aja, kayak apa yang namanya friendica itu yang katanya seperti Facebook, ya karena saya sudah bosan di facebook karena ya begitulah Facebook penuh permasalahan, ya sudah sekian perkenalan singkat dari saya, kalau kurang lengkap, ya saya memang tidak mau melengkapinya akhir kata ihdinassiroothol mustaqim, wallahul muwafiq ilaa aqwamitthoriq wal afwu minkum, wa billahi taufik wal hidayah warridho wal inayah tsummassalaamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokaatuh.
in reply to Pite

Facebook itu di buat memang untuk bikin masalah, karena itu Facebook itu ya salah satu dari masalah itu sendiri

TW: medical bs

I was almost in an accident about 10 mins ago (their fault) and now I have a pounding headache, sketchy balance, drippy ears and nose (again) and a new bout of gi distress. This will all last a week or more. Living with a brain injury is no kind of life.

#fedicoven Q17 What rituals or magic would you recommend those facing their mortality?

I am not sure about a ritual as such, but sitting with Goddess in her crone aspect, prayers for enlightenment to Hekate or maybe some scrying in Selenite work for me.

Interestingly the first time I ever worshiped Hekate I was unemployed. A few weeks later I was in another country for a job interview and five weeks after that my whole life and career changed for the better and I have never felt younger.

Sometimes facing mortality in the way I did back then can change the way you look at not just death, but also life.

in reply to Antonia Epona 🌒🌕🌘

@alexadeswift While I'm not exactly Wiccan (I'm closer to a Luciferian and Lilithian perspective/belief, with many syncretic aspects), I see Death as one of the aspects/archetypes from The Dark Mother Goddess (Lilith), known as Agrat Bat Mahlat, who would be akin to the Crone aspect of Hekate.

My understanding of Goddess Lilith (and consequently, of Na'amah and Agrat Bat Mahlat) is grounded both on (unexpected) individual/personal spiritual experience with Her, as well as on a Brazilian book, "Encontro com Lilith: mulher, demônio e Deusa" (Encounter with Lilith: woman, demoness and Goddess) written by Mark H. Williams, which has an entire section on how to experience Lilith, including what he calls "Caminhada no cemitério" (Walk in the cemetery):

English translation:

Walk in the cemetery

One of the primary Lilith roles is the transformation force. Although these transformations occur in different ways, facing Death is a key step to our path. If Death is a hard subject for you, perhaps it's better to postpone this practice until you've already worked with Lilith for a while.

Find a nearby cemetery, where you feel comfortable to walk alone. Before entering, throw some coins as an offering to the spirits of guarding the cemetery. Ask permission and thank them for their services to the living and the dead.

Start at one point in the cemetery and go through it all, imagining Lilith by your side. Observe some gravestones: notice the names, birth/death dates, among other details. If a grave catches your eye, linger over it for a while, meditating about the person who's buuried there and what would their life have been like. Ask Lilith to help the soul of the deceased as well as helping you in your journey, too.

I did this several times. Strikingly, when I first time I practiced this, I hadn't the book yet, I was still discovering and trying to figure out about Her on my own. It was shockingly surprising to me when I bought the book (because the title having Lilith's name caught my eye at the bookstore) and was faced by the exact practice I did before.

As I said before, from a syncretic perspective, Lilith could be seen as Hekate with Her three supreme aspects: Crone (Agrat), Mother (Lilith Herself) and Maiden (Na'amah). The very figure of The Death is sometimes seen as a Goddess, such as Santa Muerte and Morana.

I hope this helps!

"Microsoft is Steaming Over Valve" | Weekly News Roundup Stream


#YouTube -

#Odysee -

#Rumble -

#DLive -

#Twitch -…

!!! NOTE !!! Switched To Linux is, “written by a broad spectrum computer consultant to help people learn more about the Linux platform.” This account is a supporter of @SwitchedToLinux and provides convenience posts of thumbnails art, videos and streams.

«Posts may contain hashtags as content may pertain to many distributions and/or related material/topics. Posts may be reposted, boosted, shared, etc. by bots and/or other accounts and are done so at the discretion of the bots/accounts that perform those actions. This account is not responsible for the action(s) of those bots and/or accounts. Therefore, Offended Discretion is advised.»

#SwitchedToLinux #Linux #Windows #Mac #AltTech #FOSS #YouTube #Odysee #Rumble #BitChute #Locals #DLive #Twitch #FactCheckTrue #Fediverse #Fedi22 #Fedi23 #Fedi24 #Microsoft #Steam #Valve

Question for friendica devs

Do you know if it is possible to implement a feature here where a user could upload their data from another platform (specifically Facebook) and get automatic "memories"-style posts (which they can choose whether or not to post) here on the anniversary dates of the old posts?

I think it would be a big selling point for people moving away from Meta to have such a feature. A lot of us spent the better part of 15 to 20 years there and don't want to lose everything.

in reply to j. Gavin Moore

I'm a web developer myself, and I don't think it would be too crazy of an ask, but I don't know anything about the format of a FB user data or post-history export.

This question was originally asked to me by @Julie (thanks!)

We have a strange democracy in America

Progressive and centrist Americans are apoplectic over of Trump's nominees, and the prospect that all (or almost all) will be confirmed. But this is how we do it. We elected Trump fair and square, and the president gets his cabinet. These hearings are not really a yes/no prospect most of the time. They serve a different purpose: To pave and shape the political arena that this presidency will operate in for the next few years. So the hearings are important, but they are not really there to decide who gets in each of these jobs.

#SeantHearings #Trump #Politics

Urgh. Should I maybe just stop using #touchscreen technology, until ... spring?

My fingers won't cooperate, and I accidentally … stuff. 😒

Or give those stylus things another go.
They're just one access point, though, so no "zooming", and the stylus tip ?dries out?
— and conveniently, I usually don't forget to bring my #fingers, but a stylus is easy to forget.

/has very #dry #winter #hands — I'm sorry for all the accidental 👎's

#finger #dryskin #winterhands


Just joined, any recommendations on who to follow?
in reply to fxomt

Only joined a week abo myself. 😆

Trying to figure out how this whole fediverse thing works - slowly getting into it.

But as mentioned above just look for some topical hashtags to follow.

in reply to ruedi

Friendica has been around for a long time, yet it feels like most users appeared recently lol

Feditips: Verwendung von Web-Apps

Hallo zusammen,

wie so viele bin ich #neuhier und erkunde das fediverse mit friendica. Dafür habe ich keine optimale IOS App gefunden und mich sehr über den feditip zur Web-App gefreut. Wusste bisher nicht, dass dies ein Unterschied zu einem schnöden Lesezeichen ist. Da ich nicht in der Lage war den Original-Beitrag zu teilen, hier der Link für alle Neulinge.…