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I just finished watching a wonderful three-part documentary about Vienna. Now, I'm caught between Strauss and lehar for waltzes! I like them both and have quite long files from each so that I can listen without switching songs. I also have a lovely concert of fortepiano! Decisions decisions.…

MERA25 braucht Deine HIlfe für Bundestagswahl 2025!

Mera25 wird zur Bundestagswahl 2025 antreten. Für bisher noch nicht im Bundestag vertretene Parteien bedeuten die vorgezogenen Neuwahlen ein bürokratisches Fiasko. Wir brauchen binnen aller kürzester Zeit bis zu 2000 Unterstützungsunterschriften pro Bundesland. Mit den Feiertagen und der Kälte kaum zu schaffen. Bitte helft uns: druckt die Formulare aus, verteilt sie an Familie und Freunde. Hier ist der Link der euch zum jeweiligen Bundesland führt: haben nur noch wenige Tage Zeit!

Sorry for the downtime and delays last few days

I am still trying to get the jobs being processed faster. It looks like something is wrong with that, I've opened a ticket at Friendica's Github about it (…)

While trying to troubleshoot/tune, I managed to get the site broken a few times.
Also, our hoster Hetzner had an issue today causing the server to go down.

Hopefully the downtime will be minimal from now on. Also I scaled up the server significantly. Now we just need a solution for the worker not working as it should (see beforementioned issue on Github) I hope you'll be patient :-)

Top 10 películas del 2024

Con ustedes las que consideramos las 10 mejores películas del 2024.
#xarliclub #peliculas #pelicula #peli #pelis #movies #movie #film #films #tv #cinemastodon #filmsky #Top10 #streaming…

এত সুন্দর একটা দুনিয়া কিন্তু দেখার সামর্থও আমার নেই। জীবনটাও মানুষের এত ছোট সামর্থ থাকলেও হয়ত দেখার মত সময় পাওয়া যেত না।

Consultation citoyenne CNRS

Comment les sciences peuvent-elles nous aider à construire le monde de demain ?

Consultation initiée par : CNRS

À la fois environnementaux, sanitaires, économiques et sociaux, les défis du monde contemporain sont multiples et complexes. Nos connaissances et savoir-faire sont eux-mêmes défiés et appelés à se renouveler constamment.

Dans ce contexte, la recherche joue un rôle primordial. Elle contribue à mieux appréhender cette complexité et à identifier les pistes de solutions les plus prometteuses.

C’est pourquoi le CNRS lance, avec, une grande consultation nationale. L’objectif est de mieux cerner les attentes citoyennes en matière de sciences.

Une question centrale guide cette démarche :
« Comment les sciences peuvent-elles nous aider à construire le monde de demain ? »

Participez a la consultation citoyenne en utilisant le len ci-dessous:…

#Science #cnrs #Consultation #citoyenne #consultationcitoyenne

Invest your money in planet preservation

Team for the planet is today's most sustainable investment for the future.

Team fir the planet's scores 36.5 certified tons of co2 released avoided in 2023…

team for the planet needs your help now: 4622 out of 5000 new shareholders objective for 2024 can be reached easily with your help.

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Join team for the planet as an investor for the future of our planet now. Everything is explained here:

Thanks for reposting this.

#teamfortheplanet #tftp #hse #environment #sustainability #shareholding #earth

"Archie, first crafted by Alan Emtage while a student at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, allowed for the searching of various 'anonymous' FTP servers around what was then a very small web of universities, researchers, and government and military nodes. It was groundbreaking; it was the first echo of the "anything, anywhere" Internet to come. And when The Serial Port went looking, it very much did not exist."…

New year, new pygmy hippo: A naming poll for this Virginia zoo baby is underway

Moo Deng and Haggis are joined by another slick, round supreme on the scene. Fans of the new baby can cast their vote to name her until New Year's Eve, with the winning name announced the next day.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Top 10 series del 2024

Con ustedes las que consideramos las 10 mejores series del 2024.
#xarliclub #peliculas #pelicula #peli #pelis #movies #tv #cinemastodon #filmsky #Top10 #series #streaming…

Worker issue causing Friendica.World to lag behind

We have an issue with the worker not going through the jobs fast enough, causing the instance to lag behind.
I'll create a ticket with Friendica and try to resolve this ASAP.
in reply to Ruud

Nice, apparently some updates from external fediverse accounts are not made since a week now.

The "HelloQuitteX" framework to help quitting X

David Chavalarias, Research Director at CNRS, the Centre for Social Analysis and Mathematics (CAMS) at EHESS, and Head of the Complex Systems Institute of Paris Île-de-France, explains that X (formerly Twitter) has become toxic since its acquisition by Elon Musk.

His CNRS laboratory has meticulously documented and quantified a significant increase in hostility within exchanges, exacerbated by the platform's algorithm. Musk has also abandoned moderation and leveraged X to promote far-right ideologies.

The HelloQuitteX collective aims to guide users toward decentralized platforms like Mastodon or BlueSky, which offer greater freedom. A key date, January 20, has been set to facilitate this transition.

Chavalarias emphasizes that HelloQuitteX is an apolitical and non-partisan initiative. Its goal is to denounce the political exploitation of user data while providing healthier alternatives. The project seeks to equip users with tools to regain control over their data and migrate to more ethical platforms.…

Editor's Note: the interesting article on Synthmedia below has the slight drawback of not being shareable on the Fediverse. However, the publishing platform does allow direct sharing on X. Quite ironic!

#X #HelloQuitteX #elonmusk #chavalarias


in reply to n816 Media

The collective cleverly plays on the notoriety of the iconic toy Hello Kitty to engage its audience. While Hello Kitty embodies the kawaii and commercial universe, HelloQuitteX subverts this well-known name to invite critical reflection, particularly on social media usage. The pun lies in the phonetics: "Hello Kitty" transforms into "Hello Quit X," suggesting a farewell to toxic digital practices, all while leveraging the familiarity of a globally recognized brand to make a lasting impression.