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Loops aims to be the #fediverse TikTok

We're building it for everyone, even those who may not care about federation!

The whole platform and discovery algorithm will be open source

But more importantly, I'm eager to implement better safety and moderation tools to empower users and admins to create more safe, healthy and sustainable communities.

We can do this better, without influencers 😎

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in reply to dansup

Well, I'm at least curious to see how this will develop, so here am i :twilightsheepish:

Increase the critical mass

Is there a way, or a plan we can we refer to in order to increase its critical mass of users???

I know is only a couple of days old,
I know every fediverse instance is connected, but I only found 7 members here.

If I can do something you think can improve this situation, please PM me.

P.S. for example, I have tried to register in Fedidb. Did not seem to have any effect.

This entry was edited (2 days ago)

Cătă reshared this.

in reply to ElChorten

Settings > account > security and privacy
It's the first setting there
in reply to ElChorten

Ah we now are in FediDB. I needed to check a setting somewhere apparently, by default we're not publishing statistics about the instance...…

ElChorten reshared this.

#CNRSocean 🌊 Jean-Pierre Gattuso, océanographe au @cnrs, et @FHoullier, président-directeur général de l’@Ifremer_fr, expliquent les enjeux du One Ocean Science Congress (#OOSC) organisé à Nice du 4 au 6 juin 2025 avant l'#UNOC3…

ElChorten reshared this.

ElChorten reshared this.

En l'absence de loi protégeant les points de captage d'eau potable, l'agence de l'eau de Loire-Atlantique, Atlantic'eau, en vient à proposer plus de 3 millions d’euros à 10 agriculteurs pour qu’ils arrêtent d’épandre des pesticides autour de ces périmètres. Une solution controversée face à la pollution de l'eau potable aux pesticides, à laquelle s'opposent fermement la FNSEA et la Préfecture…

Second volet de l'enquête sur la pollution de l'eau potable aux pesticides.…

ElChorten reshared this.

in reply to Basta!

Sensitive content

in reply to Basta!

Ce type de dispositif est dangereux pour les zélés défenseurs des pesticides. L'arrêt des pesticides chez certains agriculteurs pourrait prouver que l'on peut s'en passer sans plomber ses rendements et créer ainsi un précédent.

ElChorten reshared this.

We're incredibly proud to stand alongside the Social Web Foundation as a launch partner.

This is a huge step towards a more open, decentralized internet, and we're thrilled to be a part of it.

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ElChorten reshared this.

La Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) a-t-elle vraiment inondé de drogue les ghettos noirs de Los Angeles pour financer la contre-révolution au Nicaragua dans les années 1980 ?
À cette question, la série télévisée « Snowfall », répond par l’affirmative 🎥

ElChorten reshared this.

ElChorten reshared this.

From hype to reality.

Trustworthy, ethical, and responsible Artificial Intelligence can help Europe grow, improve public services, and solve societal problems.

This summer, we asked for your input on several issues, from transparency to copyright-related rules.

We will use the nearly 430 submissions received from industry, academia and civil society to finalise our Code of Practice for general-purpose AI and support the work of the AI Office.



#eu #ai
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in reply to European Commission

Will #chatcontrol AI, which is supposed to spy on 450 million Europeans, also be “trustworthy, ethical and responsible”?
in reply to European Commission

Trustworthy, ethical, and responsible Artificial Intelligence has yet to be invented. But that will never happen.

Friendica Support reshared this.

embed a link preview in friendica


Is there a mean to embed the sneak peak of a link form an external website inside a friendica post??

Plugin, app or something.

!Friendica Support

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in reply to ElChorten Friendica Support reshared this.

@ElChorten you can paste the Link into a post. If the website has opengraph support, a preview should appear
in reply to ElChorten Friendica Support reshared this.

thanks for your answer.

@Ruud --> suggestion ?

This entry was edited (3 days ago)

in reply to Wilhelm Friendica Support reshared this.

Thanks for info, I am discoverng this universe, not totally aware of the practices, probably because I am not a developper myself.
in reply to ElChorten Friendica Support reshared this.

If you want to show your interest in this feature it is helpful to thumbs up the issue on GitHub.
This entry was edited (2 days ago)

ElChorten reshared this.

Europe is charting the next frontier in digital innovation.

We are investing €65 million in quantum technologies to develop quantum chips for computing and sensing.

Today’s calls, the first of a series under the Chips Joint Undertaking, will help:

🏭 boost innovation and build Europe’s quantum tech supply chain;
⚛️ develop ‘trapped ions’ quantum chips to build large-scale quantum computers.

Our tech and industrial destiny is in our own hands.

Let’s make it a reality:!N9Km3f

ElChorten reshared this.

ElChorten reshared this.

La pêche illégale étrangère a doublé en Guyane depuis douze ans

Un rapport rendu public le 19 septembre confirme la prédation de la ressource halieutique dans les eaux territoriales de #Guyane par des navires venus des pays du plateau des Guyanes: Brésil, Guyana, Suriname et Venezuela. Sur les côtes comme en haute mer.

Un article de Katia Leï-Sam (Guyaweb)…

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