Conflict Resolution Techniques
Voila un vaste sujet mené tres professionnellement a l'event 'we are french touch' a la maison de la mutualité par Pierre Olivier Cazenave de Uzbek&Rica, Elsa Darquier Fournier de brut, catherine Spindler de Lacoste et Nathalie Sonnac de Pantheon Assas.
#brut #désinformation #fakenews #bpi #bpifrance #WeAreFrenchTouch #WeAreFrenchTouch2024
"M cells are not exclusive to Payer's patches but are also found in epithelia associated with lymphoid cell accumulations at 'antigen sampling' areas in other mucosal sites."
* Regeln des Spiels: Schnapp Dir das nächstliegende Buch.
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Elena. (she/ her) reshared this.
Mass Trainings for Civil Political Action
In times of crisis we need more people power — mass trainings are the key
For movements trying to harness the energy of political upheavals, mass training provides a crucial means to bring in new participants.Paul Engler (Waging Nonviolence)
Can anyone recommend an accessible course to learn html? It must work with NVDA. I've heard of Code Camp and W3Schools, but how accessible are they and how do they differ in content and style? I like courses with a structured approach, where things are explained i.e. a deductive and not an inductive approach. I usually don't need a tutorial, but I am fine with general instructions. In this case, though, exercises would be very beneficial. I am using this prior to beginning Part 2 of the Web Developer's course at Deque. I am not a developer, but they don't have one for accessibility testers.
#accessibility #blind #blindness #computing #DequeUniversity #html #learning #NVDA #programming #screenreaders #W3Schools
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Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
@Tech Singer Yes. The Toughpad is a tablet, so it would require a keyboard, since I don't use touchscreens. An actual Toughbook wouldn't, since those are laptops. This is the one I'm considering.
Panasonic Toughpad FZ-M1 MK3…
In any case, no harm done. We all get confused every now and then. smile
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
GitHub - vxiiduu/VxKex: Windows 7 API Extensions
Windows 7 API Extensions . Contribute to vxiiduu/VxKex development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
I'm intrigued by this little machine. It's small (even smaller than the Panasonic Toughpad FZ-M1 MK3 that I was considering), light, has built-in speakers and a microphone, several ports, including a 3.5mm, a usbc pd port, and even a built-in battery! This may very well be what I need. Oh, did I mention the price won't kill me, unlike the $600+ umpcs? Keep in mind that I don't care about screens or graphics, since I'm blind.
HDI DAY 2024
Le HDI Day, c'est demain à l'institut Imagine : "Données de santé, quelle(s)souveraineté(s) pour la France". Event organisé par MEDICEN, tic santé et tic Pharma et la revue Pharmaceutiques.
J'aurai le plaisir d'assister à cette 10ème édition.
We are french touch
Journée chargée demain, avec l'event "We are French Touch" (French Touch & BPI France). J'aurai également le plaisir d'assister à cette édition à la maison de la mutualité. Retrouvons nous sur l'application dédiée à l'event.
Vaste sujet mené tres professionnellement par Pierre Olivier Cazenave de Uzbek&Rica, Elsa Darquier Fournier de brut, catherine Spindler de Lacoste et Nathalie Sonnac de Pantheon Assas.
#brut #désinformation #fakenews
Thank you. I'm also working on figuring things out.
I'm trying to consolidate as many of my fediverse accounts as I can in to one place, and Friendica sounds like the right platform. It posts to BlueSky fine and I can read posts from some ActivityPub servers, but not my own ActivityPub server... I'm still working on why. My server comes up fine in FediDB.
Martineski likes this.
Nan Goldin makes powerful speech condemning Gaza ‘genocide’.
Nan Goldin makes powerful speech condemning Gaza ‘genocide’
Speaking at the launch of her retrospective exhibition at Berlin’s Neue Nationalgalerie, the artist took aim at Israel’s onslaught against Palestine and Lebanon: ‘Why are you afraid to hear this, Germany?’Dazed Digital
To make a very long story short, I am considering entering the field of accessibility. More specifically, website testing. For those interested, I wrote about it here. If you can offer any suggestions, recommendations, etc. either here or there, please do so. I would love to hear from you!…
The long story, for those who are interested in my background in technology and how I came to this decision, can be found here. My blind peers, in particular, may enjoy this, though it may also take you on a trip down memory lane.…
#accessibility #blind #BlindInstituteofTechnology #blindness #coding #computers #DequeUniversity #education #FreeCodeCamp #html #NVDA #screenreaders #technology #W3Schools #websites #Windows
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en 10 metros tenes entre 30 a 40 decodificaciones por pasa y haces 200 contactos por dia
Is there a way for me to filter out certain posts, such as vegan, politics, non-English, etc? I really have no interest in them, and in the last case, I can't understand them, and they're clogging up my timeline.
Either that or you need to intialise federation btw this community and your Mastodon instance.
(Update. I can't hit return to go down a line and add tags, links, etc. in TWBlue, either! It looks like I'll strictly use them for reading favourites.)
TweeseCake and TWBlue have many things in common. The one thing that TWBlue lacks is the ability to edit my posts. This is why I can't use it as my permanent client. Does anyone know if they intend to resolve this issue in the future? It also doesn't have the conversation thread option, but I'm not quite sure how that works. Seriously, though, why wouldn't such a basic thing as editing one's own posts not be included in a client that is supposed to be accessible to the blind? I am not sure I can edit my profile here, either, which I can do on TweeseCake. But I can't view my favourites there! They keep disappearing!
#accessibility #editing #editingposts #Friendica #profiles #TWBlue #TweeseCake
My favourites list just disappeared from TweeseCake. I was viewing it, then it stopped reading them and said "list" with numbers (6 of 210) as an example. Now, the list is completely empty! How do I view them on Friendica, or is there a way that I can get them back in TweeseCake?
#accessibility #favorites #favourites #Friendica #TweeseCake
[Gaza] Nan Goldin condemns Israel and calls out Germany in speech
Nan Goldin: "I was brought up knowing about the Nazi Holocaust. What I see in Gaza
reminds me of the progrom that my grandparents escaped. Never again means never again for everyone."
Install your own XMPP server - A tutorial with >3500 views!
Installation of an XMPP-based messenger using Movim as frontend and PROSODY as backend on Linux Debian 12 – A tutorial
I own a Brother HL-L2300D. I bought it for simplicity and ease of use. I am totally blind and don't need or want anything complicated. I just want to plug in my printer and print a document. I haven't yet had the chance to use it, but I've heard good reviews about it.
If I boost a post and then edit it to add my own comment, will it show in my boosted post? Most of the time, I boost things because I agree with them, find them interesting, etc. But sometimes, I disagree and would like to add my comments to it, rather than just post it without saying anything. At other times, I might have insight on a given topic, or I agree whole-heartedly with it and want to explain why. I often did this on Facebook. There is an option to edit my boosted post, but I'm not sure if it works.
I've been seeing a lot about lists, ordering timelines, etc. But this is all from the perspective of Mastodon. Does Friendica have such features? If so, can they be accessed via Tweesecake? I know there are friends and circles, etc. I never really researched it. But it would be great, for example, to put all of the posts from Caturday in a list, so I don't miss them. I might also add those who post a lot, in general, to a list, so that I can still follow them and also see posts from other people or pages.
I think it would be best for me to plant a container garden, since it would be easier to manage, particular not being able to see it. Some of gardening is visual, whereas some can simply be done by touch. But for those who want something a bit more traditional, this does sound interesting.
How to Plan a Kitchen Garden (Potager)…
#flowers #food #garden #gardening #herbs #kitchengarden #vegetables
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AMOC: 30% Abschwächung bis 2040
Neue Studie schockt - Atlantik-Kollaps! Fehler in Klima-Modellen aufgedeckt
Im Atlantik droht der Kollaps der wichtigsten Meeresströmungen. Dieser könnte nun noch früher eintreten, als bisher gedacht – mit verheerenden Folgen.Roman Palman (
Hmm how can I block an account so I don't see their posts in the local and global timelines anymore?
Some people post stuff that I don't agree with, but as long as it's not against the server rules (ahh, I still need to write those down...) I won't delete the account from the server.
Unknown parent • •