That's an overview, what the EU is right now.
I guess most people don't now this map.
But it is good to know, when we talk about EU territory.
When there are currently candidates to join with free will, there is no need to buyout islands.…
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Meowedith Grey
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Soap Operas and Me
When I was a kid we first got digital cable or satellite around 2000ish, and one of my favorite things to watch in those first years was all the reruns of old soap operas on SoapNet. I didn't understand what was going on like half the time, but I really enjoyed the drama nonetheless. So I guess I shouldn't be shocked that suddenly in my 30s as I am the weakest I've ever been to pure nostalgia in my life that I've suddenly developed an interest in soap operas again.
I've been watching Dark Shadows and looking for high enough quality versions of the Passions series that don't hurt my eyes as I loved the work by its creator as a kid and watching Dallas and deciding that next week there are a 1-3 daily soaps that I plan to start watching starting on Monday through a couple streaming services I have access to. When I do, I'm going to start doing a post about them once a week, minireviews I guess or documenting my path trying to catch up completely blind to what's happening initially anyway.
MeandererTN likes this.
"These APPS BETRAY Your WALLET!" | Weekly News Roundup Segment
#YouTube -
#Odysee -
#Rumble -
#Bitchute -…
!!! NOTE !!! Switched To Linux is, “written by a broad spectrum computer consultant to help people learn more about the Linux platform.” This account is a supporter of @SwitchedToLinux and provides convenience posts of thumbnails art, videos and streams.
«Posts may contain hashtags as content may pertain to many distributions and/or related material/topics. Posts may be reposted, boosted, shared, etc. by bots and/or other accounts and are done so at the discretion of the bots/accounts that perform those actions. This account is not responsible for the action(s) of those bots and/or accounts. Therefore, Offended Discretion is advised.»
#SwitchedToLinux #Linux #Windows #Mac #AltTech #FOSS #YouTube #Odysee #Rumble #BitChute #Locals #DLive #Twitch #FactCheckTrue #Fediverse #Fedi22 #Fedi23 #Fedi24 #WeeklyNewsRoundup
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So it seems like the server is up-to-date with the jobs. Now, let's slowly enable some features and see if the queue stays down.
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Mark reshared this.
There's still 1500 low-priority jobs that need to be done, but I don't know what it considers low-priority...
I would like to start a new hash tag called #CatStories and see how far it goes. (To my fellow blind friends, that's capital c, capital s). I think we can all have a bit of fun with it, even those of us who are not lucky enough to be owned by cats but who love them. Share a story of your cat or a cat whom you know, with or without a picture. It can be funny, heart-warming, silly, or even strange. Ideally, it would be true, but if you feel the urge to be creative, you may do so. This is meant to be light-hearted.
#cat #cats #CatsofMastodon #Caturday #fun #furbabies #hashtags #stories
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First Post!
My first post! Just kinda/sorta checking things out to see if this is a viable alternative to that shithole known as Facebook (Meta).
So far, it looks similar but has better privacy controls out-of-the-gate. I wonder how hard it will be to convince my Facebook folks to come here instead...?
I guess we'll find out... 🙂
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Wow...wasn't actually expecting anyone to respond to a test message, but thanks for the welcome!
@HollerPixie and others- I've played around in other parts of the Fediverse so as long as Friendica isn't too different, I should be able to figure things out. Or not. I guess we'll find out. 😀
Still finding my footing here but definitely friendlier than that "other" place. Nice to see. I lead a pretty dull-and-potato-like existence so I don't know how much activity you'll see here but you're welcome to stick around while I check things out. I also tend to hibernate during winter (it's cold up here in the Great White North). I do like my fishing, though, so maybe I'll toss a few fish photos up later for folks to enjoy.
Have a pleasant day!
HollerPixie likes this.
Political values test results found in a 2023 folder
Dieses Wochenende ist ein reines "Zeit für mich" Wochenende und da heißt es ich daddel mal etwas Konsole 😃.
Morgen geht es weiter 🤣.
Spiel: XCOM Enemy Unknown (UFO - Enemy Unknown)
Plattform: PlayStation 3
Erschien: 2012
#sony #ps3 #playstation #ufo #xcom #game #videogame #videospiel #zocken
in reply to Benny Boo • •Benny Boo likes this.
Benny Boo
in reply to Benny Boo • •MeandererTN likes this.