There is a well-known phenomenon that happens to those who write, I don't know if it's called "blank page problem", "blinking text cursor problem" or something else. It's when you open your favorite writing application and spend hours staring at a blinking cursor (you know, the vertical bar that indicates the current position where the next character will be inserted if you decide to type any letter) inside a blank document/text field.
It's not as if there were no ideas or thoughts going on within their minds, it's because they can't be translated into words... They could fully tap into their unconscious, a process called "stream-of-(un)consciousness", but it's easy said than done: try to describe the taste of chocolate without using "chocolate", "cacao", "sweet", "sweetener", "sugar", among similar terms, and you'll realize you simply can't do it.
And there are situations where the thing *can* be translated into words, but they *shouldn't* be. It's when they're aware of the possible unwanted consequences of expressing that thing, so they keep it restricted to their own thoughts. It's not as if they were thinking an unsavory thing, but they know that it can't be said out loudly.
One of those situations is when the thing is a secret. Say someone told them a very deep and serious secret. A secret so intricate that can't be expressed without compromising the secrecy of the thing (as well as the secrecy of the person who told the secret). It's like having to carry a heavy boulder, forever.
All of those situations will face the same things: a blank page, a blinking cursor and a desire that simply can't be fulfilled to express something that can't be said. It's uncomfortable, it's on the verge of the painful.
But wait: there's more! There's a worse scenario, a scenario I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. A scenario where those three situations happen simultaneously: it's a secret, it's a thing that have no words to express it, and it's a thing that can't be shouted out loudly.
Words have consequences. Actions have consequences. Yet holding things to oneself also has consequences. Internal pressure increases until it reaches critical state. One's brain will keep rehashing and rehashing it, it's inevitable. It's akin to a Cassandra curse: they have something going on inside their mind, yet nice/good reactions wouldn't be found if they decided to express it (supposing that they could translate it into words).
So they keep it to themselves, just as Cassandra. They're the only ones that could potentially understand it... or could they? It's where the situation becomes even worse: it's a thing that they can't understand by themselves, they need help to understand it, but they're forbidden to seek help to understand it, because they can't say it in the first place. Even when they have close friends or familiar people, they couldn't use their help, and these people probably wouldn't understand either.
And this is where it becomes the worst scenario: ain't no close friends to even consider the possibility of talking to, nor "far friends", no one. Maybe they should rely on LLMs? Lol, they can't "understand" a thing, they're just fancy auto-completing algorithms, they can't reason, they can't help with the ineffable. Neither can that writing app, which is still blank, while they lost count on how many times its cursor blinked. Ain't no one besides themselves to try to tell the thing.
This is the ineloquibilis scenario: can't be said, can't be held to oneself either...
Hello, and Welcome to Images By MEK in The Fediverse:
A bit over a decade ago I built a small following on Facebook. This was actually the first image I posted there:
Along with many others for reasons I won’t go into on this post, I felt the time had arrived to move to a different ‘verse for my creative content. The Fediverse.
And while many, many others have moved to the Pixelfed-verse (a terrific subset of the Fediverse ecosystem), I have decided to use the Friendica-verse instead.
Why? Well for starters, I like to tell stories when posting my Imagery. I like to share what was involved in the creation of it, perhaps share some background of the where/when/why that moment occurred, and maybe engage in a discussion with-like minded people. To me my images are also stories. And to do all that, a Facebook like format simply works better for me than an Instagram-like one.
But trust me, I am enjoying the ^%** out of all the content creators swarming to Pixelfed. But the beauty of the Fediverse is that all of this is connected together, and one approach to interacting and engaging with each other does not negate a different approach.
So, welcome to my little corner of the creative content world. Unlike Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Reddit, TikTok, X, etc… you will find no ads here. You will find no A.I. data mining. And hopefully you will find a greatly reduced pile of BS.
Let’s see if we can all do something special here. Together.
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Another federated medium: Bookwyrm
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Sunday Runday
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Lazy Sunday
First Post: Lazy Sunday day, got a ham in the slow cooker with some roasted veg in the oven while I work my way through the Star Trek Movies. The Undiscovered Country is next.
I actually wrote a longer thing about it (clicky-link), from my diaspora* account.
All platforms have their pros and cons ... for better or for worse. 🤷♀️
Wilhelmina58 likes this.
Musing about Tik Tok
It seems like an absurd joke to me that Tik Tok shut themselves down, practically begging for Vice President Trump's help. Now it seems it's back up and they thank the incoming VP.
I think this post over at Mastodon nailed it.
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Halyihev reshared this.
I got her back when we discussed how to utilize this for smaller groups to get out of Silicon Hell Valleys grip
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I think that the use of those three, you mention, should help alot of people feel more at home here
Sunshine likes this.
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Hello! 👋
#patchwork/#quilting: ...
#pottery: ...
#reading #books: ✅
#gardening: ...
#krokning (a.k.a. #TunisianCrochet ): ✅
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if not: *wth*
2025 Goals for Social Media
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Tartalmas énidő segédlet
Fél éve lettem 43 éves, azon az éjszakán felriadtam álmomból és rádöbbentem milyen sokféle nő v...BányászDoris (
BányászBerci likes this.
"Életem női" címmel, kiscsoportos női workshopot tartunk Budapesten
Képzeld el, hogy egy különleges vacsorára készülsz és még különlegesebb vendégeket vársz.
Érezhető ahogy pezseg a véred, ahogy ver a szíved és vele lüktet az egész tested, a lélekzeted szapora és mély.
Mert olyan fényes társaság gyűlik össze nálad hamarosan, most először és talán utoljára akiket mindig is ismertél! Akik mind másfélék és mégis egy valami teljesen közös bennük:
Ők azok a nők, akik egyszer már mind voltál! A kislány, a serdülő, a kisasszony, az önmegvalósító, a naív, az anya, a feleség, a barátnő, a csalódott, a szerelmes, a tündér és a papnő is és kitudja még hányféle voltál már.
Életed Női ők, mind hoznak neked valamit, a legkülönlegesebb ajándékokat, amit csak ők tudnak adni Neked. Ebből svédasztalt készítesz magatoknak és megláthatod:
Ez Így Egy Siker Történet! A tied💗
Erre készülünk Rozina Göncző -vel, február elsején várunk szeretettel Budapesten!
Még lehet jelentkezni:…
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Felnőttek beszélgetnek:
- félek! -mondta.
- tudom! - válaszoltam.
- akkor most mit csináljunk? -kérdezte.
- amit tudunk! - mondtam.
- hogy érted ezt? - kérdezte.
- megyünk tovább és kiderül! - mondtam.
- így? félve? -kérdezte.
- így! - mondtam.
- vigyázol rám? -kérdezte.
- nem! - mondtam.
- miért? -kérdezte.
- nem tudok! -- mondtam.
- felnőttek vagyunk, ugy-e? -kérdezte.
- felnőttek! - mondtam.
BányászBerci likes this.
Bound In Smoke
This is the cover for the WIP (Work in Progress). Bound in Smoke is the first book of a new series for me and a new genre. It's going to be more in the Romantasy genre. My readers know this book is really, really late. I'm in the final stages of tidying things up so I can send it to my editor.
I'll say more about the book in the near future.
Anachronology likes this.
in reply to leastaction • • •Sunshine likes this.