Scott M. Stolz
»"Don't be afraid of losing people. Be afraid of losing yourself by trying to act like everyone around you...."« -- Tim
☑️ "10 minuter och 38 sekunder i en märklig värld" av Elif Shafak
("10 minutes and 38 seconds in this strange world", översättning från engelska av Klara Lindell)
Om utanförskap, gemenskap, kärlek, makt, självförebråelse, orsaker, verkan, viljor, drömmar, tankar. Och frihet. Ofrihet och frihet.
I've #read "10 minutes and 38 seconds in this strange world", by #ElifShafak
(translated into #Swedish, by #KlaraLindell).
About exclusion, community, love, power, self-reproach, causes, effects, wills, dreams, thoughts. And freedom. Deprivation of freedom, and freedom.
#bok #läsa #läst #läsning #svenska #bibliotek #lån #epub #book #reading #library #böcker #books
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Flamenco Funk
02/10/16 - Op shop dig from yesterday. Interesting version of In The Year 2525. #cratedigging👌👌
I used to take chances on op-shop records like this, until experience taught me that it's rarely worth it and I might as well save my money. I rarely even look at op shop records any more.
Nothing much funky at all about this LP and I reckon I'm having to dig deep (no pun intended) to say something positive about it at the time. Suffice to say, it's not been out of its sleeve since this picture was taken.
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