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Haha! She used one of the shots that blocks 🟠🀑 behind a pillar. πŸ˜„ Carter Center did the same thing.
RIP Jimmy Carter

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Foto plaatsen op een bedrijfspagina via upload

Hoe maak je van een kale stenen muur een kunstwerk ? Met een prachtige muurschildering zoals deze. Ken je ook van die mooie voorbeelden?

Hello World

So here's my first post here! I'm evaluating this as an alternative for my friends, maybe as my parents' friends. Is there anything I should know?


Time for an #introduction!

Hi - I'm Michael, and I'm a photographer who lives near Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. My photography is mostly nature and landscape oriented though I'll photograph almost anything (but not usually people). I sell my photography as prints and rights managed licenses.

My #photography website with my blog and image library can be found here:

#Introduction #photos

Jan 19
BMPH3 Trail 1971 - Burns Night Trail!
Sun 2:00 PM Avenue du Soldat Britannique 29 1070 Anderlecht

🎢Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind
And may this year not suck as much
As the last five years combined

Yes, Burns Night is almost upon us! And since next week’s run actually is on Australia Day (26/1), we’re already celebrating Robert Burns with a trail with a trail and a song this week. So this Sunday, adorn your outfit with a touch of Scottishness or poetry, in honour of the great Scottish bard!

Kilty as Charged

Rumple Foreskin

The car park of the Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Vreugde Kerk (Avenue du Soldat Britannique 29, 1070 Anderlecht).
50.815826, 4.283149

Public Transport:
STIB stop Eddy Merckx (metro 1 and 5, bus 74) is just 260m from the start.

10,3 km to for the bulls, 8,1 km for the chickens, and 6,7 km for the walkers. Loads of shiggy, but if you’re lucky it will be frozen…

Martijn attends.

This is why we all need to get off platforms owned by tech bros…

As I stake my claim in this particular wild west, how fitting to be rewatching "Deadwood" right now...

β€œI may have fucked my life up flatter than hammered shit, but I stand here before you today beholden to no human cocksucker.”
- Whitney Ellsworth, Deadwood S01E01

New to Friendica

I'm new to Friendica because I want an alternative to Facebook

"Siri, Stop Listenening To Me!" | Weekly News Roundup Segment

#YouTube -

#Odysee -

#Rumble -

#Bitchute -…

!!! NOTE !!! Switched To Linux is, β€œwritten by a broad spectrum computer consultant to help people learn more about the Linux platform.” This account is a supporter of @SwitchedToLinux and provides convenience posts of thumbnails art, videos and streams.

Β«Posts may contain hashtags as content may pertain to many distributions and/or related material/topics. Posts may be reposted, boosted, shared, etc. by bots and/or other accounts and are done so at the discretion of the bots/accounts that perform those actions. This account is not responsible for the action(s) of those bots and/or accounts. Therefore, Offended Discretion is advised.Β»

#SwitchedToLinux #Linux #Windows #Mac #AltTech #FOSS #YouTube #Odysee #Rumble #BitChute #Locals #DLive #Twitch #FactCheckTrue #Fediverse #Fedi22 #Fedi23 #Fedi24 #siri

Tech Cyborg reshared this.


I'm new here and trying out Friendica as an alternative to Facebook. There's clearly a bit of a learning curve but I'm sure I'll figure it out . Now if I can just convince most of my FB friends to make the move too!

NataliaTheDrowned2 reshared this.

in reply to Kristi H.

Oh boy, same. Keeping myself somewhat anonymous until I get the lay of the land.

Bringing people over from fb will be a task, but the signup process doesn't seem any harder (maybe even easier in some ways). And even Facebook started out once upon a time as a limited social media site. I remember when you had to be associated with a university to get an account.

informapirata ⁂ reshared this.

in reply to Ample Rhetoric

@ample Welcome to Friendica!

The most important thing is not to rush and to stay calm and patient.

Here I wrote a guide in Italian, but with any automatic translator you should understand everything:…

For the love of fuck, people, the expression is "set foot", not "step foot" or "stepped foot".

La habitaciΓ³n de a lado.

La habitaciΓ³n de a lado. Nos cuenta la historia de una rivalidad que se convierte en amistad, siempre esperamos ver la puerta abierta.
#xarliclub #movie #movies #cine #cinema #film #films #peli #pelis #pelicula #peliculas #tv #cinemastodon #filmsky 🎬…


Starting here, what do you want to remember?
How sunlight creeps along a shining floor?
What scent of old wood hovers, what softened
sound from outside fills the air?

Will you ever bring a better gift for the world
than the breathing respect that you carry
wherever you go right now? Are you waiting
for time to show you some better thoughts?

When you turn around, starting here, lift this
new glimpse that you found; carry into evening
all that you want from this day. This interval you spent
reading or hearing this, keep it for life –

What can anyone give you greater than now,
starting here, right in this room, when you turn around?

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β - William Stafford

reshared this

Anyone play the NYT games?

Strands #314
β€œSay when ...”

In The Lost Lands

Dave Bautista y Mila Jovovich protagonizan #InTheLostLands basada en la historia corta de George R.R. Martin
#xarliclub #movie #movies #cine #cinema #film #films #peli #pelis #pelicula #peliculas #tv #cinemastodon #filmsky 🎬 @lostlandsmovie…


Ik ben lid van een groep Lokale Ondersteuning en daar staan een paar tips in het Nederlands. Die informatie lijkt van 4 jaar geleden.

Lokale ondersteuning [link opent in nieuw tabblad]

Mijn bevindingen op Friendica

Opstarten van een account op Friendica

Ik vind het lastig om de eerste aanmelding te doen. Het is nogal zoeken naar de juiste server, informatie is vooral in het Engels en nogal gericht op technische mensen.

Eenmaal binnen

Nu ik een account heb kunnen maken, vind ik al veel opties vrij gemakkelijk door de icoontjes. Maar echt gemakkelijk vind ik het nog niet. Een Nederlandse handleiding zou erg welkom zijn. Zou die bestaan?

Vinden van mogelijke vrienden

Ik vind het lastig om mogelijke vrienden te vinden. Ik vond een persoon via Mastodon, een andere op naam (ik ken hem al jaren via LinkedIn) en verder heb ik gezocht in de Friendica-gebruikersgids op "Nederlands".

When life throws you a rainy day, play in the puddles.
- A.A. Milne

reshared this

Where are all the canoe paddlers and kayakers?

Is it possible they're all hanging out on Facebook, Insta or X? That would be very scary. πŸ₯Ά

#paddling #canoe #canoeing #kajak #kayak #kayaking

Sport Feed reshared this.

in reply to DoSe

I just recently added conoeing to the tags I follow. But you're right, there's not a lot of action here. I like it that way. I don't want to spend hours scrolling. Three kayak pictures, two canoes, and about 20 mountain pictures. And then I put the phone away.
in reply to Eric Phelps

@Eric Phelps Well, I'm less interested in looking at pictures and more in an exchange between paddlers all over Europe. There are many local groups of kayakers in Germany, but active canoeists are rare here and widely spread across the country. Unfortunately, everyone seems to want to keep hanging out at meta. And of course, it's much nicer outside than on the net. 8)
