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From‬ on Bluesky

"Hello everyone! We compiled a list of Trans Inclusive / LGBTQIA+ health resources. Normally we wouldn't ask for engagement, but sharing this around would be deeply appreciated. Remember: You're not alone. We'll endure."…

#MedSky #LGBTQIA+ #TransRights #HumanRights

nice lady looking back at you!

I am becoming comfortable with Krita gradually. there is something very soothing about painting portraits in this loosely structured portraits.

Hope you like it!

my yt channel, have a look
#art #digitalart #portraitart #painting #krita #speedpainting

L'UE révolutionne l'accès aux données de santé : Un pas de géant vers une Europe médicale sans frontières

L'Union européenne franchit une étape décisive dans la transformation numérique des soins de santé avec l'adoption du règlement sur l'Espace européen des données de santé (EHDS) le 21 Janvier 2025.

Ce texte novateur, ayant été une large majorité par le Parlement européen le 24 avril 2024, promet de redéfinir l'accès et le partage des informations médicales à travers le continent.

Au cœur de cette initiative se trouve la volonté de faciliter l'accès des citoyens européens à leurs données de santé électroniques, qu'ils se trouvent dans leur pays d'origine ou dans un autre État membre. Cette avancée majeure permettra non seulement une continuité des soins lors des déplacements au sein de l'UE, mais offrira également aux patients un contrôle accru sur l'utilisation de leurs informations médicales.

L'EHDS ne se limite pas à améliorer les soins individuels ; il ouvre également de nouvelles perspectives pour la recherche médicale et l'innovation en santé. En permettant aux chercheurs et aux décideurs politiques d'accéder à des données de santé sécurisées et anonymisées, le règlement promet d'accélérer le développement de nouveaux traitements, en particulier pour les maladies rares qui touchent 30 millions d'Européens.

La mise en œuvre de l'EHDS s'accompagne de garanties solides en matière de protection des données personnelles. Le règlement prévoit la création d'autorités de santé numérique dans chaque pays membre, chargées de veiller à l'application des nouvelles dispositions. De plus, les patients auront la possibilité de s'opposer à l'accès à leurs données, sauf pour des fins d'intérêt général strictement encadrées.

Avec une entrée en application progressive sur les 2 à 6 prochaines années, l'EHDS représente un défi d'adaptation pour les systèmes de santé nationaux, mais aussi une opportunité sans précédent. En harmonisant les réglementations à l'échelle européenne, ce règlement pose les fondations d'un écosystème de santé numérique plus intégré, plus efficace et plus innovant, promettant des avancées significatives dans la qualité des soins pour tous les citoyens européens.

Lien vers le nouveau règlement (en français) :…

#SantéNumérique #EHDS #InnovationMédicale #DonnéesDeSanté #UESanté #EHDS

My music - latest track

Just a reminder my latest track, Ambient 1#C is now out.

Available here:…

On all good streaming sites, soundcloud, bandcamp and videos on Makertube, Loops and Youtube.

Do share, follow, like...

Sign up for my newsletter at… where you will get access to more tracks. Its free and I won't spam you!


New here | Has Diaspora* become marginalized?

I decided to have a look at Friendica, as I noticed that Diaspora* often is ignored in the recent spate of articles about alternatives for Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X and the like. Also I noticed that Diaspora* is not fully integrated in the Fediverse.

Still finding out the ins and outs of Friendica.

(My Diaspora* account)

Tags: #english #social media #meta #facebook #twitter #x #tiktok #big tech #instagram #threads #mastodon #fediverse #diaspora*

"Manjaro Plasma - A Quick Look"


#YouTube -

#Odysee -

#Rumble -

#Bitchute -…

!!! NOTE !!! Switched To Linux is, “written by a broad spectrum computer consultant to help people learn more about the Linux platform.” This account is a supporter of @SwitchedToLinux and provides convenience posts of thumbnails art, videos and streams.

«Posts may contain hashtags as content may pertain to many distributions and/or related material/topics. Posts may be reposted, boosted, shared, etc. by bots and/or other accounts and are done so at the discretion of the bots/accounts that perform those actions. This account is not responsible for the action(s) of those bots and/or accounts. Therefore, Offended Discretion is advised.»

#SwitchedToLinux #Linux #Windows #Mac #AltTech #FOSS #YouTube #Odysee #Rumble #BitChute #Locals #DLive #Twitch #FactCheckTrue #Fediverse #Fedi22 #Fedi23 #Fedi24 #Manjaro #Plasma

Hello, World!

I'm fleeing Facebook and corporate owned platforms in general. Discovering the Fediverse, which I am loving so far. This is how I always envisioned the internet, a decentralized environment where users are in control of what they see and how content is moderated. I shouldn't be forced to support Nazi shit just because the corporation who owns the platform I'm using is throwing their weight behind a Nazi.

I am most active on BlueSky but I plan to become more integrated into the Fediverse. I don't see myself ever going back to corporate internet. This also feels more like the old internet, you'll know what I mean if you're older than 30.

We have nothing to lose but our chains! ✊

We can't let Trump style politics — attacking and scapegoating the most vulnerable — take over Canada.


"We can't let Trump style politics — attacking and scapegoating the most vulnerable — take over Canada.

That most Canadians want to have a fair, diverse, and equitable country is what makes us great. Of course we still have work to do.

But there are people fighting to ruin that.

We report on the far-right — movements that harbour racism and other forms of hate — because they hurt people and they are incompatible with our democracy.

Trump embraces the far-right. They fight in his name. They stormed the capital for him and he rewarded the J6 rioters with pardons.

There are Trump supporters here in Canada too. Activists who want to keep 2SLGBTQ+ books out of classrooms. Science deniers. People who want to deport our neighbours.

Some of them wave flags and disrupt school board meetings. Some of them wear suits and do politics.

Things are about to change dramatically in Canada, and not for the better. Keep an eye on your local school board and municipal elections. Connect with your community. Make sure that politicians who sound like Trump don’t get elected.

And check out our guides on How To Build an Anti-Hate City (… ), or this one, on how to have a safe and effective demonstration against hate (… ).

Here’s how you can use libraries as a place to build community against the far-right (… ). Or how to resist when anti-2SLGBTQ+ candidates try to take over your local school board (… ).

From everybody at the Canadian Anti-Hate Network — thank you for your support.

Canadian Anti-Hate Network "

#trump #nevertrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #worldpolitics #antihate #canpol #canpolitics #abpol #abpolitics #enoughisenough

Thomas Embree reshared this.

in reply to Suzanne

Hear, hear. Fuck Trump. The issue, imo, is political conservatism. That is where all this bullshit is coming from. We need to stop pretending that conservatism is a valid alternative to other political views. It is just a vehicle for hate, division, and ruin.

I posted this on my #Mastodon feed a short while ago

Just sent an email to the local BBC offices*, asking why they are still using X and Facebook etc. for social media.

*if I get a reply I know it will be corporate!

#BBC #SocialMedia #X #Twitter #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp #Threads #WhyAreYouStillUsing

I also sent a slightly altered email to both the local council and the county council
#SouthRibbleBoroughCouncil #SRBC LancashireCountyCouncil

This is a copy of the email

In light of the recent outbursts by the owner of X, twitter as used to be, asking if the United Kingdom should be liberated, then his rants against Ministers of His Majesty's Government and his use of what is known as the Nazi or Roman salute at Donald Trump's inauguration, should you still be using his 'services' as he becomes more and more blatantly fascist in his views? Similarly, should you still be using Meta groups social media, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Threads, In light of their owner rolling back rules around hate speech and abuse.

Thank you for reading
Looking forward to you response.

Just another facebook refugee

Now that the Cenobite Engineer Mark Zuckerberg has come out of his closet as a Nazi, it was time to say goodbye to facebook which has become a haven for idiocy and untruthfulness. I have tried a numer of different platforms, but for now Friendica seems to be most suitable for my needs:

1) Decentralized structure.
2) Ability to store photos.

I am still trying to figure out if I can create groups in thus program.