Tuinieren - amaryllus
Een amaryllis opnieuw laten bloeien (met afbeeldingen) - wikiHow
Een amaryllis opnieuw laten bloeien. Amaryllisbloemen verschijnen doorgaans in de winter of de lente en bloeien enkele weken voordat ze verwelken. In vergelijking met de meeste andere bloemen zijn amaryllisbollen eenvoudig te stimuleren om...Ben Barkan (wikiHow)
Tuinieren - klimroos
How to Plant and Grow Climbing Roses
Get cottage garden style when you learn to grow climbing roses. They add abundant flowers when grown on pillars, fences, arbors, and gazebos.Lynn McAlpine (Better Homes & Gardens)
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Weg bij Facebook - overgenomen bericht - zomaar op straat een fijne verrassing
Vandaag beleefde ik iets moois in Gemeente Baarn.
Mijn vriendin Renas kreeg van de burgemeester haar officiële toekenning van het Nederlandse staatsburgerschap!
Dat op zich was al een feestelijke gebeurtenis!Toen wij het Gemeentehuis uitkwamen en in de Laanstraat liepen, feliciteerde ik Renas nog eens extra en zei; nu ben je een echte Nederlandse.
Een mevrouw die vlak bij ons liep, hoorde dat en feliciteerde haar spontaan. Dat was op zich al heel erg leuk!
toen wij in de koffiewinkel met elkaar (5 mensen) koffie dronken om het Nederlanderschap van Renas te vieren, stapte opeens diezelfde mevrouw weer op ons af en zei dat ze het zo fijn vond voor Renas, dat ze haar en ons op de koffie trakteerde (alle 5) om te laten zien dat er in Nederland óók vriendelijke mensen zijn.
dan ben je even stil en blij. Dank je wel onbekende mevrouw, je hebt ons vandaag een heel mooi cadeau gegeven.
Weg bij Facebook - overgenomen bericht - Tonke Dragt
Na bijna 60 jaar eindelijk het vervolg!
Wat een heerlijk verhaal van Tonke Dragt blijft dit toch. Aanrader voor ieder kind dat van avonturen houdt. (en volwassenen ook hoor).
Gekocht bij Boekhandel Den Boer Baarn in Baarn waar ze nog niet wisten dat er op Facebook een Fanclub van Tonke Dragt is.
Toen ik dat vertelde, zei de mevrouw aan de kassa direct: Dat is goed om te weten, dan kunnen we andere lezers dat ook vertellen.
Ter plekke verzon ik ook de oplossing voor mijn dilemma "wat gebeurt er na mijn dood met mijn verzameling boeken van Tonke Dragt?"
War. War never changes... the weapons change; the strategies, the whos and whys. Yet War stays the same... so long as one man has what another has not , conflicts arise, conflicts which lead to deaths; deaths to retaliation...
It is in this cycle you find yourselves, a group of friends traveling through Cuenca in search of something... something to bring people together. But what will it be? Your road lays long ahead of you....
(I am excited to announce the beginning of the journey my friends are taking. A tabletop adventure set in our little slice of the world. I DON'T have a firm starting date but I will use this space to share both the adventure as it unfolds and some BTS info and tid-bits. The goal in the end is to livestream the sessions for people to watch ala Critical Roll/Dimention20. But this is still early days. So watch this space.)
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Testing out this new world
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Natürlich kannte ich den Dünnschnabel-Brachvogel nicht, aber es macht mich traurig zuzuschauen wie sich unsere Welt verändert. Leider nicht zum positiven.…
Artensterben: Erstmals in der Neuzeit europäische Vogelart für ausgestorben erklärt
Der Dünnschnabel-Brachvogel ist ausgestorben. Zuletzt wurde er in den 1990er-Jahren gesichtet. Er ist damit die erste europäische Vogelart, die in der Neuzeit ausstirbt.Lissy Kleer (ZEIT ONLINE)
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De pijlers onder onze beschaving worden gesloopt, waar denk je dat dit toe gaat leiden? 🧐
Zorgen over niveau Nederlands muziekonderwijs, 'aanwas jong talent stagneert'
Humanists UK (
Meet Nicole, a dedicated humanist school speaker making a difference in Leicester! In this inspiring interview (we'll pop in a link below), she shares her experiences engaging with students, the personal impact of her work, and the importance of prom…Bluesky Social
Railroad Simulator Review: Open Rails
Open Rails - Free train simulator project
This is the official home of Open Rails with news and links to content, vendors and the community. Open Rails is a totally free train simulator that supports the world’s largest range of rail
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Dark days ahead.
Then you be as clumsy and in their way as possible.
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Scott M. Stolz
»"Don't be afraid of losing people. Be afraid of losing yourself by trying to act like everyone around you...."« -- Tim
☑️ "10 minuter och 38 sekunder i en märklig värld" av Elif Shafak
("10 minutes and 38 seconds in this strange world", översättning från engelska av Klara Lindell)
Om utanförskap, gemenskap, kärlek, makt, självförebråelse, orsaker, verkan, viljor, drömmar, tankar. Och frihet. Ofrihet och frihet.
I've #read "10 minutes and 38 seconds in this strange world", by #ElifShafak
(translated into #Swedish, by #KlaraLindell).
About exclusion, community, love, power, self-reproach, causes, effects, wills, dreams, thoughts. And freedom. Deprivation of freedom, and freedom.
#bok #läsa #läst #läsning #svenska #bibliotek #lån #epub #book #reading #library #böcker #books
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Flamenco Funk
02/10/16 - Op shop dig from yesterday. Interesting version of In The Year 2525. #cratedigging👌👌
I used to take chances on op-shop records like this, until experience taught me that it's rarely worth it and I might as well save my money. I rarely even look at op shop records any more.
Nothing much funky at all about this LP and I reckon I'm having to dig deep (no pun intended) to say something positive about it at the time. Suffice to say, it's not been out of its sleeve since this picture was taken.
Sunshine likes this.
Friendica's quite a comfortable platform. I get the feeling I could get used to this pretty quickly - and it's compatible with a lot of existing apps for Mastodon and others.
I'm coming from the whole micro-blogging experience, and over the years I've fallen into this habit of using hashtags and numbered posts to chain long threads together to track certain topics. I felt Mastodon and others did this incredibly well compared to even Twitter so I fit right in.
How would I keep posts together along certain issues or topics here?
I'll point out that I see people chaining their posts together on Mastodon from my Friendica account. But those chained posts are indented further and further, much like an email. I suspect if I did the same with long standing chains of posts, the indents would eventually lose meaning.
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Great Speeches From The Diapora - The Man With A Dream
Here are some of the greatest speeches from around the world, long with poetry and other
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@Max Riethmuller I can't follow bridgy either with my page. But if they have an account on Bluesky already, they can add their credentials in the settings and sync their follows and their feed to the Friendica one (essentially seeing it as another federated platform). The only requirement is for the server to have the bluesky addon installed (yours has, as I saw).
different friendica instances
Hmm, I don't really know much about their moderation or stuff. I remember that there was a more free speech one called (my server has it blocked). But that seems to be gone now.
Generally people are chill and there's not been that much activity until now.
From a technical standpoint, if you go to instance.address/friendica
you can see its version and the addons it has installed, as well as an about section and all the blocked servers (and the reason).
Back when I chose mine, it was one of the first 5 instances. Some also offer an XMPP service with the same address as Friendica, like mine.
Max Riethmuller likes this.
Thanks for that, appreciate it. At the moment it's not just bridgy (I see my bluesky posts turn up here), it's federating out to any other instances (mastodon instance even). For example If I post on mastodon or bluesky, it turns up here ( fine. ut my posts here don't turn up on mastodon. My mastodon user is following my friendica user, and vice versa. But just nothing turns up on mastodon. Apparently there is an issue they are working on atm. But I'm keen to see if there are any other friendica instances that are reliable.
The other thing that occurred to me is maybe there's a lot of new users fronting up on, refugees from facebook or x, and they will eventually ramp up the resources and sort the problem. So it's probably just temporary. Just unfortunate timing for me. And if I'm going to try and onboard my friends to friendica, I'd be wanting to do it on an instance on which federation is working properly.
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The irony of banning China for using it's carmakers to spy on drivers, when US carmakers spy on drivers.
Tesla workers shared sensitive images recorded by customer's cars. GM sharing driver behaviour without explicit consent with insurers resulting in hikes in insurance premiums for some drivers. Etc etc.…
US finalizes rule to effectively ban Chinese vehicles, which could include Polestar
The Biden administration finalized rules to ban the sale or import of connected vehicles from China, which could have a significant impact on companies like Polestar and Waymo.Andrew J. Hawkins (The Verge)
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@Sunshine add Hubzilla and Streams to the mix for more bruises and blood.
Edit: my God, I just remembered! my comment contains the word "blood" in it, can you imagine? 😱😱 That means I would have been banned on it by the automod on Facebook for gore and violence. All while not caring about actual violence and gore reported by the users themselves.
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And your comment got an "Filtered word: gore [reveal/hide]" toggle, because I added that filter myself! 😅
(I should add "violence" to it, as well.)
So ... the filter works fine for text, and I just had to click the toggle to reveal its content, but what are the chances of people sharing pictures actually tagging their posts correctly? 🤔
(It says "filtered word", but does it auto-tag pictures as well? ... aaand I don't really want to "try" that one out.)
02/10/16 - The first IG post I ever made was a shot of some Cumbia 7" singles. ('Fat stack of cumbia ready to be spun this afternoon #disocfuenteslabel')
I was planning to spin them at a local BYO vinyl afternoon session. I'd bought a handful of singles from someone in Venezuela (I think), and they were all fantastic.
I'd got into Cumbia in the eighties, when I'd been walking through Camden Market and heard the tune off the coffee advert (La Colegiala), and picked up a Discos Fuentes compilation tape as a result.
Years later, on the radio show, we used to play a lot of the electronic stuff, including that made by Melbourne's Cumbia Cosmonauts and we had a fantastic afternoon at one of their parties once. Never really understood why Cumbia doesn't have the reach of, say, Ska, in the anglosphere - not being sung in English, I suppose.
Mel Turnbull
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